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更多 “Slave复位CPU有2种方法1、()。2、()。” 相关考题
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考题 Youarecreatingaresourceconsumergroupusingthe DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUPprocedure.Whichparameterwillyouusetodefinetheresourceschedulingmethodusedbetweensessionswithintheresourcegroup?()A.CPU_MTHB.NEW_CPU_MTHC.CPU_P1D.CPU_P2

考题 常用洗涤液有下列哪几种方法?1)冷水2)热水3)蒸气4)药剂溶剂A.1+2+3B.2+3+4C.1+3+4D.1+2+3+4

考题 有两个进程P1和P2,它们执行的过程如下: P1:10秒CPU操作、20秒I/O操作(设备1)、5秒CPU操作、10秒I/O操作(设备2)、5秒CPU操作、结束 P1:15秒I/O操作(设备1)、10秒CPU操作、15秒I/O操作(设备2)、10秒CPU操作、结束 (1)如果进程P1和P2顺序执行,请画出进程P1和P2执行情况图; (2)如果进程P1和P2并发执行,请画出进程P1和P2执行情况图; (3)分别计算在(1)和(2)情况下,CPU的利用率、设备1和设备2的利用率。

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考题 在网管上对中兴S385系统中的EPE1Z板的哪种复位不影响业务?()A、硬复位B、软复位中的CPU复位C、软复位中的IC复位D、软复位中的CPU+IC复位

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考题 You execute the following command to create two consumer groups, FIN_GROUP1 and PAY_GROUP1, for a plan,PROD_PLAN:  BEGIN  DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN (SIMPLE_PLAN = ’prod_plan’,  CONSUMER_GROUP1 = ’fin_group1’,  GROUP1_CPU = 80,  CONSUMER_GROUP2 = ’pay_group1’,  GROUP2_CPU = 20);  END;  Which three statements are true?()A、SYS_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.B、FIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 1.C、FIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 2.D、PAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 1.E、PAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 2.F、OTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.G、OTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 2.

考题 在Linux中,如何标识接在IDE0上的slave硬盘的第2个逻辑分区?()A、/dev/hdb2B、/dev/hd1b2C、/dev/hdb6D、/dev/hd1b6

考题 8086微处理器的RESET引脚是用于:()A、使CPU复位,高电平有效。B、CPU使其它器件复位,高电平有效。C、使CPU复位,低电平有效。D、CPU使其它器件复位,低电平有效。

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考题 JT1-CZ2000机车信号设备主机板上的输出控制CPU本身带有内部独立的“看门狗“复位电路,而输出控制CPU又充当信号处理CPU的“看门狗”复位电路。

考题 S385系统中的EPE1Z板在网管上的哪种复位不影响业务?A、硬复位B、软复位中的CPU复位C、软复位中的IC复位D、软复位中的CPU+IC复位

考题 抓拍有几种方法?()A、1B、2C、3D、4

考题 An administrator is configuring a PowerHA cluster consisting of two nodes across two physical Power systems,570-1 and 570-2. Node1 is an LPAR on 570-1Node2 is an LPAR on 570-2. Dev1 is an LPAR on 570-2 (this LPAR is not part of the cluster). The cluster will manage a single resource group, RG1, with a single application server, APP1. The resourcegroup will have a home node of Node1. Node1 is configured with 4.0 CPU desired, 0.4 minimum, 4.0 maximum, and 4 virtual processorsNode2 isconfigured with 0.4 CPU desired, 0.4 minimum, 4.0 maximum, and 4 virtual processors Dev1 is configuredwith 4.0 CPU desired, 0.4 minimum, 4.0 maximum, and 4 virtual processors When the resource group RG1 is acquired by Node2 the administrator would like to dynamically move 3.6processor entitlement units from Dev1 to Node2. How could the administrator achieve this in the PowerHAcluster?()A、Create a custom event script to perform the change to CPU entitlementB、Modify the extended performance tuning parameters for the cluster to modify CPU entitlement uponresource group acquisitionC、Customize the resource group attributes of RG1 so that the CPU entitlement is modified for Node2 uponresource group acquisitionD、Customize the application server attributes of APP1 so that the CPU entitlement is modified for Node2upon resource group acquisition

考题 Companycom has the following: 8 x 1.65GHz CPUs 16GB Memory 4 LPARs LPAR 1: Test/Dev 1 CPU, 2GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 2: QA 1 CPU, 2GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 3: Prod 3 CPUs, 6GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 4: Web App 3 CPUs, 6GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, SUSE Linux Utilization over a 30 day period LPAR 1: Average utilization was 15%, Peak utilization was 100% LPAR 2: Average utilization was 25%, Peak utilization was 100% LPAR 3: Average utilization was 50%, Peak utilization was 90% LPAR 4: Average utilization was 35%, Peak utilization was 100% If the customer has a requirement for all four LPARs to be moved to a p5 590 and assigned to a shared pool. Which of the following would best describe the profile requirements?()A、LPARs 1 and 2, capped, SMT on, Weights between 25-30, min CPU 0.1, max CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, uncapped, SMT on, Weights between 100-130, min CPU 2.7, max CPU 3.0B、LPARs 1 and 2, capped, SMT on, Weights between 100-130, min CPU 0.1, max CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, uncapped, SMT on, Weights between 25-30, min CPU 2.7, max CPU 3.0 C、LPARs 1 and 2, uncapped, SMT on, Weights between 25-30, min CPU 0.1, max CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, capped, SMT on, Weights between 100-130, min CPU 2.7, max CPU 3.0D、LPARs 1 and 2, uncapped, SMT off, Weights between 25-30, min CPU 0.1, max CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, capped, SMT on, Weights between 100-130, min CPU 2.7, max CPU 3.0

考题 主机内使用3路相互独立的动态监督电路,其中第1、2路动态监督信号f1、f2由CPU1提供,第()动态监督信号f3由CPU2提供。A、2、3路B、1、3路C、1、2路D、3路

考题 DFDAU中主处理器是()A、CPU1B、CPU2C、CPU1和CPU2D、中央处理器

考题 LFP-902A型保护装置中总启动元件在()。A、CPU1中B、CPU2中C、CPU2(MONI)中

考题 单选题Mpx86板有()套CPU系统A 1B 2C 3D 4

考题 单选题Companycom has the following: 8 x 1.65GHz CPUs 16GB Memory 4 LPARs LPAR 1: Test/Dev 1 CPU, 2GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 2: QA 1 CPU, 2GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 3: Prod 3 CPUs, 6GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 4: Web App 3 CPUs, 6GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, SUSE Linux Utilization over a 30 day period LPAR 1: Average utilization was 15%, Peak utilization was 100% LPAR 2: Average utilization was 25%, Peak utilization was 100% LPAR 3: Average utilization was 50%, Peak utilization was 90% LPAR 4: Average utilization was 35%, Peak utilization was 100% If the customer has a requirement for all four LPARs moved to a p5 590 and to have dedicated CPU resources. Which of the following would best describe the profile requirements?()A LPARs 1 and 2, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 1.0, desired CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 2.0 B LPARs 1 and 2, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 1.0, desired CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT on, min CPU 2.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 3.0 C LPARs 1 and 2, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 3.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 2.0 D LPARs 1 and 2, SMT off, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 1.0, desired CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT off, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 3.0

考题 单选题MP单板有()个独立的CPU。A 1B 2C 3D 4

考题 单选题在Linux中,如何标识接在IDE0上的slave硬盘的第2个扩展分区?()A /dev/hdb2B /dev/hd1b2C /dev/hdb6D /dev/hd1b6

考题 多选题You execute the following command to create two consumer groups, FIN_GROUP1 and PAY_GROUP1 for a plan, PROD_PLAN:  BEGIN  DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN (SIMPLE_PLAN =’prod_plan’,  CONSUMER_GROUP1 = ’fin_group1’,  GROUP1_CPU = 80,  CONSUMER_GROUP2 = ’pay_group1’,  GROUP2_CPU = 20);  END;  Which three statements are true? ()ASYS_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.BFIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 1.CFIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 2.DPAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 1.EPAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 2.FOTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.GOTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 2.

考题 单选题绘制矩形有()种方法。A 1B 2C 3D 4