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5 Crusoe has contacted you following the death of his father, Noland. Crusoe has inherited the whole of his father’s

estate and is seeking advice on his father’s capital gains tax position and the payment of inheritance tax following his


The following information has been extracted from client files and from telephone conversations with Crusoe.

Noland – personal information:

– Divorcee whose only other relatives are his sister, Avril, and two grandchildren.

– Died suddenly on 1 October 2007 without having made a will.

– Under the laws of intestacy, the whole of his estate passes to Crusoe.

Noland – income tax and capital gains tax:

– Has been a basic rate taxpayer since the tax year 2000/01.

– Sales of quoted shares resulted in:

– Chargeable gains of £7,100 and allowable losses of £17,800 in the tax year 2007/08.

– Chargeable gains of approximately £14,000 each tax year from 2000/01 to 2006/07.

– None of the shares were held for long enough to qualify for taper relief.

Noland – gifts made during lifetime:

– On 1 December 1999 Noland gave his house to Crusoe.

– Crusoe has allowed Noland to continue living in the house and has charged him rent of £120 per month

since 1 December 1999. The market rent for the house would be £740 per month.

– The house was worth £240,000 at the time of the gift and £310,000 on 1 October 2007.

– On 1 November 2004 Noland transferred quoted shares worth £232,000 to a discretionary trust for the benefit

of his grandchildren.

Noland – probate values of assets held at death: £

– Portfolio of quoted shares 370,000

Shares in Kurb Ltd 38,400

Chattels and cash 22,300

Domestic liabilities including income tax payable (1,900)

– It should be assumed that these values will not change for the foreseeable future.

Kurb Ltd:

– Unquoted trading company

– Noland purchased the shares on 1 December 2005.


– Long-standing personal tax client of your firm.

– Married with two young children.

– Successful investment banker with very high net worth.

– Intends to gift the portfolio of quoted shares inherited from Noland to his aunt, Avril, who has very little personal



(a) Prepare explanatory notes together with relevant supporting calculations in order to quantify the tax relief

potentially available in respect of Noland’s capital losses realised in 2007/08. (4 marks)



3 Susan Paullaos was recently appointed as a non-executive member of the internal audit committee of Gluck and

Goodman, a public listed company producing complex engineering products. Barney Chester, the executive finance

director who chairs the committee, has always viewed the purpose of internal audit as primarily financial in nature

and as long as financial controls are seen to be fully in place, he is less concerned with other aspects of internal

control. When Susan asked about operational controls in the production facility Barney said that these were not the

concern of the internal audit committee. This, he said, was because as long as the accounting systems and financial

controls were fully functional, all other systems may be assumed to be working correctly.

Susan, however, was concerned with the operational and quality controls in the production facility. She spoke to

production director Aaron Hardanger, and asked if he would be prepared to produce regular reports for the internal

audit committee on levels of specification compliance and other control issues. Mr Hardanger said that the internal

audit committee had always trusted him because his reputation as a manager was very good. He said that he had

never been asked to provide compliance evidence to the internal audit committee and saw no reason as to why he

should start doing so now.

At board level, the non-executive chairman, George Allejandra, said that he only instituted the internal audit committee

in the first place in order to be seen to be in compliance with the stock market’s requirement that Gluck and Goodman

should have one. He believed that internal audit committees didn’t add materially to the company. They were, he

believed, one of those ‘outrageous demands’ that regulatory authorities made without considering the consequences

in smaller companies nor the individual needs of different companies. He also complained about the need to have an

internal auditor. He said that Gluck and Goodman used to have a full time internal auditor but when he left a year

ago, he wasn’t replaced. The audit committee didn’t feel it needed an internal auditor because Barney Chester believed

that only financial control information was important and he could get that information from his management


Susan asked Mr Allejandra if he recognised that the company was exposing itself to increased market risks by failing

to have an effective audit committee. Mr Allejandra said he didn’t know what a market risk was.


(a) Internal control and audit are considered to be important parts of sound corporate governance.

(i) Describe FIVE general objectives of internal control. (5 marks)

3 (a) (i) FIVE general objectives of internal control
An internal control system comprises the whole network of systems established in an organisation to provide reasonable
assurance that organisational objectives will be achieved.
Specifically, the general objectives of internal control are as follows:
To ensure the orderly and efficient conduct of business in respect of systems being in place and fully implemented.
Controls mean that business processes and transactions take place without disruption with less risk or disturbance and
this, in turn, adds value and creates shareholder value.
To safeguard the assets of the business. Assets include tangibles and intangibles, and controls are necessary to ensure
they are optimally utilised and protected from misuse, fraud, misappropriation or theft.
To prevent and detect fraud. Controls are necessary to show up any operational or financial disagreements that might
be the result of theft or fraud. This might include off-balance sheet financing or the use of unauthorised accounting
policies, inventory controls, use of company property and similar.
To ensure the completeness and accuracy of accounting records. Ensuring that all accounting transactions are fully and
accurately recorded, that assets and liabilities are correctly identified and valued, and that all costs and revenues can be
fully accounted for.
To ensure the timely preparation of financial information which applies to statutory reporting (of year end accounts, for
example) and also management accounts, if appropriate, for the facilitation of effective management decision-making.
[Tutorial note: candidates may address these general objectives using different wordings based on analyses of different
study manuals. Allow latitude]

(b) Describe the skills that a counsellor should possess. (14 marks)

(b) It is clear that many of the problems at Bailey’s that have led to the unhappy atmosphere lend themselves to resolution through the neutral and non-judgemental approach offered by the appointment of external counsellors. The counsellor must be in a position to help the individual employee to identify problems, issues and possible solutions to the kind of problems that have manifested themselves at Bailey’s: poor production, unrest, low morale and significantly, the long tradition of poor pay that is leading to employee family problems outside the factory. There is always the danger of leading the employee, so the counsellor must adopt a passive role, show interest and encourage reflection whilst allowing the employee to lead and talk around the issues. Open questions must be used to help the employee explore ideas and feelings. The counsellor must be an active listener, speaking only to clarify issues and elicit answers when appropriate. Above all, the counsellor must be impartial and this is why Bailey’s has appointed outside counsellors.
Counselling skills require the ability to establish rapport with the employee, to clarify and summarise as appropriate, to ask non-specific questions, use a non-directive approach, to listen and be able to discern what is meant by what the employee says. In addition, the counsellor must allow the employee to be silent if he or she wishes to be, to allow any meeting to take place at the speed of the employee and anticipate the employee’s views on the causes, which at Bailey’s are many, and to allow solutions to the problems.

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