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A fire in a pile of linen is considered to be a class ().

A fire


B fire


C fire


D fire


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更多 “单选题A fire in a pile of linen is considered to be a class ().A A fireB B fireC C fireD D fire” 相关考题
考题 It is____ to find that the young children in your class are familiar with so many English words. A、remarkableB、complainC、magazineD、pile

考题 The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire isA.Class 'A'B.Class 'B'C.Class 'C'D.Class 'D'

考题 A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a _____.A.class AB.class BC.class CD.class D

考题 A fire involving trash and paper waste would be classified as a ______.A.class AB.class BC.class CD.class D

考题 All portable fire extinguishers must be capable of being ______.A.carried by hand to a fireB.carried or rolled to a fireC.recharged in the fieldD.used on class “B” fire

考题 单选题A class "C" fire is burning ().A diesel oilB magnesiumC dunnageD electrical insulation

考题 单选题A class "D" fire would be considered as burning ().A woodB oilC electrical equipmentD magnesium

考题 单选题A fire in a pile of canvas would be classified as a ().A class AB class BC class CD class D

考题 单选题A fire, occurring in the windings, of an overloaded electrical motor, is considered a ().A class A fireB class B fireC class C fireD class D fire

考题 单选题For which of the listed classes of fire combinations would carbon dioxide be most suitable as the extinguishing agent ().A Class A and class BB Class B and class CC Class A and class CD Class C, class D, and class E

考题 单选题A fire involving aluminum powder would be a class ().A A fireB B fireC C fireD D fire

考题 单选题Which of the listed classes of fire is considered as one involving electrical equipment?()A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class D

考题 单选题Before attempting to put out a class “C” fire involving an electric-driven centrifugal pump, you should FIRST ().A insulate your shoesB ground the fire hoseC secure its power supplyD start the fire pump

考题 单选题A fire in a pile of linen is considered to be a class ().A A fireB B fireC C fireD D fire

考题 单选题Weight is considered during the periodic required inspection and servicing of().A CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguishersB foam fire extinguishersC water (stored pressure) fire extinguishersD All of the above

考题 单选题A burning AC motor would be considered what class of fire?()A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class D

考题 单选题An example of class "A" fire is a/an ().A electrical fire in the engine roomB oil fire in the engine room bilgesC oil fire involving a grade A petroleum productD mattress fire in a stateroom

考题 单选题Which portable fire extinguisher should be used on a class C fire on board a vessel?()A Carbon dioxideB Water (stored pressure)C FoamD Carbon tetrachloride

考题 单选题On a class B fire,which portable fire extinguisher would be the LEAST desirable?()A Carbon dioxideB Water (stored pressure)C Dry chemicalD Foam

考题 单选题A class "C" fire would occur in ()A beddingB pipe insulationC paintD a generator

考题 单选题The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to().A remove oxygen from the areaB cool fuel below ignition temperatureC smother with CO2D smother fire with foam

考题 单选题Which of the listed materials would be considered as a bunting class "C" fire?()A Fuel oilB WoodC CelluloidD Electrical insulation

考题 单选题A fire is considered "under control" when ().A all hands are at their fire stationsB all fire-fighting equipment is at the sceneC the fixed systems are activatedD the fire is contained and no longer spreading

考题 单选题A fire in an electrical generator is considered to be ().A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class D

考题 单选题Which of the fire extinguishing agents listed is the safest to use when combating a class C fire?()A CO2B FoamC Water fogD Soda acid

考题 单选题The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to ().A remove oxygen from the areaB smother fire with foamC smother fire with CO2D cool fuel below ignition temperature

考题 单选题The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is ().A class AB class BC class CD class D

考题 单选题Halon from extinguishers used on a class B fire,should be directed().A at the top of the flamesB at the base of the fire near the edgeC in short quick burstsD toward the upwind side of the fire