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Noticing that my daughter was shy, our hostess went out of her way making her feel at home.



went out




at home


更多 “单选题Noticing that my daughter was shy, our hostess went out of her way making her feel at home.A NoticingB went outC makingD at home” 相关考题
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考题 单选题No matter whatever happens, we're determined to do our best and make the experiment a success.A whatever happensB do our bestC makeD a success

考题 单选题Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?A Poor Sleep May Lead to Too Much Stored Fat and DiseaseB Sleep Experts Had Exciting Findings in a Fat StudyC Americans Should Have More Than Six Hours of SleepD Bad Things Happen if Fat Cells Become Our Friend

考题 单选题I've got a very _____ schedule today so I can't see you until tomorrow.A seriousB bigC toughD tight

考题 单选题_______,he must be totally exhausted after a two weeks' trip by bus.A Being very strongB As a strong manC Strong as he isD As he is strong

考题 问答题你别忘记列出一张学生必读的书单。

考题 单选题We _____ as well leave here today.A mustB mightC needD can

考题 单选题In an industrial psychologist's mind, all of the following is important EXCEPT _____.A the steps in which work is doneB the state of mind of a worker when workingC the effect of working environment on a workerD the value of the product a worker is making

考题 单选题Thirty years ago, most teenagers had bicycles, but now they are comparatively rare.____56___,motor scooters (小型摩托车) are much more common.____57___, this may seem to be a sign of progress but____58___the change is not necessarily for the better. It is easy to see why young people prefer scooters.____59___, they are much faster and do not require much physical effort,____60___, you can take a passenger with you on the pillion(后座)seat behind;____61___,they give young people a feeling of independence, because they can travel further and impress their friends.____62___, the disadvantages are equally obvious.____63___first sight, scooters are more expensive to buy and to maintain, and____64___those under 16 are not allowed to have them.____65___, greater freedom brings danger because speed encourages young people to take risks and as a result scooters are involved____66___more accidents, and the accidents are____67___more serious. Bicycles are safer and easier to control.Years ago, teenagers had more experience with them because they____68___to ride as young children, and consequently knew what they were capable of.____69___, many young people overestimate what a scooter can do and pretend it has the power of a motorcycle.____70___, the fact is that bicycles are not very safe____71___.in cities these days because there are more cars and drivers are not used to them and do not make allowances for them. ____72___, those who are old enough to ride scooters naturally prefer them. Those who are too young or cannot afford to buy a scooter probably 6nd bicycles slow and uncomfortable____73___,and riding bicycles requires____74___experience of traffic than before. On balance, the change has been for the worse,____75___for the 13-and 14-year-olds, but the only safe solution would be to have special lanes(车道) for cyclists. 75 A. especially B.generally C.definitely D.certainlyA especiallyB generallyC definitelyD certainly