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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
2 The Rubber Group (TRG) manufactures and sells a number of rubber-based products. Its strategic focus is channelled
through profit centres which sell products transferred from production divisions that are operated as cost centres. The
profit centres are the primary value-adding part of the business, where commercial profit centre managers are
responsible for the generation of a contribution margin sufficient to earn the target return of TRG. The target return is
calculated after allowing for the sum of the agreed budgeted cost of production at production divisions, plus the cost
of marketing, selling and distribution costs and central services costs.
The Bettamould Division is part of TRG and manufactures moulded products that it transfers to profit centres at an
agreed cost per tonne. The agreed cost per tonne is set following discussion between management of the Bettamould
Division and senior management of TRG.
The following information relates to the agreed budget for the Bettamould Division for the year ending 30 June 2009:
(1) The budgeted output of moulded products to be transferred to profit centres is 100,000 tonnes. The budgeted
transfer cost has been agreed on a two-part basis as follows:
(i) A standard variable cost of $200 per tonne of moulded products;
(ii) A lump sum annual charge of $50,000,000 in respect of fixed costs, which is charged to profit centres, at
$500 per tonne of moulded products.
(2) Budgeted standard variable costs (as quoted in 1 above) have been set after incorporating each of the following:
(i) A provision in respect of processing losses amounting to 15% of material inputs. Materials are sourced on
a JIT basis from chosen suppliers who have been used for some years. It is felt that the 15% level of losses
is necessary because the ageing of the machinery will lead to a reduction in the efficiency of output levels.
(ii) A provision in respect of machine idle time amounting to 5%. This is incorporated into variable machine
costs. The idle time allowance is held at the 5% level partly through elements of ‘real-time’ maintenance
undertaken by the machine operating teams as part of their job specification.
(3) Quality checks are carried out on a daily basis on 25% of throughput tonnes of moulded products.
(4) All employees and management have contracts based on fixed annual salary agreements. In addition, a bonus
of 5% of salary is payable as long as the budgeted output of 100,000 tonnes has been achieved;
(5) Additional information relating to the points in (2) above (but NOT included in the budget for the year ending
30 June 2009) is as follows:
(i) There is evidence that materials of an equivalent specification could be sourced for 40% of the annual
requirement at the Bettamould Division, from another division within TRG which has spare capacity.
(ii) There is evidence that a move to machine maintenance being outsourced from a specialist company could
help reduce machine idle time and hence allow the possibility of annual output in excess of 100,000 tonnes
of moulded products.
(iii) It is thought that the current level of quality checks (25% of throughput on a daily basis) is vital, although
current evidence shows that some competitor companies are able to achieve consistent acceptable quality
with a quality check level of only 10% of throughput on a daily basis.
The directors of TRG have decided to investigate claims relating to the use of budgeting within organisations which
have featured in recent literature. A summary of relevant points from the literature is contained in the following
‘The use of budgets as part of a ‘performance contract’ between an organisation and its managers may be seen as a
practice that causes management action which might lead to the following problems:
(a) Meeting only the lowest targets
(b) Using more resources than necessary
(c) Making the bonus – whatever it takes
(d) Competing against other divisions, business units and departments
(e) Ensuring that what is in the budget is spent
(f) Providing inaccurate forecasts
(g) Meeting the target, but not beating it
(h) Avoiding risks.’
(a) Explain the nature of any SIX of the eight problems listed above relating to the use of budgeting;
(12 marks)
2 Suggested answer content for each of the eight problems contained within the scenario is as follows:
(a) The nature of each of the problems relating to the use of budgeting is as follows:
Meeting only the lowest targets
– infers that once a budget has been negotiated, the budget holder will be satisfied with this level of performance unless
there is good reason to achieve a higher standard.
Using more resources than necessary
– Once the budget has been agreed the focus will be to ensure that the budgeted utilisation of resources has been adhered
to. Indeed the current system does not provide a specific incentive not to exceed the budget level. It may be, however,
that failure to achieve budget targets would reflect badly on factors such as future promotion prospects or job security.
Making the bonus – whatever it takes
– A bonus system is linked to the budget setting and achievement process might lead to actions by employees and
management which they regard as ‘fair game’. This is because they view the maximisation of bonuses as the main
priority in any aspect of budget setting or work output.
Competing against other divisions, business units and departments
– Competition may manifest itself through the attitudes adopted in relation to transfer pricing of goods/services between
divisions, lack of willingness to co-operate on sharing information relating to methods, sources of supply, expertise, etc.
Ensuring that what is in the budget is spent
– Management may see the budget setting process as a competition for resources. Irrespective of the budgeting method
used, there will be a tendency to feel that unless the budget allowance for one year is spent, there will be imposed
reductions in the following year. This will be particularly relevant in the case of fixed cost areas where expenditure is
viewed as discretionary to some extent.
Providing inaccurate forecasts
– This infers that some aspects of budgeting problems such as ‘Gaming’ and ‘misrepresentation’ may be employed by the
budget holder in order to gain some advantage. Gaming may be seen as a deliberate distortion of the measure in order
to secure some strategic advantage. Misrepresentation refers to creative planning in order to suggest that the measure
is acceptable.
Meeting the target but not beating it
– There may be a view held by those involved in the achievement of the budget target that there is no incentive for them
to exceed that level of effectiveness.
Avoiding risks
– There may be a prevailing view by those involved in the achievement of the budget target that wherever possible
strategies incorporated into the achievement of the budget objective should be left unchanged if they have been shown
to be acceptable in the past. Change may be viewed as increasing the level of uncertainty that the proposed budget
target will be achievable.
2 Good Sports Limited is an independent sports goods retailer owned and operated by two partners, Alan and Bob. The
sports retailing business in the UK has undergone a major change over the past ten years. First of all the supply side
has been transformed by the emergence of a few global manufacturers of the core sports products, such as training
shoes and football shirts. This consolidation has made them increasingly unwilling to provide good service to the
independent sportswear retailers too small to buy in sufficiently large quantities. These independent retailers can stock
popular global brands, but have to order using the Internet and have no opportunity to meet the manufacturer’s sales
representatives. Secondly, UK’s sportswear retailing has undergone significant structural change with the rapid growth
of a small number of national retail chains with the buying power to offset the power of the global manufacturers.
These retail chains stock a limited range of high volume branded products and charge low prices the independent
retailer cannot hope to match.
Good Sports has survived by becoming a specialist niche retailer catering for less popular sports such as cricket,
hockey and rugby. They are able to offer the specialist advice and stock the goods that their customers want.
Increasingly since 2000 Good Sports has become aware of the growing impact of e-business in general and e-retailing
in particular. They employed a specialist website designer and created an online purchasing facility for their
customers. The results were less than impressive, with the Internet search engines not picking up the company
website. The seasonal nature of Good Sports’ business, together with the variations in sizes and colours needed to
meet an individual customer’s needs, meant that the sales volumes were insufficient to justify the costs of running
the site.
Bob, however, is convinced that developing an e-business strategy suited to the needs of the independent sports
retailer such as Good Sports will be key to business survival. He has been encouraged by the growing interest of
customers in other countries to the service and product range they offer. He is also aware of the need to integrate an
e-business strategy with their current marketing, which to date has been limited to the sponsorship of local sports
teams and advertisements taken in specialist sports magazines. Above all, he wants to avoid head-on competition
with the national retailers and their emphasis on popular branded sportswear sold at retail prices that are below the
cost price at which Good Sports can buy the goods.
(a) Provide the partners with a short report on the advantages and disadvantages to Good Sports of developing
an e-business strategy and the processes most likely to be affected by such a strategy. (12 marks)
(a) To: Good Sports Limited
E – Business strategy
Clearly, the markets that Good Sports operates in are being affected by the development of e-business and its experiences to
date are mixed to say the least. In many ways the advantages and disadvantages of e-business are best related to the benefit
the customer gets from the activity. Firstly, through integrating and accelerating business processes e-business technologies
enable response and delivery times to be speeded up. Secondly, there are new business opportunities for information-based
products and services. Thirdly, websites can be linked with customer databases and provide much greater insights into
customer buying behaviour and needs. Fourthly, there is far greater ability for interaction with the customer, which enables
customisation and a dialogue to be developed. Finally, customers may themselves form. communities able to contact one
There is considerable evidence to show how small operators like Good Sports are able to base their whole strategy on
e-business and achieve high rates of growth. The key to Good Sports survival is customer service – in strategic terms they
are very much niche marketers supplying specialist service and advice to a small section of the local market. The nature of
the business means that face-to-face contact is crucial in moving customers from awareness to action (AIDA – awareness,interest, desire and action). There are therefore limits to the ability of e-business to replace such contact.
6 Discuss how developments in each of the following areas has affected the scope of the audit and the audit work
(a) fair value accounting; (6 marks)
General comments
Tutorial note: The following comments, that could be made in respect of any of the three areas of development, will be given
credit only once.
■ Audit scope – the scope of a statutory audit should be as necessary to form. an audit opinion (i.e. unlimited).
■ Audit work undertaken – the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures should be as necessary to implement the overall
audit plan.
(a) Fair value accounting
■ Different definitions of fair value exist (among financial reporting frameworks or for different assets and liabilities within
a particular framework). For example, under IFRS it is ‘the amount for which an asset could be exchanged (or a liability
settled) between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction’.
■ The term ‘fair value accounting’ is used to describe the measurement and disclosure of assets and/or liabilities at fair
value and the charging to profit and loss (or directly to equity) of any changes in fair value measurements.
■ Fair value accounting concerns measurements and disclosures but not initial recognition of assets and liabilities in
financial statements. It does not then, for example, affect the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to confirm
the existence and completeness of rights and obligations.
■ Fair value may be determined with varying degrees of subjectivity. For example, there will be little (if any) subjectivity
for assets bought and sold in active and open markets that readily provide reliable information on the prices at which
exchange transactions occur. However, the valuation of assets with unique characteristics (or entity-specific assets) often
requires the projection and discounting of future cash flows.
■ The audit of estimates of fair values based on valuation models/techniques can be approached like other accounting
estimates (in accordance with ISA 540 ‘Audit of Accounting Estimates’). However, although the auditor should be able
to review and test the process used by management to develop the estimate, there may be:
? a much greater need for an independent estimate (and hence greater reliance on the work of experts in accordance
with ISA 620);
? no suitable subsequent events to confirm the estimate made (e.g. for assets that are held for use and not for
Tutorial note: Consider, for example, how the audit of ‘in-process research and development’ might compare with that
for an allowance for slow-moving inventory.
■ Different financial reporting frameworks require or permit a variety of fair value measures and disclosures in financial
statements. They also vary in the level of guidance provided (to preparers of the financial statements – and hence their
auditors). Under IFRS, certain fair values are based on management intent and ‘reasonable supportable assumptions’.
■ The audit of management intent potentially increases the auditor’s reliance on management representations. The auditor
must obtain such representations from the highest level of management and exercise an appropriate degree of
professional scepticism, being particularly alert to the implications of any conflicting evidence.
■ A significant development in international financial reporting is that it is no longer sufficient to report transactions and
past and future events that may only be possible. IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ (Revised) requires that
key assumptions (and other key sources of estimation uncertainty) be disclosed. This requirement gives rise to yet
another area on which auditors may qualify their audit opinion, on grounds of disagreement, where such disclosure is
incorrect or inadequate.
■ Perhaps one of the most significant impacts of fair value accounting on audit work is that it necessarily increases it.
Consider for example, that even where the fair value of an asset is as easily vouched as original cost, fair value is
determined at least annually whereas historic cost is unchanged (and not re-vouched to original purchase
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