









下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Software Supply Co. (4 marks)

(c) Software Supply Co
Here it seems that Smith & Co has referred the provision of bespoke accounting software to an external provider – Software
Supply Co, and that a commission is being paid to Smith & Co for these referrals. It is common for audit firms to recommend
other providers to their audit clients.
This could be perceived as an objectivity and self-interest threat, as the audit firm is benefiting financially through
recommending clients to a particular provider of goods and services. However, if appropriate safeguards are in place, the
referrals and receipt of commissions can continue.
Action to be taken:
– Verification from all personnel involved with the audit of clients to whom Software Supply Co has provided a service that
they have no financial or personal interest in Software Supply Co.
– Smith & Co must ensure that:
For each client where a referral is made, full disclosure has been made to the client regarding the arrangement
Written acknowledgement that Smith & Co is to receive a referral fee should be obtained from the client.
– Procedures must be put into place to monitor the quality of goods and services provided by Software Supply Co to audit

(d) (i) Discuss why it may not be possible to provide a high level of assurance over the stated key performance

indicators; and (4 marks)

(d) (i) The main reason why it may not be possible to provide a high level of assurance is that the KPIs are not defined
– The value of donated pharmaceutical products is compared to revenue to provide a percentage. However, it will be
difficult to accurately value the donated products – are they valued at cost, or at sales price? Are delivery costs
included in the valuation? The intrinsic value may be lower than sales value as Sci-Tech Co may decide to donate
products which are not useful or relevant to the charities they are donated to.
– The value of ‘cost of involvement with local charities’ is also not defined. If the donations are purely cash, then it
should be easy to verify donations using normal audit procedures to verify cash payments. However, the
‘involvement with local charities’ is not defined and will be difficult to quantify as a percentage of revenue. For
example, involvement may include:
? Time spent by Sci-Tech Co employees at local charity events
? Education and training provided to members of the local community in health care matters
– Number of serious accidents is also difficult to quantify as what constitutes a ‘serious’ accident is subjective. For
example, is an accident serious if it results in a hospitalisation of the employee? Or serious if it results in more than
five days absence from work while recovering?
In addition, the sufficiency of evidence available is doubtful, as such matters will not form. part of the accounting records
and thus there may be limited and possibly only unreliable sources of evidence available.
– Donated goods may not be separately recorded in inventory movement records. It may not be possible to
distinguish donated goods from sold or destroyed items.
– Unless time sheets are maintained, there is unlikely to be any detailed records of ‘involvement’ in local charities.

3 The managers of Daylon plc are reviewing the company’s investment portfolio. About 15% of the portfolio is represented by a holding of 5,550,000 ordinary shares of Mondglobe plc. The managers are concerned about the effect on portfolio value if the price of Mondglobe’s shares should fall, and are considering selling the shares. Daylon’s investment bank has suggested that the risk of Mondglobe’s shares falling by more than 5% from their current value could be protected against by buying an over the counter option. The investment bank is prepared to sell an appropriate six month option to Daylon for £250,000.

Other information:

(i) The current market price of Mondglobe’s ordinary shares is 360 pence.

(ii) The annual volatility (variance) of Mondglobe’s shares for the last year was 169%.

(iii) The risk free rate is 4% per year.

(iv) No dividend is expected to be paid by Mondglobe during the next six months.


(a) Evaluate whether or not the price at which the investment bank is willing to sell the option is a fair price.(10 marks)


3 (a) The investment bank is offering to sell to Daylon plc an option to sell Mondglobe ordinary shares at a price no worse than 5% below the current market price of 360 pence. This is a put option on Mondglobe shares at a price of 342 pence. The Black-Scholes option pricing model may be used to estimate whether or not the option price is a fair price. The value of a put option may be found by first estimating the value of a call option and then using the put-call parity theorem.
Basic data:
Share price 360 pence
Exercise price 342 pence
Risk free rate 4% (0·04)
Volatility is measured by the standard deviation. The variance is 169% therefore the standard deviation, σ is 13% (0·13)
The relevant period is six months (0·5)

1 Stuart is a self-employed business consultant aged 58. He is married to Rebecca, aged 55. They have one child,

Sam, who is aged 24 and single.

In November 2005 Stuart sold a house in Plymouth for £422,100. Stuart had inherited the house on the death of

his mother on 1 May 1994 when it had a probate value of £185,000. The subsequent pattern of occupation was as


1 May 1994 to 28 February 1995 occupied by Stuart and Rebecca as main residence

1 March 1995 to 31 December 1998 unoccupied

1 January 1999 to 31 March 2001 let out (unfurnished)

1 April 2001 to 30 November 2001 occupied by Stuart and Rebecca

1 December 2001 to 30 November 2005 used occasionally as second home

Both Stuart and Rebecca had lived in London from March 1995 onwards. On 1 March 2001 Stuart and Rebecca

bought a house in London in their joint names. On 1 January 2002 they elected for their London house to be their

principal private residence with effect from that date, up until that point the Plymouth property had been their principal

private residence.

No other capital disposals were made by Stuart in the tax year 2005/06. He has £29,500 of capital losses brought

forward from previous years.

Stuart intends to invest the gross sale proceeds from the sale of the Plymouth house, and is considering two

investment options, both of which he believes will provide equal risk and returns. These are as follows:

(1) acquiring shares in Omikron plc; or

(2) acquiring further shares in Omega plc.


1. Omikron plc is a listed UK trading company, with 50,250,000 shares in issue. Its shares currently trade at 42p

per share.

2. Stuart and Rebecca helped start up the company, which was then Omega Ltd. The company was formed on

1 June 1990, when they each bought 24,000 shares for £1 per share. The company became listed on 1 May

1997. On this date their holding was subdivided, with each of them receiving 100 shares in Omega plc for each

share held in Omega Ltd. The issued share capital of Omega plc is currently 10,000,000 shares. The share price

is quoted at 208p – 216p with marked bargains at 207p, 211p, and 215p.

Stuart and Rebecca’s assets (following the sale of the Plymouth house but before any investment of the proceeds) are

as follows:

Assets Stuart Rebecca

£ £

Family house in London 450,000 450,000

Cash from property sale 422,100 –

Cash deposits 165,000 165,000

Portfolio of quoted investments – 250,000

Shares in Omega plc see above see above

Life insurance policy note 1 note 1


1. The life insurance policy will pay out a sum of £200,000 on the death of the first spouse to die.

Stuart has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness. He is expected to live for another two or three years only.

He is concerned about the possible inheritance tax that will arise on his death. Both he and Rebecca have wills whose

terms transfer all assets to the surviving spouse. Rebecca is in good health.

Neither Stuart nor Rebecca has made any previous chargeable lifetime transfers for the purposes of inheritance tax.


(a) Calculate the taxable capital gain on the sale of the Plymouth house in November 2005 (9 marks)



Note that the last 36 months count as deemed occupation, as the house was Stuart’s principal private residence (PPR)
at some point during his period of ownership.
The first 36 months of the period from 1 March 1995 to 31 March 2001 qualifies as a deemed occupation period as
Stuart and Rebecca returned to occupy the property on 1 April 2001. The remainder of the period will be treated as a
period of absence, although letting relief is available for part of the period (see below).
The exempt element of the gain is the proportion during which the property was occupied, real or deemed. This is
£138,665 (90/139 x £214,160).
(2) The chargeable gain is restricted for the period that the property was let out. This is restricted to the lowest of the
(i) the gain attributable to the letting period (27/139 x 214,160) = £41,599
(ii) £40,000
(iii) the total exempt PPR gain = £138,665
i.e. £40,000.
(3) The taper relief is effectively wasted, having restricted losses b/f to preserve the annual exemption.

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