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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) Discuss how management’s judgement and the financial reporting infrastructure of a country can have a
significant impact on financial statements prepared under IFRS. (6 marks)
Appropriateness and quality of discussion. (2 marks)
(b) Management judgement may have a greater impact under IFRS than generally was the case under national GAAP. IFRS
utilises fair values extensively. Management have to use their judgement in selecting valuation methods and formulating
assumptions when dealing with such areas as onerous contracts, share-based payments, pensions, intangible assets acquired
in business combinations and impairment of assets. Differences in methods or assumptions can have a major impact on
amounts recognised in financial statements. IAS1 expects companies to disclose the sensitivity of carrying amounts to the
methods, assumptions and estimates underpinning their calculation where there is a significant risk of material adjustment
to their carrying amounts within the next financial year. Often management’s judgement is that there is no ‘significant risk’
and they often fail to disclose the degree of estimation or uncertainty and thus comparability is affected.
In addition to the IFRSs themselves, a sound financial reporting infrastructure is required. This implies effective corporate
governance practices, high quality auditing standards and practices, and an effective enforcement or oversight mechanism.
Therefore, consistency and comparability of IFRS financial statements will also depend on the robust nature of the other
elements of the financial reporting infrastructure.
Many preparers of financial statements will have been trained in national GAAP and may not have been trained in the
principles underlying IFRS and this can lead to unintended inconsistencies when implementing IFRS especially where the
accounting profession does not have a CPD requirement. Additionally where the regulatory system of a country is not well
developed, there may not be sufficient market information to utilise fair value measurements and thus this could lead to
hypothetical markets being created or the use of mathematical modelling which again can lead to inconsistencies because of
lack of experience in those countries of utilising these techniques. This problem applies to other assessments or estimates
relating to such things as actuarial valuations, investment property valuations, impairment testing, etc.
The transition to IFRS can bring significant improvement to the quality of financial performance and improve comparability
worldwide. However, there are issues still remaining which can lead to inconsistency and lack of comparability with those
financial statements.
(d) Evaluate the circumstances in which a government can act as an aid to business performance. (5 marks)
(d) Governments may act as an aid to business performance in the following ways:
– A government can increase aggregate demand for goods and services by increased government spending and/or by
reducing taxation so that firms (and individuals) have more after tax income available to spend.
– Government policy may encourage firms to locate to particular areas. This is particularly the case where there is high
unemployment in such areas.
– Government policy via the use of quotas and import tariffs might make it more difficult for overseas firms to compete in
domestic markets.
– A government can regulate monopolies in particular with regard to the prices they charge and the quality of their goods
and services.
– Government policy can regulate the activities of those firms which do not act in the best interests of the environment.
(Alternative relevant discussion would be acceptable)
(ii) The property of the former administrative centre of Tyre is owned by the company. Tyre had decided in the year
that the property was surplus to requirements and demolished the building on 10 June 2006. After demolition,
the company will have to carry out remedial environmental work, which is a legal requirement resulting from the
demolition. It was intended that the land would be sold after the remedial work had been carried out. However,
land prices are currently increasing in value and, therefore, the company has decided that it will not sell the land
immediately. Tyres uses the ‘cost model’ in IAS16 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ and has owned the property
for many years. (7 marks)
Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended
31 May 2006.
(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)
(ii) Former administrative building
The land and buildings of the former administrative centre are accounted for as separate elements. The demolition of the
building is an indicator of the impairment of the property under IAS36. The building will not generate any future cash flows
and its recoverable amount is zero. Therefore, the carrying value of the building will be written down to zero and the loss
charged to profit or loss in the year to 31 May 2006 when the decision to demolish the building was made. The land value
will be in excess of its carrying amount as the company uses the cost model and land prices are rising. Thus no impairment
charge is recognised in respect of the land.
The demolition costs will be expensed when incurred and a provision for environmental costs recognised when an obligation
arises, i.e. in the financial year to 31 May 2007. It may be that some of these costs could be recognised as site preparation
costs and be capitalised under IAS16.
The land will not meet the criteria set out in IFRS5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’ as a noncurrent
asset which is held for sale. IFRS5 says that a non-current asset should be classified as ‘held for sale’ if its carrying
amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. However, the non-current
asset must be available for immediate sale and must be actively marketed at its current fair value (amongst other criteria) and
these criteria have not been met in this case.
When the building has been demolished and the site prepared, the land could be considered to be an investment property
and accounted for under IAS40 ‘Investment Property’ where the fair value model allows gains (or losses) to be recognised inprofit or loss for the period.
(b) What styles of managing change would you recommend John use to bring about the desired change?
(8 marks)
(b) Choosing the right combination of styles to manage the desired change will be an interesting challenge to John as the principal
change agent. Education and communication will be vital in getting the police officers to buy in to the need for change. It is
only by changing their perception of the nature and size of the city centre problem that any change in activity will be possible.
Communication will also be important to keep the other stakeholders informed and on board – in this case the mayor is likely
to be a key player.
Having convinced the police officers of the need for and achievability of the change John has then to motivate them to become
involved. This is achieved through collaboration and participation. John will determine the extent to which officers or task
groups are involved in various parts in the change process. Here the emphasis is on getting a shared ownership of the problem
and getting better solutions to parts of the problem. As with education and communication this may be a time-consuming
Intervention by John may be needed at various points in the change process; he may delegate certain activities to others but
retain the coordination and control of the project. On occasions it may be necessary for John to take direct control over the
process in order to clarify and speed-up the whole process but such direction may cause a lack of acceptance and a poorly
conceived strategy. Finally, in times of crisis resort may have to be made to coercion/edict. This is likely to be the leastsuccessful means of managing change and should only be used when exceptional circumstances are present.
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