



ACCA在国内被称为"国际注册会计师",是全球含金量高的财会金融领域的证书之一,在国际上的认可范围很广的财务人员资格证书。ACCA全称:英国特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)。







1 ACCA注册费


2 ACCA年费

注册成ACCA学员后,您需要每年缴纳年费,以保持学员/会员身份。2019年官网公布的学员年费为£105,以后年费以ACCA官网的公布为准,可能会有调整(2019年5月10日后注册的学生可以免除2019年的年费)。 2019年年底,您需要缴纳2020年的年费,以保持学员/会员身份。同时,此后每年年底,您都需要缴纳下一年的年费了,您如果没有在规定时间内及时付清所欠的任何费用(年费、免试费等)都将被除名。请您登录ACCA全球官网在MY ACCA中查看自己是否有任何欠费账单并及时支付。

3 ACCA考试费用



1. 各机构的教材及练习册(ACCA官方只有大纲,没有官方教材)

2. 网课。

3. 按科目划分,每门科目几百至几千不等,总计学费约2-4万。主要还是在必须缴纳的费用、课本费,在校生的学费或是网课费用。

(二) 为什么MyACCA登陆不上?为什么网页老是无法跳转到支付页面?


(三) 没有及时缴纳年费会有什么影响



答:建议使用Chrome或者火狐浏览器并清空历史记录和浏览器的Cookies,或者使用手机等移动设备登陆MyACCA,尽可能避开网络繁忙时段,提高支付的成功率。同时,您也可致电英国总部24小时服务热线+44 141 582 2000提供个人相关信息直接通过电话进行缴费。


答:支付宝/银行卡扣款成功不一定表示年费已成功支付。成功完成缴费后MyACCA的Account balance应该显示为0。  你的个人账户被成功扣款后,有可能需要等1-3天才能在ACCA系统上显示到账。如果超过3天以上您的Account balance仍然显示有欠费,则表示支付没有成功,相关费用会在2-15个工作日内退回到您的信用卡或支付宝。您可以再收到退款后,再次尝试支付即可。






已被除名的会员/学员可以向协会写封邮件,表明自己的意愿并索要电子版的重新注册表格。  ACCA学员需要缴纳当年所欠的ACCA考试费用以及重新注册费,并填写重新注册表后,传真或致电英国总部;ACCA会员则需要缴纳过往欠费及重新注册费,并填写重新注册表后,传真或致电英国总部。  更多疑问,可致电ACCA中国代表处。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) The UK value added tax (VAT) implications for Razor Ltd of selling tools to and purchasing tools from

Cutlass Inc; (2 marks)

(ii) Value added tax (VAT)
Goods exported are zero-rated. Razor Ltd must retain appropriate documentary evidence that the export has taken place.
Razor Ltd must account for VAT on the value of the goods purchased from Cutlass Inc at the time the goods are brought
into the UK. The VAT payable should be included as deductible input tax on the company’s VAT return.

5 Your manager has heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and how it has some relevance to motivational techniques.


(a) Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. (10 marks)


5 The way in which managers’ duties are undertaken can significantly influence the satisfaction that employees derive from their work. Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals have a hierarchy of personal needs which are identifiable, universally applicable and can be satisfied in the workplace. Understanding this concept provides guidance to management as to the appropriateness of
motivational techniques.
(a) Maslow’s theory of motivation is a content theory. Its basic idea is that each individual has a set of needs which have to be
satisfied in a set order of priority.
Maslow suggested that individuals have five needs:
(or self fulfilment)
Esteem needs
(or ego)
Social needs
Safety needs
Physiological needs
These needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance and movement is upwards, from physiological needs to selfactualisation.Any individual will always want more; each need must be satisfied before the next is sought. However – andcritically so far as motivation in the workplace is concerned – a satisfied need is no longer a motivator.
The theory is usually presented in the shape of a triangle, with physiological needs at its base and self-actualisation at itsapex. The triangle shape has a clear significance. As an individual moves up toward the apex, the needs thin out, that isphysiological needs are far greater than self-actualisation needs. For many individuals, reaching social needs is often thehighest need to be satisfied. The theory is sometimes presented as a staircase; again with self-actualisation at the top. Thissecond diagrammatic form. reflects the application of the theory to more modern situations, where it can reasonably beassumed that those within the organisation have already achieved physiological and safety needs. For such individuals, socialand esteem needs may well be greater.
Physiological needs are the basic survival needs which, although part of the theory, probably have less relevance today. Theseneeds are usually seen as food, shelter (which is sometimes noted as a safety need), warmth and clothing.
Safety needs are the desire for security, order, certainty and predictability in life and freedom from threat. The above two so-called ‘lower order needs’ dominate until satisfied.
Social needs are the gregarious needs of mankind, the need for friendship, relationships and affection. This is often seen as the desire to be part of a family.
Esteem needs are the desire for recognition and respect, often associated with status, especially in the modern world.
Self-actualisation (self fulfilment) is the ultimate goal. Once this state is achieved the individual has fulfilled personal potential.
However, later work by Maslow has suggested that there are two additional needs; freedom of enquiry (free speech and justice) and knowledge (the need to explore and learn). These additional needs are a further development of social needs and recognise the changing nature of modern life.

(c) Excluding the number of complaints by patients, identify and briefly explain THREE quantitative

non-financial performance measures that could be used to assess the ‘quality of service’ provided by the

Dental Health Partnership. (3 marks)

(c) In order to assess the quality of patient care provided by the Dental Health Partnership the following performance measures
might be used:
– The percentage of ‘on time’ treatment of those patients who arrived prior to their appointment time would provide an
indication regarding the effectiveness of the scheduling of appointments by the Dental Health Partnership.
– the percentage of patient appointments which were re-arranged at the request of the Dental Health Partnership.
Rearranged appointments represent the provision of a lower level of service provision to clients who may, as a result,
switch to an alternative dental practice.
– the percentage of patients who return for treatment after their first appointment would provide an indication that they
were satisfied with the service they received.
– the percentage of patients who were able to gain an appointment at their preferred date and time is an indication of the
availability of the service to clients.
Note: Candidates were only required to discuss three measures.

(c) Explain how the introduction of an ERPS could impact on the role of management accountants. (5 marks)

(c) The introduction of ERPS has the potential to have a significant impact on the work of management accountants. The use of
ERPS causes a substantial reduction in the gathering and processing of routine information by management accountants.
Instead of relying on management accountants to provide them with information, managers are able to access the system to
obtain the information they require directly via a suitable electronic access medium.
ERPS integrate separate business functions in one system for the entire organisation and therefore co-ordination is usually
undertaken centrally by information management specialists who have a dual responsibility for the implementation and
operation of the system.
ERPS perform. routine tasks that not so long ago were seen as an essential part of the daily routines of management
accountants, for example perpetual inventory valuation. Therefore if the value of the role of management accountants is not
to be diminished then it is of necessity that management accountants should seek to expand their roles within their
The management accountant will also control and audit the ERPS data input and analysis. Hence the implementation of ERPS
provides the management accountant with an opportunity to change the emphasis of their role from information gathering
and processing to that of the role of advisers and internal consultants to their organisations. This new role will require
management accountants to be involved in interpreting the information generated from the ERPS and to provide business
support for all levels of management within an organisation.

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