





1.登录ACCA官网www.accaglobal.com点击My ACCA

2、输入自己的7位ACCA ID和密码,点击Sign in to MY ACCA

3、在左边菜单中点击ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATION并选择Fees,payments and Print Receipts 4、页面跳转后选择需要付款的选项(Annual Subscription Fee-Sub Fee)在前面小方框里打√最后点击上方的Pay键

若ACCOUNT BALANCE数值为0,即表示年费账单还未生成,可以过几天再登录账户查看



6、交付后会生成以下页面如需ACCA考试缴费发票可点击下方Print Receipt按钮

7、点击下方Continue后回到TRANSACTIONS SUMMARY如看到Account Balance显示0.00即为缴费成功(如果显示为95,可以刷新一下试试;刷新无效的,等两天再查看自己的账户,如果还是95即缴费失败,请重新支付,第一次付款会原路退回自己的账户里)





下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Software Supply Co. (4 marks)

(c) Software Supply Co
Here it seems that Smith & Co has referred the provision of bespoke accounting software to an external provider – Software
Supply Co, and that a commission is being paid to Smith & Co for these referrals. It is common for audit firms to recommend
other providers to their audit clients.
This could be perceived as an objectivity and self-interest threat, as the audit firm is benefiting financially through
recommending clients to a particular provider of goods and services. However, if appropriate safeguards are in place, the
referrals and receipt of commissions can continue.
Action to be taken:
– Verification from all personnel involved with the audit of clients to whom Software Supply Co has provided a service that
they have no financial or personal interest in Software Supply Co.
– Smith & Co must ensure that:
For each client where a referral is made, full disclosure has been made to the client regarding the arrangement
Written acknowledgement that Smith & Co is to receive a referral fee should be obtained from the client.
– Procedures must be put into place to monitor the quality of goods and services provided by Software Supply Co to audit

(ii) Theory Y. (5 marks)

(ii) Theory Y is at the opposite end of the continuum and reflects a contemporary approach to motivation, reflecting growth in professional and service employment. It is based on the idea that the goals of the individual and the organsiation can– indeed should – be integrated and that personal fulfilment can be achieved through the workplace. It assumes that for most people, work is as natural as rest or play and employees will exercise self-discipline and self-direction in helping to achieve the organisation’s objectives. Physical and mental effort at work is perfectly natural and is actively sought as a source of personal satisfaction.
In addition, the average employee seeks and accepts responsibilty and creativity. Innovative thinking is widely distributed amongst the whole population and should therefore be encouraged in the work situation.
The intellectual ability of the average person is only partly used and should be encouraged and thus individuals are motivated by seeking self-achievement. Since control and punishment are not required, management therefore has to encourage and develop the individual. However, the operation of a Theory Y approach can be difficult and frustrating,time consuming and sometimes regarded with suspicion.

(ii) Explain, with reasons, the relief available in respect of the fall in value of the shares in All Over plc,

identify the years in which it can be claimed and state the time limit for submitting the claim.

(3 marks)



20 Which of the following events occurring after the balance sheet date are classified as adjusting, if material?

1 The sale of inventories valued at cost at the balance sheet date for a figure in excess of cost.

2 A valuation of land and buildings providing evidence of an impairment in value at the year end.

3 The issue of shares and loan notes.

4 The insolvency of a customer with a balance outstanding at the year end.

A 1 and 3

B 2 and 4

C 2 and 3

D 1 and 4


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