





需要注意的是,每一年ACCA的14门课都会更新他们的TEXT BOOK和练习册。而这两本书,练习册往往被很多小伙伴重视,却偏偏忽视TEXT BOOK。很多的同学复习的时候喜欢记要点,而不愿意花时间读原汁原味的原版书籍。其实这是一个很不好的习惯,既不利于我们准确地把握知识点,也影响了我们专业英语能力的提高。

51题库考试学习网建议各位小伙伴在考试的三个月前,一定要用心看TEXT BOOK。先用一到两个月把书认真地读一遍,再上课、做题直到考前冲刺。考完试后不要着急把书丢在一边拿,大家可以把自己喜欢的章节保留下来,便于以后进一步学习或闲暇时看看读读。当然,千万不要忘记关注ACCA官网的更新,及时下载学习资料。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Briefly describe three advantages to Bailey’s of counselling. (3 marks)

(c) For Bailey’s the advantages of counselling as a means of understanding and addressing the problems are that it provides a confidential service to the employee to discuss problems away from and not involving management or supervision. There is no obvious human resources policy at Bailey’s and counselling provides an opportunity to develop an appropriate policy from understanding individual problems.
This in turn will demonstrate organisational commitment to the employees that has been lacking in the past at Bailey’s and begin the process of better performance and increase in commitment.
At another level, counselling can provide a link to other external agencies to assist with personal problems that may be deemed too specific for resolution within Bailey’s.

(ii) Construct the argument against Professor West’s opinion, and in favour of Professor Leroi’s opinion that

a principles-based approach would be preferable in developing countries. Your answer should consider

the particular situations of developing countries. (10 marks)

(ii) Principles-based approach
Advantages of a principles-based approach
The rigour with which governance systems are applied can be varied according to size, situation, stage of development
of business, etc. Organisations (in legal terms) have a choice to the extent to which they wish to comply, although they
will usually have to ‘comply or explain’. Explanations are more accepted by shareholders and stock markets for smaller
Obeying the spirit of the law is better than ‘box ticking’ (‘sort of business you are’ rather than ‘obeying rules’). Being
aware of overall responsibilities is more important than going through a compliance exercise merely to demonstrate
Avoids the ‘regulation overload’ of rules based (and associated increased business costs). The costs of compliance have
been a cause of considerable concern in the United States.
Self-regulation (e.g. by Financial Services Authority in the UK) rather than legal control has proven itself to underpin
investor confidence in several jurisdictions and the mechanisms are self-tightening (quicker and cheaper than legislation)
if initial public offering (IPO) volumes fall or capital flows elsewhere.
Context of developing countries
Developing countries’ economies tend to be dominated by small and medium sized organisations (SMEs). It would be
very costly and probably futile, to attempt to burden small businesses with regulatory requirements comparable to larger
Having the flexibility to ‘comply or explain’ allows for those seeking foreign equity to increase compliance whilst those
with different priorities can delay full compliance. In low-liquidity stock markets (such as those in some developing
countries) where share prices are not seen as strategically important for businesses, adopting a more flexible approach
might be a better use of management talent rather than ‘jumping through hoops’ to comply with legally-binding
The state needs to have an enforcement mechanism in place to deal with non-compliance and this itself represents a
cost to taxpayers and the corporate sector. Developing countries may not have the full infrastructure in place to enable
compliance (auditors, pool of NEDs, professional accountants, internal auditors, etc) and a principles-based approach
goes some way to recognise this.

(ii) Identify and explain the potential financial statement risks caused by the breach of planning regulations

discussed in the press cutting. (6 marks)

(ii) Several significant financial statement risks are indicated by the press cutting.
Overstatement of property, plant and equipment
Medix Co has constructed a research laboratory which is likely to be impaired at the year end. The local authority has
the power to shut down the facility, and it is clear from the press cutting that this is likely to happen before the year end.
Following IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, the premises should be written down to recoverable amount, and the
impairment loss recognised as an expense. The directors should carry out an impairment review before the year end. If
the premises cannot be used as intended then the recoverable amount (measured using the higher of value in use and
fair value less selling cost) is likely to be less than current carrying value. In this case, assuming the local authority is
successful in shutting down the research laboratory, the recoverable amount is likely to be nil, as the premises have no
value in use, as it will never be used commercially, and has no market value as it is likely to be demolished.
In addition, any tangible assets such as laboratory equipment located at the premises should be tested for impairment
as if the company cannot use the premises then the assets contained within it are likely to have a lower recoverable
amount than carrying value.
Contingency – fines or penalties imposed by local authority
The press cutting indicates that Medix Co has been sued before, and that the local authority may again take legal action
against the company. IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets states that a provision should be
recognised if the company has a probable obligation at the year end which can be measured reliably. If payment is
deemed only possible at the year end, then disclosure of the contingent liability should be made in a note to the financial
If the local authority commences legal proceedings against Medix Co before the year end of 30 June 2008, then
management should assess the probability of payment. The financial statement risk is not recognising a provision (and
associated expense within the income statement), or not disclosing a contingency.
Demolition costs
The local authority may require Medix Co to demolish the premises. If this demand is made before the year end, Medix
Co should recognise a provision for demolition costs as an unavoidable legal obligation would have been created. The
financial statement risk is that in this situation, Medix Co fails to recognise a provision and associated expense within
the income statement.
Going concern
The above issues could indicate that the company may not continue in operational existence. The potential lack of
disclosure of these issues represents a financial statement risk.

(c) Increasing the revaluation reserve to $300,000 by revaluing goodwill from $800,000 to $1,000,000.

(1 mark)

(c) IFRS 3 Business combinations does not allow goodwill to be revalued upwards.

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