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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(iii) Explain the potential corporation tax (CT) implications of Tay Limited transferring work to Trent Limited,

and suggest how these can be minimised or eliminated. (3 marks)

(iii) Trading losses may not be carried forward where, within a period of three years there is both a change in the ownership
of a company and a major change in the nature or conduct of its trade. The transfer of work from Tay Limited to Trent
Limited is likely to constitute a major change in the nature or conduct of the latter’s trade. As a consequence, any tax
losses at the date of acquisition will be forfeited. Assuming losses were incurred uniformly in 2005, the tax losses at the
date of acquisition were £380,000 (300,000 + 2/3 x 120,000)). This is worth £114,000 assuming a corporation tax
rate of 30%.
Thus, Tay Limited should not consider transferring any trade to Trent Limited until after the third anniversary of the date
of the change of ownership i.e. not before 1 September 2008. As the trades are similar, there should be little problem
in transferring work from that date onwards.

9 Which of the following items must be disclosed in a company’s published financial statements (including notes)

if material, according to IAS1 Presentation of financial statements?

1 Finance costs.

2 Staff costs.

3 Depreciation and amortisation expense.

4 Movements on share capital.

A 1 and 3 only

B 1, 2 and 4 only

C 2, 3 and 4 only

D All four items


3 You are an audit manager in Webb & Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. Your audit client, Mulligan Co,

designs and manufactures wooden tables and chairs. The business has expanded rapidly in the last two years, since

the arrival of Patrick Tiler, an experienced sales and marketing manager.

The directors want to secure a loan of $3 million in order to expand operations, following the design of a completely

new range of wooden garden furniture. The directors have approached LCT Bank for the loan. The bank’s lending

criteria stipulate the following:

‘Loan applications must be accompanied by a detailed business plan, including an analysis of how the finance will

be used. LCT Bank need to see that the finance requested is adequate for the proposed business purpose. The

business plan must be supported by an assurance opinion on the adequacy of the requested finance.’

The $3 million finance raised will be used as follows:


Construction of new factory 1,250

Purchase of new machinery 1,000

Initial supply of timber raw material 250

Advertising and marketing of new product 500

Your firm has agreed to review the business plan and to provide an assurance opinion on the completeness of the

finance request. A meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss this assignment.


(a) Identify and explain the matters relating to the assurance assignment that should be discussed at the meeting

with Mulligan Co. (8 marks)

(a) Matters to be discussed would include the following:
The exact content of the business plan which could include:
– Description of past business performance and key products
– Discussion of the new product
– Evidence of the marketability of the new product
– Cash flow projections
– Capital expenditure forecasts
– Key business assumptions.
The form. of the assurance report that is required – in an assurance engagement the nature and wording of the expected
opinion should be discussed. Webb & Co should clarify that an opinion of ‘negative assurance’ will be required, and whether
this will meet the bank’s lending criteria.
The intended recipient of the report – Webb & Co need to clarify the name and address of the recipient at LCT Bank. For the
limitation of professional liability, it should be clarified that LCT Bank will be the only recipient, and that the assurance opinion
is being used only as part of the bank’s overall lending decision.
Limiting liability – Webb & Co may want to receive in writing a statement that the report is for information purposes only, and
does not give rise to any responsibility, liability, duty or obligation from the firm to the lender.
Deadlines – it should be discussed when the bank need the report. This in turn will be influenced by when Mulligan Co needs
the requested $3 million finance. The bank may need a considerable period of time to assess the request, review the report,
and ensure that their lending criteria have been fully met prior to advancing the finance.
Availability of evidence – Mulligan Co should be made aware that in order to express an opinion on the finance request, they
must be prepared to provide all the necessary paperwork to assist the assurance provider. Evidence is likely to include
discussions with key management, and written representations of discussions may be required.
Professional regulation – Webb & Co should discuss the kind of procedures that will be undertaken, and confirm that they
will be complying with relevant professional guidance, for example:
– ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information
– ISAE 3400 The Examination of Prospective Financial Information
Engagement administration – any points not yet discussed in detail when deciding to take the assurance engagement should
be finalised at the meeting. These points could include the following:
– Fees – the total fee and billing arrangements must be agreed before any work is carried out
– Personnel – Webb & Co should identify the key personnel who will be involved in the assignment
– Complaints procedures – should be briefly outlined (the complaints procedures in an assurance engagement may differ
from an audit assignment)
– Engagement letter – if not already signed by both Webb & Co and Mulligan Co, the engagement letter should be
discussed and signed at the meeting before any assignment work is conducted.
Tutorial note: the scenario states that Webb & Co have already decided to take the assurance assignment for their existing
client, therefore the answer to this requirement should not focus on client or engagement acceptance procedures.

6 The explosive growth of investing and raising capital in the global markets has put new emphasis on the development

of international accounting, auditing and ethical standards. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has

been at the forefront of the development of the worldwide accountancy profession through its activities in ethics,

auditing and education.


Explain the developments in each of the following areas and indicate how they affect Chartered Certified


(a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; (5 marks)

Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will
be given suitable credit.
(a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’
Since its issue in 1996, IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’ (‘The Code’) has undergone several revisions
(1996, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2005). IFAC holds the view that due to national differences (of culture, language, legal and
social systems) the task of preparing detailed ethical requirements is primarily that of the member bodies in each country
concerned (and that they also have the responsibility to implement and enforce such requirements).
In recognizing the responsibilities of the accountancy profession, IFAC considers its own role to be in providing guidance and
promoting harmonization. IFAC has established ‘The Code’ to provide a basis on which the ethical requirements for
professional accountants in each country should be founded.
IFAC’s conceptual approach is principles-based. It provides a route to convergence that emphasises the profession’s integrity.
This approach may be summarised as:
■ identifying and evaluating circumstances and relationships that create threats (e.g. to independence); and
■ taking appropriate action to:
– eliminate these threats; or
– reduce them to an acceptable level by the application of safeguards.
If no safeguards are available to reduce a threat to an acceptable level an assurance engagement must be refused or
This approach was first introduced to Section 8 of The Code, on independence, and is applicable to assurance engagements
when the assurance report is dated on or after 31 December 2004.
Further to the cases of Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat, IFAC issued a revised Code in July 2005 that applies to all professional
accountants, whether in public practice, business, industry or government2.
A member body of IFAC may not apply less stringent standards than those stated in the Code. The Code is effective from
30 June 2006.
Practicing accountants and members in business must maintain the high standards of professional ethics that are expected
by their professional bodies (such as ACCA). These developments codify current best practice in the wake of the
aforementioned recent corporate scandals.
The developments in The Code have wider application in that it:
■ applies to all assurance services (not just audit);
■ considers the standpoints of the firm and of the assurance team.
Since ACCA is a member-body of IFAC the elevation of The Code to a standard will affect all Chartered Certified Accountants.

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