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“The union must and shall be preserved(联邦必须而且将会得到保留)。”这是林肯1860年参加总统竞选时的主题。他认为当时美国政府面临的首要任务是()。









解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题“The union must and shall be preserved(联邦必须而且将会得到保留)。”这是林肯1860年参加总统竞选时的主题。他认为当时美国政府面临的首要任务是()。A 实现国家独立B 消除种族歧视C 维护国家统一D 实现领土扩张” 相关考题
考题 —I’ve got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? —_______A.The tickets must be expensiveB.The match must be excitingC.Why not? Let’s goD.The place is too far way

考题 According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must be onboard shall have sufficient capacity for how many minutes of operation?____.A.20B.30C.45D.60

考题 I’d rather we ____ the plan in detail before we carry it out.A、shall discussB、must discussC、discussedD、had discussed

考题 低碳钢焊缝如在高温下保留时间过长,冷却速度太慢,将会得到粗大的魏氏组织。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 林肯代表的美国共和党1860年总统竞选的主题是:“联邦必须而且将会得到保留”。这表明了林肯()A.抗击英国殖民统治的决心B.维护国家统一的决心C.废除黑人奴隶制的主张D.与南方奴隶主妥协的主张

考题 All entries in the Official Logbook must be signed by the Master and ______.A.the Union RepresentativeB.the person about whom the entry concernsC.no one elseD.one other crew member

考题 Which statement is TRUE concerning protection of double bottom tanks against excessive pressure?A.Each vent for the tank must be equal to the area of the tank filling lineB.The tanks must be protected by overflowsC.The total area of the vents or the overflow shall be at least equal to the area of the fill lineD.There must be twice as much vent area as the area of the fill line

考题 Your tow includes a barge carrying chlorine.Which special requirements must be observed ________.A.The wing voids shall not be opened when underwayB.You must post a deckhand to keep a special watch on this bargeC.A cargo information card for chlorine must be in the pilothouseD.All of the above

考题 What is a requirement for remote manual shutdown stations for internal combustion engine driven cargo pumps on tank barges ________.A.They must be conspicuously markedB.They must be located at least 10 feet from the engineC.There must be at least two such shutdown devicesD.The valve rods shall be fitted with stuffing boxes

考题 It ______ be quite cold in winter eventhough the city is in Hainan Province.A.shall B.should C.can D.must

考题 I've got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? ()A、The tickets must be expensiveB、The match must be exciting.C、Why not. Let‘s go.D、The place is too far away.

考题 Aligning data that must be preserved to the correct tier of storage until it is no longer useful is anexample of:()A、Business ContinuityB、Disaster Recovery PlanC、Storage ConsolidationD、Information Lifecycle Management

考题 在美国南北战争期间,美国北方联邦的总统是林肯。

考题 林肯在美国南北战争初期说:“我在这一斗争中的首要目标就是拯救联邦,而不是拯救或摧毁奴隶制。如果我能够不解放任何奴隶而拯救联邦,我愿意这样做;……假如我对奴隶制度或有色人种做什么事情的话,我之所以做,是因为我相信它有助于拯救联邦,而假如我忍耐着不做什么事情的话,是因为我不相信有助于拯救联邦。”对林肯这段话认识正确的是()①林肯把美国的利益看得高于一切,②林肯对奴隶不持反对态度,③林肯的态度对战局产生了不利影响,④表明林肯资产阶级政治家的本质A、①③④B、①②③C、②③④D、①②④

考题 在生物进化过程中,新旧物种间总是存在着一定的血缘关系。新物种取代旧物种时,不仅不排斥,而且必须保留旧物种的某些特征。这是因为()A、保留的实质是扬弃B、保留才能维系物种特征的永恒性C、保留是新物种存在和发展的基础D、保留是新物种取代旧物种的根本途径

考题 林肯代表的美国共和党1860年总统竞选的主题是:“联邦必须而且将会得到保留”。这表明了林肯()A、抗击英国殖民统治的决心B、维护国家统一的决心C、废除黑人奴隶制的主张D、与南方奴隶主妥协的主张

考题 “The union must and shall be preserved(联邦必须而且将会得到保留)。”这是林肯1860年参加总统竞选时的主题。他认为当时美国政府面临的首要任务是()。A、实现国家独立B、消除种族歧视C、维护国家统一D、实现领土扩张

考题 单选题All entries in the Official Logbook must be signed by the Master and().A the Union RepresentativeB the person about whom the entry concernsC no one elseD one other crew member

考题 单选题The Garbage Record Book, as a part of the ship’s official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of ()A 3 years after making the first entryB 2 years after the last entryC 3 months after last entryD 3 years after the last entry

考题 单选题If the carrier and the shipper have agreed that the goods shall or may be carried on deck,the carrier must()in the bill of lading a statement to that effect.A desertB dessertC insertD reseat

考题 单选题林肯在美国南北战争初期说:“我在这一斗争中的首要目标就是拯救联邦,而不是拯救或摧毁奴隶制。如果我能够不解放任何奴隶而拯救联邦,我愿意这样做;……假如我对奴隶制度或有色人种做什么事情的话,我之所以做,是因为我相信它有助于拯救联邦,而假如我忍耐着不做什么事情的话,是因为我不相信有助于拯救联邦。”对林肯这段话认识正确的是①林肯把美国的利益看得高于一切,②林肯对奴隶不持反对态度,③林肯的态度对战局产生了不利影响,④表明林肯资产阶级政治家的本质()A ①③④B ①②③C ②③④D ①②④

考题 判断题在美国南北战争期间,美国北方联邦的总统是林肯。A 对B 错

考题 单选题It is a very difficult problem,but I think I shall worked it out by nine o’clock.A I shall work it outB I shall have worked it outC I shall be working it outD I must have worked it out

考题 单选题Vessel towing with the current shall()tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside.A at timesB at any timeC at no timeD at moment

考题 单选题I've got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? ()A The tickets must be expensiveB The match must be exciting.C Why not. Let‘s go.D The place is too far away.

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning protection of double bottom tanks against excessive pressure? ()A Each vent for the tank must be equal to the area of the tank filling lineB The tanks must be protected by overflowsC The total area of the vents or the overflow shall be at least equal to the area of the fill lineD There must be twice as much vent area as the area of the fill line

考题 单选题Line throwing apparatus aboard ship must contain().A two rockets,one of which shall be the buoyant typeB three rockets,one of which shall be the buoyant typeC four rockets,two of which shall be the buoyant typeD five rockets,two of which shall be the buoyant type