




















ACCA考试第一阶段:基础课程、课程类别、课程序号、课程名称(中)、课程名称(英)、知识课程、BT商业与科技(BusinessandTechnology)(BT/FBT)、MA管理会计Management Accounting (MA/FMA)FA、财务会计Financial Accounting (FA/FFA)ACCA。

考试第二阶段:技能课程、课程类别课程、序号课程名称(中)、课程名称(英)、技能课程LW、公司法与商法Corporate and Business Law (CL)PM、业绩管理Performance Management (PM)TX、税务Taxation (TX)FR、财务报告Financial Reporting (FR)AA、审计与认证业务Audit and Assurance (AA)FM、财务管理Financial Management (FM)ACCA。

考试第三阶段:核心课程及选项课程(四选二)、课程类别课程、序号课程名称(中)、课程名称(英)、核心课程SBL战略商业领袖Strategic Business LeaderSBR、战略商业报告Strategic Business Reporting选修课程(4选2)、AFM高级财务管理Advanced Financial Management (AFM)APM、高级业绩管理AdvancedPerformance Management (APM)ATX、高级税务Advanced Taxation (ATX)AAA、高级审计与认证业务Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)。






下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Calculate the corporation tax (CT) liabilities for Alantech Ltd, Boron Ltd and Bubble Ltd for the year ending

31 December 2004 on the assumption that loss reliefs are taken as early as possible. (9 marks)


(b) Schedule D Case I calculation
The three companies form. a group for both group relief and capital gains purposes as all shareholdings pass the 75%
ownership test. The calculation of the corporation tax liabilities is as follows:

(ii) A proposal which will increase the after tax proceeds from the sale of the Snapper plc loan stock and a

reasoned recommendation of a more appropriate form. of external finance. (3 marks)

(ii) Proposal to increase the after tax proceeds from the sale of the loan stock
AS should delay the sale of the loan stock until after 5 April 2008. The gain made at the time of the takeover would
then crystallise in 2008/09 and would be covered by the annual exemption for that year. The net proceeds would be
increased by the capital gains tax saved of £3,446 (£8,616 x 40%).
More appropriate forms of external finance
A bank overdraft is not the most appropriate form. of long term business finance. This is because the bank can demand
repayment of the overdraft at any time and the rates of interest charged are fairly high.
AS should seek long term finance for his long term business needs, for example a bank loan secured on the theatre, and
use the bank overdraft to finance the working capital required on a day-to-day basis.

(c) To correct the problems at Flavours Fine Foods, explain to Alan Jones:

(i) the need for delegation; (3 marks)

(c) (i) Without delegation, formal organisations could not exist. Without allocation of authority, responsibility and delegation, a formal organisation cannot be effective. They are critical aspects. Managers must delegate because of the size and complexity of the organisation (certainly an issue for Flavours Fine Foods). Delegation can help overcome the physical and mental limitations of staff, managers and supervisors and it allows management to attend to other matters since routine tasks and decision making can be passed down. However, superiors must call subordinates to account and coordinate their activities.

(ii) Explain THREE strategies that might be adopted in order to improve the future prospects of Diverse

Holdings Plc. (6 marks)

(ii) The forecast situation of Diverse Holdings Plc is not without its problems. KAL and OPL require the immediate attention
of management. The position of KAL is precarious to say the least. There is a choice of strategies for it:
(i) Outsource the manufacture of appliances
(ii) Set up a manufacturing operation overseas
(ii) Withdraw from the market.
Each alternative must be assessed. Whatever decision is taken it is unlikely to affect the other four subsidiaries.
PSL is also independent of the other subsidiaries. A strategic decision to widen its range of products and outlets must
surely help. Hence management should endeavour to find new markets for its products, which are separate and distinct
from those markets served by its appointed distributors.
In order to improve the prospects of OPL management need to adopt appropriate strategies since at the present time the
company appears to be in a high growth market but is unable to capture a reasonable market share. Perhaps the answer
lies in increased or more effective advertising of the endorsement of the product range by health and safety experts.
Management should endeavour to develop a strategy to integrate further its subsidiaries so that they can benefit from
each other and also derive as much synergy as possible from the acquisition of HTL.
It is of paramount importance that management ensure that sufficient funds are channelled into growing OFL and HTL,
which are both showing a rising trend in profitability. The group has depleted cash reserves which must to some extent
be attributable to the purchase of HTL. It is possible that the divestment of KAL would provide some much needed

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