判例法(case law)指可作为先例据以决案的法院判决,是法官造法,也就是我们说的司法者造法,这点通常与成文法 (statute law) 相对,成文法是由议会制定法律。判例法和成文法都是英国法系法律的两个重要渊源 (source of law) ,也是重要的法律类型之一(types of law)。此时这种分类是按照法律制定的主体来区分的。
根据判例法制度,某一判决中的法律规则不仅适用于该案,而且往往作为一种先例(precedent)而适用于以后该法院或下级法院所管辖的案件。只要案件的基本事实相同或相似,就必须以判例所定规则处理。这就是所谓“遵循先例” (stare decisis) 原则。
此外,我们又可以通过法律规范的主体是否平等,将法律分为私法 (private law) 和公法(public law)。
私法 (private law) 主要是指调整普通公民,组织之间关系的法律,在社会层面上双方当事人的法律地位平等,私法关键在于调整公民个人的权利义务关系(right and obligation)。
公法(public law)主要是指调整国家与普通公民、组织之间关系的法律,从定义中可以看出双方当事人中必须至少有一方是公权力机关。在我们生活中的tax law,constituition law都是属于公法范畴的。
最后我们还可以依据法律规范的内容不同,将法律分为刑法(criminal law)和民法 (civil law)。民法属于私法的范畴,重点在于双方当事人之间权利与义务的分配,刑法属于公法的范畴,重点在于确定什么样的行为是犯罪行为,和对于犯罪行为给与怎么样的处罚(punishment),所以可以归纳为三个字罪与罚。考试中时常会考到两者的区别,需要同学们对该块内容加以重视。
1. Burden of proof 举证责任
2. Standard of proof 举证的标准
在民法中,举证的标准是看原告和被告谁的证据更占优势,即谁的证词可能性越高(balance of
在刑事案件中,举证的标准会明显提高,需要排除一切合理的怀疑(beyond reasonable
3. Decision 判决结果
在民事案件中,判决结果是被告是否有责任(liable / not liable),而在刑事案件中,判决结果往往是被告人是否有罪(guilty / not guilty)
4. Aim 法律目的
民法的目的是provide compensatory remedies,具有补偿性质,而并非惩罚。但在刑事案件中,法院对国家不允许或者不赞成的行为,给与惩罚(punishment)
5. Remedies 救济方式
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) Using the unit cost information available and your calculations in (a), prepare a financial analysis of the
decision strategy which TOC may implement with regard to the manufacture of each product. (6 marks)
(b) Provide the directors of Acrux Ltd with a detailed explanation of the maximum rate of tax that will be suffered
on both the distributed and non-distributed profits of the non-UK resident investee companies where:
(1) there is a double tax treaty between the UK and the country in which the individual companies are
resident; and
(2) there is no such double tax treaty.
Note: you are not required to explain the position of the overseas resident branches. (6 marks)
(b) Rate of tax on profits of non-UK resident investee companies
Undistributed profits
The companies will be subject to tax in the countries in which they are resident; this is because of their residency status or
because they have a permanent establishment in that country. Undistributed profits will not be taxed in the UK.
The rate of tax on undistributed profits will therefore be the rate of tax in the country of residency of the respective companies.
Distributed profits with double tax treaty
The dividends received by Acrux Ltd from each of the overseas companies will be grossed up in respect of underlying tax (the
overseas corporation tax paid on the distributed profits) because Acrux Ltd will own at least 10% of the overseas companies.
The gross amount will then be included in Acrux Ltd’s profits chargeable to corporation tax.
The treaty will provide double tax relief in the UK for the overseas tax suffered in respect of each dividend up to a maximum
of the UK tax on the grossed up overseas dividend. As a result of the double tax relief, the overall rate of tax suffered will be
the higher of the UK rate paid by Acrux Ltd and the overseas tax rate borne by the overseas company.
Where the rate of overseas tax in respect of a particular dividend exceeds the rate of corporation tax in the UK, excess foreign
tax will arise. This can be relieved, via onshore pooling, against the UK tax due on those dividends where the rate of tax in
the UK exceeds the rate overseas. This will reduce the overall rate of tax suffered on the total overseas profits of the overseas
companies as a whole.
Distributed profits with no double tax treaty
Where there is no double tax treaty, unilateral double tax relief will be available in the UK. This relief will operate in the same
way as double tax relief under a double tax treaty such that the overall rate of tax on each dividend will be the higher of the
UK rate paid by Acrux Ltd and the overseas rate borne by the overseas company. Relief via onshore pooling will also be
3 The directors of The Healthy Eating Group (HEG), a successful restaurant chain, which commenced trading in 1998,
have decided to enter the sandwich market in Homeland, its country of operation. It has set up a separate operation
under the name of Healthy Sandwiches Co (HSC). A management team for HSC has been recruited via a recruitment
consultancy which specialises in food sector appointments. Homeland has very high unemployment and the vast
majority of its workforce has no experience in a food manufacturing environment. HSC will commence trading on
1 January 2008.
The following information is available:
(1) HSC has agreed to make and supply sandwiches to agreed recipes for the Superior Food Group (SFG) which
owns a chain of supermarkets in all towns and cities within Homeland. SFG insists that it selects the suppliers
of the ingredients that are used in making the sandwiches it sells and therefore HSC would be unable to reduce
the costs of the ingredients used in the sandwiches. HSC will be the sole supplier for SFG.
(2) The number of sandwiches sold per year in Homeland is 625 million. SFG has a market share of 4%.
(3) The average selling price of all sandwiches sold by SFG is $2·40. SFG wishes to make a mark-up of 331/3% on
all sandwiches sold. 90% of all sandwiches sold by SFG are sold before 2 pm each day. The majority of the
remaining 10% are sold after 8 pm. It is the intention that all sandwiches are sold on the day that they are
delivered into SFG’s supermarkets.
(4) The finance director of HSC has estimated that the average cost of ingredients per sandwich is $0·70. All
sandwiches are made by hand.
(5) Packaging and labelling costs amount to $0·15 per sandwich.
(6) Fixed overheads have been estimated to amount to $5,401,000 per annum. Note that fixed overheads include
all wages and salaries costs as all employees are subject to fixed term employment contracts.
(7) Distribution costs are expected to amount to 8% of HSC’s revenue.
(8) The finance director of HSC has stated that he believes the target sales margin of 32% can be achieved, although
he is concerned about the effect that an increase in the cost of all ingredients would have on the forecast profits
(assuming that all other revenue/cost data remains unchanged).
(9) The existing management information system of HEG was purchased at the time that HEG commenced trading.
The directors are now considering investing in an enterprise resource planning system (ERPS).
(a) Using only the above information, show how the finance director of HSC reached his conclusion regarding
the expected sales margin and also state whether he was correct to be concerned about an increase in the
price of ingredients. (5 marks)
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