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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) authority; (3 marks)

(ii) AUTHORITY is the scope and amount of discretion given to a person to make decisions by virtue of the position held within the organisation. The authority and power structure of an organisation defines the part each member of the organisation is expected to perform. and the relationship between the organisation’s members so that its efforts are effective. The source of authority may be top down (as in formal organisations) or bottom up (as in social organizations and politics). In the scenario, authority is from the top and should be delegated downwards.

(c) Critically discuss the likely effectiveness of standard questionnaires sent to other auditors as a means of

obtaining information required. (5 marks)

(c) Likely effectiveness of standard questionnaires
Most group auditors obtain information from other auditors through questionnaires in the form. of yes/no requests and/or
detailed questions.
Standard yes/no questionnaires are widely used because, for example, they:
■ can be completed more quickly by someone already familiar with their form. and content;
■ facilitate summarisation of responses from other auditors by the group auditor.
However, a standard questionnaire may be less effective than a ‘bespoke’ one in that it is likely to ask unnecessary questions.
This may result in the other auditor finding the questions to be ‘not applicable’ and regarding completion of the questionnaire
as a form-filling exercise, rather than providing the group auditor with essential information.
Nevertheless, there is a danger that questionnaires that are not based on some standard form. may overlook or otherwise omit
some significant issues and therefore fail to alert the group auditor to a potential risk area.
Thus a balance needs to be struck between requesting enough information for the group auditor to form. their own view
without requesting meaningless ‘box-ticking’ questions that do not deal with the issues. Questionnaires that get longer and
longer are likely to lose their effectiveness especially if they are to be used in different locations/jurisdictions.
Questionnaires will cover a broad range of topics such as qualifications, competence/experience, compliance with ISAs (and
ISQC 1), audit findings, subsequent events, etc. Therefore there will be a tendency to length (completeness) rather than
quality (relevance).
In conclusion, questionnaires should:
■ avoid over-use of yes/no questions which may encourage laxity;
■ not ask for information that has already been provided or which is unnecessary; and
■ be adequately tailored.

The IOA Division is also considering whether to undertake an investment in the West of the country (the West Project).

An initial cash outlay investment of £12 million will be required and a net cash inflow amounting to £5 million is

expected to arise in each of the four years of the life of the project.

The activities involved in the West project will cause the local river to become polluted and discoloured due to the

discharge of waste substances from mining operations.

It is estimated that at the end of year four a cash outlay of £2 million would be required to restore the river to its

original colour. This would also clear 90% of the pollution caused as a result of the mining activities of the IOA


The remaining 10% of the pollution caused as a result of the mining activities of the IOA Division could be cleared

up by a further cash outlay of £2 million.

(c) Evaluate the West project and, stating your reasons, comment on whether the board of directors of NCL plc

should spend the further £2 million in order to eliminate the remaining 10% of pollution. (6 marks)

(Ignore Taxation).


(c) The net present value of the West project is dependent upon the level of environmental expenditure that will be incurred by
Division IOA at the conclusion of the project. The potential NPV of the West project can be calculated using a discount rate
of 12% per annum which assumes that the West project has similar characteristics to the North, East and South projects.
Net cash inflows for each of years 1–4 = £5 million
Cumulative discount factor at 12% per annum = 3·037
Therefore the present value of cashflows is £5 million x 3·037 = £15,185 million and the net cash flow after the initial
outlay of £12 million is £3,185,000.
There is now the strategic consideration regarding whether to spend £2 million which will restore the river to its original colour
and also clear 90% of the pollution caused as a result of the mining activities of the IOA Division, or to incur expenditure of
a further £2 million which will completely redress any damage done to the environment by the activities of the IOA Division.

(b) How can Maslow’s theory be applied to the motivation of staff? (5 marks)

(b) This theory is based on the idea that the goals of the individual and the organisation can be integrated and that personal satisfaction can be achieved through the workplace. It also assumes that individuals will achieve self-actualisation through their role in assisting the organisation to achieve its objectives. It follows therefore that work is the principal source of satisfaction.
The theory’s practical application is that managers should recognise that subordinates’ needs are always evolving and increasing, so continued attention to increasing the employees’ personal development, opportunities for advancement and recognition of achievement are essential to keep them motivated.

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