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Alternative Splicing 的类型,功能和机制举例?


更多 “Alternative Splicing 的类型,功能和机制举例?” 相关考题
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考题 选择成本(Alternative cost)

考题 A decision is a choice______(make)from among alternative courses of action that are available.

考题 ()your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative. A、UnlessB、AsC、If

考题 I had no ( ) staying at home because I have no money.A. alternate toB. alternative toC. alternate byD. alternative by

考题 以下哪一项不是TEE现有教学模块()。 A、TEEStandard ViewsApplicationB、Alternative DopplerC、Alternative ViewsD、TEE SimulationE、Spectral Doppler

考题 Which statement accurately defines the role of a Qualified Next Hop?() A.It is any alternative path for best effort traffic.B.It is the next hop of the active route to a directly attached device.C.It is the next hop for a route from a qualified protocol.D.It is an alternative next hop for a static route.

考题 Which statement about two lines spliced together is TRUE ________.A.Splicing is used to increase the circumference of each lineB.Splicing two lines together is stronger than knotting two lines togetherC.Splicing is used to increase the overall strength of the lineD.Splicing is used to prevent rotting of the lines bitter end

考题 反式剪接(trans-splicing)

考题 蛋白质的自我剪接(self-splicing)

考题 Get me some ()to mend the canvas ventilators.A、sail maker’s toolsB、repair toolsC、splicing toolsD、saws

考题 选择性剪接(alternative splicing)

考题 RNA剪接(RNA splicing)

考题 Which statement accurately defines the role of a Qualified Next Hop?()A、It is any alternative path for best effort traffic.B、It is the next hop of the active route to a directly attached device.C、It is the next hop for a route from a qualified protocol.D、It is an alternative next hop for a static route.

考题 Which one of the following can be printed from the domino designer IDE?()A、current selection B、alternative language C、only lotusscript language D、other objects alternative language

考题 顺势剪接(cri-splicing)

考题 单选题A smooth,tapered pin,usually of wood,used to open up the strands of a rope for splicing is called a(n)().A battenB bench hookC awlD fid

考题 名词解释题选择性剪接(alternative splicing)

考题 单选题Which statement accurately defines the role of a Qualified Next Hop?()A It is any alternative path for best effort traffic.B It is the next hop of the active route to a directly attached device.C It is the next hop for a route from a qualified protocol.D It is an alternative next hop for a static route.

考题 单选题Which is normally used to hold wire rope for splicing().A Come alongB JiggerC Rigger's screwD Sealing clamp

考题 名词解释题nuclear splicing (核剪接)

考题 单选题A fid is a().A mallet used when splicing wire ropeB sharp pointed crow bar used to unlay wire ropeC tapered steel pin used to separate wire ropeD tapered wooden pin used when splicing heavy rope

考题 单选题On the other hand, alternative fuels do have().A drawbacksB setbackC drawerD backward

考题 单选题How are lifelines attached to a life float?()A By servingB By splicing one end of the line around the apparatusC Securely attached around the outside in bights no longer than three feetD With an approved safety hook or shackle

考题 名词解释题Trans-splicing反式剪接

考题 问答题组织(细胞)特异的Alternative splicing是如何发生的?