

2020已经快要过去两个周啦,报名了2020年3月份ACCA考试的同学们快看过来,51题库考试学习网提醒各位同学:考前两周即可登录ACCA官网打印准考证了,那究竟操作流程是怎么样的呢? 且随51题库考试学习网继续往下看吧~



一.登录 MYACCA, 点击 Docket ,进入下一步

二.之后进入到第二个界面,点击 Access your docket

三. 进入第三个界面,财华学员选择第三个选项 Distance/Online learning,之后的 Learning Provider 下 拉 选 择 Beijing Caihuahongyuan International Education Co.LId(Distance Learning)


Full time -face to face(classroom):全职-面对面(课堂)

Full time -face to face(classroom):兼职-面对面(课堂)

Distance/online learning blended learning:远程/在线学习混合学习

revision course self-study:自学

四.之后点击 SAVE&CONFIRM 进行下载即可。



1.在‘Method of Study"选项选择"Part time -face to face(classroom):兼职-面对面(课堂)


3.在‘’Learning provider‘’选择“Shanghai Golden Finance”,别忘了在最后的小方框上点一个“√”

点击SAVE & CONFIRM,系统就就会自动跳转下载准考证啦!(远程网课学员或其他分校学员请按自身情况自行选择learning provider~)


*Full time -face to face(classroom):全职-面对面(课堂)

*Part time -face to face(classroom):兼职-面对面(课堂)

*Distance/online learning blended learning:远程/在线学习混合学习

*revision course self-study:自学






以上信息就是关于ACCA国际注册会计师考试的准考证的打印相关流程,51题库考试学习网最后提醒一下大家,准考证必须有照片,准考证上面没有照片的学员请尽快与ACCA 英国方联系。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Faithful representation is a fundamental characteristic of useful information within the IASB’s Conceptual framework for financial reporting.

Which of the following accounting treatments correctly applies the principle of faithful representation?

A.Reporting a transaction based on its legal status rather than its economic substance

B.Excluding a subsidiary from consolidation because its activities are not compatible with those of the rest of the group

C.Recording the whole of the net proceeds from the issue of a loan note which is potentially convertible to equity shares as debt (liability)

D.Allocating part of the sales proceeds of a motor vehicle to interest received even though it was sold with 0% (interest free) finance


The substance is that there is no ‘free’ finance; its cost, as such, is built into the selling price.

(b) Discuss the view that fair value is a more relevant measure to use in corporate reporting than historical cost.

(12 marks)

(b) The main disagreement over a shift to fair value measurement is the debate over relevance versus reliability. It is argued that
historical cost financial statements are not relevant because they do not provide information about current exchange values
for the entity’s assets which to some extent determine the value of the shares of the entity. However, the information provided
by fair values may be unreliable because it may not be based on arm’s-length transactions. Proponents of fair value
accounting argue that this measurement is more relevant to decision makers even if it is less reliable and would produce
balance sheets that are more representative of a company’s value. However it can be argued that relevant information that is
unreliable is of no use to an investor. One advantage of historical cost financial information is that it produces earnings
numbers that are not based on appraisals or other valuation techniques. Therefore, the income statement is less likely to be
subject to manipulation by management. In addition, historical cost balance sheet figures comprise actual purchase prices,
not estimates of current values that can be altered to improve various financial ratios. Because historical cost statements rely
less on estimates and more on ‘hard’ numbers, it can be said that historical cost financial statements are more reliable than
fair value financial statements. Furthermore, fair value measurements may be less reliable than historical costs measures
because fair value accounting provides management with the opportunity to manipulate the reported profit for the period.
Developing reliable methods of measuring fair value so that investors trust the information reported in financial statements is
Fair value measurement could be said to be more relevant than historical cost as it is based on market values and not entity
specific measurement on initial recognition, so long as fair values can be reliably measured. Generally the fair value of the
consideration given or received (effectively historical cost) also represents the fair value of the item at the date of initial
recognition. However there are many cases where significant differences between historical cost and fair value can arise on
initial recognition.
Historical cost does not purport to measure the value received. It cannot be assumed that the price paid can be recovered in
the market place. Hence the need for some additional measure of recoverable value and impairment testing of assets.
Historical cost can be an entity specific measurement. The recorded historical cost can be lower or higher than its fair value.
For example the valuation of inventory is determined by the costing method adopted by the entity and this can vary from
entity to entity. Historical cost often requires the allocation of costs to an asset or liability. These costs are attributed to assets,
liabilities and expenses, and are often allocated arbitrarily. An example of this is self constructed assets. Rules set out in
accounting standards help produce some consistency of historical cost measurements but such rules cannot improve
representational faithfulness.
Another problem with historical cost arises as regards costs incurred prior to an asset being recognised. Historical costs
recorded from development expenditure cannot be capitalised if they are incurred prior to the asset meeting the recognition
criteria in IAS38 ‘Intangible Assets’. Thus the historical cost amount does not represent the fair value of the consideration
given to create the asset.
The relevance of historical cost has traditionally been based on a cost/revenue matching principle. The objective has been to
expense the cost of the asset when the revenue to which the asset has contributed is recognised. If the historical cost of the
asset differs from its fair value on initial recognition then the matching process in future periods becomes arbitrary. The
measurement of assets at fair value will enhance the matching objective. Historical cost may have use in predicting future
net reported income but does not have any necessary implications for future cash flows. Fair value does embody the market’s
expectations for those future cash flows.
However, historical cost is grounded in actual transaction amounts and has existed for many years to the extent that it is
supported by practical experience and familiarity. Historical cost is accepted as a reliable measure especially where no other
relevant measurement basis can be applied.

(b) State the enquiries you would make of the directors of Mulligan Co to ascertain the adequacy of the

$3 million finance requested for the new production facility. (7 marks)

(b) It is important to appreciate that the finance request should cover not only the cost of the construction of the new facility, but
also costs in order to get the business unit up and running, and enough cash to meet initial working capital requirements.
Mulligan Co may have sufficient cash to cover such additional expenses, but the bank will want comfort that this is the case.
Enquiries would include the following:
Who has prepared the forecast? It is important to evaluate the experience and competence of the preparer. If management
has previously prepared forecasts and capital expenditure budgets that were reliable and accurate, this adds a measure of
confidence in the preparation of the new forecast and the underlying assumptions used.
To what extent is internal finance available to cover any shortfall in the finance requirement? If there is surplus cash within
the organisation then the bank need not provide the full amount of finance necessary to start up the new business operation.
Has the cost of finance been included in the forecast? It appears that this cost is missing. Finance costs should be calculated
based on the anticipated interest rate to be applied to the loan advanced, and included in the total finance requirement.
What is the forecast operating cycle of the new business unit? In particular how long is the work in progress period, and how
much credit will be extended to customers? i.e. when will cash inflows specific to the new business unit be received? More
finance might be required to fund initial working capital shortfalls during the period when work in progress is occurring, and
before cash receipts from customers are received.
Will further raw materials be required? A request has been made for $250,000 for raw materials of timber. Other materials
may need to be purchased, for example, non-timber raw materials, and inventory of other consumables such as nuts and
How long will the ‘initial’ inventory of raw material last? What is the planned work in progress time for the new product? More
finance may be needed to avoid a stock out of raw materials.
Construction of the new factory – is there any documentation to support the capital expenditure? For example, architect’s
plans, surveyor’s reports. This will support the accuracy of the finance requested and is an important source of evidence given
the materiality of the premises to the total amount of finance requested.
How likely is it that costs may be subject to inflation before actually being incurred? This could increase the amount of finance
required by several percentage points.
Have quotes been obtained for the new machinery to be purchased?
Purchase of new machinery – will any specific installation costs be incurred? These costs can be significant for large pieces
of capital equipment. Also, enquiries should be made regarding any delivery costs.
The budget does not appear to contain any finance request for overheads such as use of electricity during the construction
period, and hire of installation equipment. Have these overheads been included in the construction cost estimate?
Will staff need to be trained in using the new machinery? If so, any incremental costs should be included in the finance
Advertising and marketing of new product – enquire of Patrick Tiler the methods that will be used to market the new product.
Some types of advertising are more of a cash drain due to their high expense e.g. television advertising is expensive and ‘up
front’ compared to magazine advertising, which is cheap and spread out. As Patrick Tiler is new to Mulligan Co, his forecast
is not based on past experience of this particular business.
LCT Bank will also consider the recoverability of the amount advanced by looking at the cash generating potential of the new
business unit. Enquiries should therefore be made regarding the likely success of the new products, for example:
– Has any market research been carried out to support the commercial viability of the new products?
– Have any contracts with retailers to carry the new products been negotiated?
– How quickly have past products generated a cash inflow?
– Is there a contingency plan in place in case the new products fail to be successful?

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