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What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()

produces higher margins than product sales along


generate recurring revenue


strengthens customer loyalty


renews automatically for the lifetime of the product


helps customers speed architectural planning and design


eliminates network problems


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()Aproduces higher margins than product sales alongBgenerate recurring revenueCstrengthens customer loyaltyDrenews automatically for the lifetime of the productEhelps customers speed architectural planning and designFeliminates network problems” 相关考题
考题 Product advertising is an important part of marketing. It aims at increasing sales by making a product or service known to a wider audience, and by emphasizing its positive qualities. A company can advertise in various ways, depending on how much it wishes to spend. There are different media for advertising including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and direct mail. The design and organization of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agency. A good advertising program tells potential customers why they need the product, how it is used and the benefits derived from its use. A successful program also tells the consumer how the product is better than similar offerings by competitors.Corporate advertising is not directly concerned with increasing the sales of a particular product or service, but more with the brand image and reputation a company wants to present to the general public or within an industry. Corporate advertising comes in three different types image advertising, opinion advertising and investment advertising. Image advertising attempts to promote the importance of a company. Opinion advertising presents the impression of doing a public service by addressing the importance of a company. Investment advertising is designed to attract potential investors. DECIDE IF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F).1. Generally, an advertising agency is responsible for designing and organizing a product’s advertisement.()2. It is not necessary to consider the budget of an advertisement in choosing a media for advertising.()3. According to the text, there are three types of media used in advertising.()4. Product advertising is different from corporate advertising.()5. This passage is mainly about the history of advertising.()

考题 What is a primary partner benefit of selling services?() A. easier customer sales cycleB. increased marginsC. fewer customer call backsD. available financing options

考题 What are three benefit that the Smart Business Architecture provides to customers?() A.enables efficient customer serviceeffctivenessB.provides anempowered fronline workforceC.createsA more informed management.D.generates customer-specific configurationsE.automatically matches customer needs to solutionsF.provides an ROI analysis for decision-makers

考题 If the current and wind are in opposite directions,the sea surface represents ______.A.a greatly reduced wind speedB.a higher wind speed than what really existsC.a lower wind speed than what really existsD.more turbulent winds

考题 What is true about Imex System Inc.?A.Many of its customers have a high speed connection B.It was the first Internet service provider in Lofton City C.The prices of many of its items were recently reduced D.It offers cheaper Internet Service than Interspeed

考题 资料:Early Experiences If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of? Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location. Maturity Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers. Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness. If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value. What does approximate customers mean?A.The nearest customers B.The virtual customers C.People that pretend to be customers D.The VIPs

考题 资料:Early Experiences If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of? Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location. Maturity Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers. Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness. If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value. What is the main idea of this excerpt?A.You need to get rid of all unneeded features or functionality. B.You need to tailor to the need to mature users. C.Your own assumptions are relevant. D.You need actual users to test your products.

考题 资料:Early Experiences If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of? Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location. Maturity Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers. Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness. If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value. Which of the following is true?A.You should separate new and mature customers in testing your products. B.Approximate customers are equally valuable as real users. C.Salespeople have a lot of customer contact, so they have the same motivations as customers D.Usability test aims to please the customers

考题 资料:Early Experiences If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of? Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location. Maturity Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers. Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness. If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value. Which of the followings is not mentioned as something you should care about?A.streamlined interface B.free of redundant functionality C.Benefit the customers D.Satisfy all the need of the customers

考题 资料:Early Experiences If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of? Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location. Maturity Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers. Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness. If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value. Testing has many benefits. Which of the followings is NOT one of them?A.To determine whether the product is user-friendly. B.To see if the process is simple enough for users to understand. C.To learn about users' perspective. D.To cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location.

考题 What is a primary partner benefit of selling services?()A、easier customer sales cycleB、increased marginsC、fewer customer call backsD、available financing options

考题 What are two benefits for the Cisco partner, derived from the Cisco SBR methodology? ()A、There is faster implementation of new business applications.B、Solution differentiation from the competition allows for premium margins.C、There is less risk through the implementation of proven solutions.D、Proactive planning enhances customer satisfaction.

考题 What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()A、renews automatically for the lifetime of the productB、eliminates network problemsC、generate recurring revenueD、helps customers speed architectural planning and designE、produces higher margins than product sales alongF、strengthens customer loyalty

考题 What are three benefit that the Smart Business Architecture provides to customers?()A、enables efficient customer serviceeffctivenessB、provides anempowered fronline workforceC、createsA more informed management.D、generates customer-specific configurationsE、automatically matches customer needs to solutionsF、provides an ROI analysis for decision-makers

考题 What are two benefits for the Cisco Partner, derived from the Cisco SBR Methodology?()A、There is less risk through the implementation of proven solutionsB、Proactive planning enhances customer satisfactionC、Thereare faster implementation of new business applicationsD、Solution differentiation from the competition allows for premium margins

考题 Which of the following is a typical data warehouse query?()A、What is this customers address?B、Does this customer have any unpaid bills?C、What is the balance in this customers account?D、What are the total sales for each of the last 6 months?

考题 Which WebSphere Commerce user role is responsible for confirming shipment of orders? ()A、Account RepresentativeB、Customer Service SupervisorC、Pick PackerD、Product ManagerE、Sales Manager

考题 多选题Which three post-sales Smart Design documents are available to help you better serve your customers? ()AQuick Quoting ToolBSmart Business Communications SystemCOverview PresentationDCisco Configuration AssistantESolution ProfileFSmall Business Product Guide

考题 多选题Which three best describe the partner benefits of the Cisco Lifecycle Services approach?()AImprove customer satisfaction ratesBImprove the skill sets of their staff membersCIncrease their staff productivityDReduce the risk involved with deploying and supporting new and complex technologiesEImprove response times for network outagesFHelp ensure that suppliers are meeting metrics

考题 多选题What are three current business factors that are influencing customer decisions in making technology investments?()Anumber of product featuresBreturn on investmentCcompetitivenessDregulationEday one costsFavailability of budget

考题 多选题What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()Arenews automatically for the lifetime of the productBeliminates network problemsCgenerate recurring revenueDhelps customers speed architectural planning and designEproduces higher margins than product sales alongFstrengthens customer loyalty

考题 多选题What are three benefit that the Smart Business Architecture provides to customers?()Aenables efficient customer serviceeffctivenessBprovides anempowered fronline workforceCcreatesA more informed management.Dgenerates customer-specific configurationsEautomatically matches customer needs to solutionsFprovides an ROI analysis for decision-makers

考题 多选题What are two benefits for the Cisco Partner, derived from the Cisco SBR Methodology?()AThere is less risk through the implementation of proven solutionsBProactive planning enhances customer satisfactionCThereare faster implementation of new business applicationsDSolution differentiation from the competition allows for premium margins

考题 多选题What are two benefits for the Cisco partner, derived from the Cisco SBR methodology? ()AThere is faster implementation of new business applications.BSolution differentiation from the competition allows for premium margins.CThere is less risk through the implementation of proven solutions.DProactive planning enhances customer satisfaction.

考题 多选题Refer to the exhibit. A customer indicates their teleworkers plan to use IP phones in their home offices. The IT department has surveyed the planned teleworkers, resulting in the user groupings shown in the exhibit. To provide the highest voice quality, the best recommendations to this customer are().ADeploy all three groups with a QoS service policy, choosing the parameters for Traffic Shaping based on the average uplink speed across the three groups.BTeleworkers in Groups A and B should inquire with their DSL providers for subscriptions with higher uplink bandwidths.CTeleworkers in Group C should change their subscriptions to DSL for deployment consistency.DTeleworkers in Group A should upgrade their subscription to obtain static IP addressesETeleworkers in Group A should inquire with their DSL providers for subscriptions with higher downlink bandwidths.

考题 单选题If the current and wind are in opposite directions,the sea surface represents().A a greatly reduced wind speedB a higher wind speed than what really existsC a lower wind speed than what really existsD more turbulent winds

考题 单选题The reviewer finds the information about customer service very useful becauseA his company doesn’t have enough staff to provide good customer service.B the sales in his company is decreasing gradually.C the customers’ complaints are on the rise.