













3)未符合1、2项报名资格的16周岁以上的申请者,也可以先申请参加FIA(Foundations in Accountancy)基础财务资格考试。在完成基础商业会计(FAB)、基础管理会计(FMA)、基础财务会计(FFA)3门课程,并完成ACCA基础职业模块,可获得ACCA商业会计师资格证书(Diploma in Accounting and Business),资格证书后可豁免ACCAF1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入技能课程的考试。



1. 中英文在校证明(原件)

2. 中英文成绩单(可复印加盖所在学校或学校教务部门公章)

3. 中英文个人身份证件或护照(复印件加盖所在学校或学校教务部门公章)

4. 2寸彩色护照用证件照一张

5. 用于支付注册费用的国际双币信用卡或国际汇票(推荐使用Visa)


1. 中英文个人身份证件或护照(复印件加盖第三方章)

2. 中英文学历证明(复印件加盖第三方章)

3. 2寸彩色护照用证件照一张

4. 用于支付注册费用的国际双币信用卡或国际汇票(推荐使用Visa)


1. 中英文个人身份证件或护照(复印件加盖第三方章)

2. 2寸彩色护照用证件照一张

3. 用于支付注册费用的国际双币信用卡或国际汇票(推荐使用Visa)


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Provide an example that illustrates a structured application of the terms contained in the above statement in

respect of a profit-seeking organisation OR a not-for-profit organisation of your own choice. (6 marks)

(b) An illustration of the features detailed above, framed in the context of a University as an organisation in the not-for-profit sector
might be as follows:
The Overall objective might well be stated in the mission statement of a University. An example of such a mission statement
might be as follows:
‘To provide a quality educational environment in a range of undergraduate and post-graduate disciplines and a quality
educational focus for students and the business community.’
More specifically, objectives may be seen as the achievement of ‘value for money’ thereby ensuring effectiveness in areas such
– The provision of high added value to students;
– The establishment of a reputation for recognised expertise in specific areas of research work within the wider community;
– The provision of a high quality service to industry and commerce.
Strategies may focus on aspects such as:
– The recruitment and retention of high quality academic staff;
– The development of IT equipment and skills within the institution;
– The mentoring of students in order to ensure high added value and low drop-out rates in intermediate years of study;
– The close liaison with employers as to qualities in graduate/post-graduate employees that they will value highly.
The determinants used to measure the results of strategies might include:
– Competitiveness – cost per graduate compared to other institutions; growth in student numbers; number of staff holding
a PhD qualification;
– Financial performance – average cost per graduate; income generation from consultancy work;
– Quality – range of awards (percentages of 1st class degrees); employer responses; measures of quality of delivery of
education, advice to students, etc;
– Flexibility – variable entry and exit points to courses; modular structure; the variety of full-time, part-time and distance
learning modes;
– Resource Utilisation – staff:student ratios; quotas met by each course; accommodation filled;
– Innovation – latest IT provision in linking lecture theatres to information databases; increased provision of flexilearning/
mixed mode course provision.
The application of business change techniques might include the following:
BPR with a focus on IT developments, flexible-learning or mixed mode course provision.
JIT with a focus on moves towards student-centred uptake of educational opportunities e.g. via intranet availability of lecture
and tutorial material linked to more flexible access to staff rather than a ‘push’ system of pre-structured times of
TQM with a focus on moves to improve quality in all aspects of the learning environment including delivery of lectures, access
to staff and pastoral care issues.
ABM with a focus on activities on a per student basis (both planned and actual) with a view to eliminating activities that do
not add value e.g. cost per lecture per student.

(c) Without changing the advice you have given in (b), or varying the terms of Luke’s will, explain how Mabel

could further reduce her eventual inheritance tax liability and quantify the tax saving that could be made.

(3 marks)

The increase in the retail prices index from April 1984 to April 1998 is 84%.

You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 will continue to apply for the

foreseeable future.

(c) Further advice
Mabel should consider delaying one of the gifts until after 1 May 2007 such that it is made more than seven years after the
gift to the discretionary trust. Both PETs would then be covered by the nil rate band resulting in a saving of inheritance tax
of £6,720 (from (b)).
Mabel should ensure that she uses her inheritance tax annual exemption of £3,000 every year by, say, making gifts of £1,500
each year to both Bruce and Padma. The effect of this will be to save inheritance tax of £1,200 (£3,000 x 40%) every year.

(ii) The recoverability of the deferred tax asset. (4 marks)

(ii) Principal audit procedures – recoverability of deferred tax asset
– Obtain a copy of Bluebell Co’s current tax computation and deferred tax calculations and agree figures to any
relevant tax correspondence and/or underlying accounting records.
– Develop an independent expectation of the estimate to corroborate the reasonableness of management’s estimate.
– Obtain forecasts of profitability and agree that there is sufficient forecast taxable profit available for the losses to be
offset against. Evaluate the assumptions used in the forecast against business understanding. In particular consider
assumptions regarding the growth rate of taxable profit in light of the underlying detrimental trend in profit before
– Assess the time period it will take to generate sufficient profits to utilise the tax losses. If it is going to take a number
of years to generate such profits, it may be that the recognition of the asset should be restricted.
– Using tax correspondence, verify that there is no restriction on the ability of Bluebell Co to carry the losses forward
and to use the losses against future taxable profits.
Tutorial note: in many tax jurisdictions losses can only be carried forward to be utilised against profits generated
from the same trade. Although in the scenario there is no evidence of such a change in trade, or indeed any kind
of restriction on the use of losses, it is still a valid audit procedure to verify that this is the case

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