


ACCA于2021年1月1日起调整会计学专业毕业生的免试政策,相关学员将享受取消原来的“业绩管理”(Performance Management, PM)免试,给予“税法”(Taxation, TX)的免试。


“商业与技术”(Business & Technology, BT);

“财务会计”(Financial Accounting, FA);

“管理会计”(Management Accounting, MA);

“公司法与商法”(Corporate & Business Law, LW);

“税法”(Taxation, TX);

调整之处在于取消原来的“业绩管理”(Performance Management, PM)免试,给予“税法”(Taxation, TX)的免试。该调整将有助于acca学员更好地发展未来商业环境中所需的业绩管理能力,并为战略专业阶段的科目学习和考试(特别是“战略商业领袖”和“高级业绩管理”)打下扎实的基础。



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) An evaluation of the environmental and sustainability implications of the Giant Dam Project; (8 marks)

(ii) Environmental and sustainability implications of the Giant Dam Project
In our preparation for the bid to act as principal contractor for the Giant Dam Project, we established that there were
two prominent negative implications of the project but these are, in our view, more than offset by two major
environmental positives.
The environmental arguments against the Giant Dam Project both concern the flooding of the valley behind the dam.
Regrettably, it seems that there will be some loss of important habitats. This, in turn, may mean the removal of balanced
environmental conditions for certain animal and plant species. In addition, the flooding of the valley will result in the
loss of productive farmland. This will mean reduced capacity for the host country to grow food and thus support citizens
such as the members of First Nation. From our point of view, as the board of R&M, however, we would remind
shareholders and other observers that the decisions involving the size and positioning of the Giant Dam were taken by
the client, the government. It is R&M’s job, having won the contract as principal contractor, to now carry out the plans,
regardless of our own views.
Happily, however, there are two very powerful environmental arguments in favour of the Giant Dam Project. It will create
a large source of clean energy for economic development that will be sustainable, as it will create no carbon emissions
nor will it consume any non-renewable resources as it does so (compared to, for example, fossil fuels).
At a time when people are becoming very concerned about greenhouse gases produced from conventional power
generation, the Giant Dam Project will contribute to the East Asian country’s internationally agreed carbon reduction
targets. This, in turn, will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases in the environment.
It is clear that the construction of the Giant Dam Project is an environmental conundrum with strong arguments on both
sides. The deciding factor may be the opinion that we each have of the desirability of economic growth in the East Asian
country (which the energy from the dam is intended to support). It seems that Stop-the-dam values the preservation of
the original environment more than the economic growth that the energy from the dam would support. The client does
not agree with this assessment and we are happy to be involved with a project that will create such a useful source of
renewable and non-polluting energy.

(iii) The extent to which Amy will be subject to income tax in the UK on her earnings in respect of duties

performed for Cutlass Inc and the travel costs paid for by that company. (5 marks)

Appropriateness of format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice is

communicated. (2 marks)


You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and the corporation tax

rates and allowances for the financial year 2006 apply throughout this questio

(iii) Amy’s UK income tax position
Amy will remain UK resident and ordinarily resident as she is not leaving the UK permanently or for a complete tax year
under a full time contract of employment. Accordingly, she will continue to be subject to UK tax on her worldwide income
including her earnings in respect of the duties she performs for Cutlass Inc. The earnings from these duties will also be
taxable in Sharpenia as the income arises in that country.
The double tax treaty between the UK and Sharpenia will either exempt the employment income in one of the two
countries or give double tax relief for the tax paid in Sharpenia. The double tax relief will be the lower of the UK tax and
the Sharpenian tax on the income from Cutlass Inc.
Amy will not be subject to UK income tax on the expenses borne by Cutlass Inc in respect of her flights to and from
Sharpenia provided her journeys are wholly and exclusively for the purposes of performing her duties in Sharpenia.
The amounts paid by Cutlass Inc in respect of Amy’s family travelling to Sharpenia will be subject to UK income tax as
Amy will not be absent from the UK for a continuous period of at least 60 days.

(ii) Theory Y. (5 marks)

(ii) Theory Y is at the opposite end of the continuum and reflects a contemporary approach to motivation, reflecting growth in professional and service employment. It is based on the idea that the goals of the individual and the organsiation can– indeed should – be integrated and that personal fulfilment can be achieved through the workplace. It assumes that for most people, work is as natural as rest or play and employees will exercise self-discipline and self-direction in helping to achieve the organisation’s objectives. Physical and mental effort at work is perfectly natural and is actively sought as a source of personal satisfaction.
In addition, the average employee seeks and accepts responsibilty and creativity. Innovative thinking is widely distributed amongst the whole population and should therefore be encouraged in the work situation.
The intellectual ability of the average person is only partly used and should be encouraged and thus individuals are motivated by seeking self-achievement. Since control and punishment are not required, management therefore has to encourage and develop the individual. However, the operation of a Theory Y approach can be difficult and frustrating,time consuming and sometimes regarded with suspicion.

24 Sigma’s bank statement shows an overdrawn balance of $38,600 at 30 June 2005. A check against the company’s cash book revealed the following differences:

1 Bank charges of $200 have not been entered in the cash book.

2 Lodgements recorded on 30 June 2005 but credited by the bank on 2 July $14,700.

3 Cheque payments entered in cash book but not presented for payment at 30 June 2005 $27,800.

4 A cheque payment to a supplier of $4,200 charged to the account in June 2005 recorded in the cash book as a receipt.

Based on this information, what was the cash book balance BEFORE any adjustments?

A $43,100 overdrawn

B $16,900 overdrawn

C $60,300 overdrawn

D $34,100 overdrawn


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