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但考生需要注意的事情就是:因为国家对ACCA考试规则做了限制,你是没有办法同时报考AB(F1)与SBL两个科目的,因为中间还隔着F4-F9 6门技能课程。所以你能做的就是打好基础。对于备考SBL,AB(F1)的知识点是大量的基础知识,所以要注意在考过AB(F1)之后依然需要巩固和记忆相关的知识点,不要把所学的知识点给遗忘了,如果到时候重新来复习的话,就太浪费时间了。
文字类考试对考生的记忆力的要求是极高的,不光要求考生要记忆从中的知识点并且是要熟练记忆。因此51题库考试学习网建议在选择考试科目时要避免选择同时备考多科需要高强度记忆的考试科目,例如F4《Corporate and Business law》以及F8《Audit and Assurance》,如果这些同时备考的话,会增加记忆难度,间接地导致学习效果的下降,最后导致考试成绩的不理想,所以不建议在同一考季中备考多个文字类考试。但是,51题库考试学习网推荐在相邻两个考季中参加考试(比如2020年6月份准备F4,那么2020年6月份就准备F8),因为文字类考试的内容或多或少是有重叠的部分的,区别仅仅在于侧重点不同,识记内容有重叠部分;就比如F8学得很扎实的小伙伴对于后面的学习SBL或者选修高级审计与鉴证《Advanced Audit and Assurance(AAA)》是赢在了起跑线上的,优势是十分巨大的。这就是为什么有一些考神能一次性通过ACCA考试的原因:合理地、科学地、有目的性地、高效地去学习,巧用复习方法能让你的学习效果事半功倍。
F2《Management Accounting》、F5业绩管理《Performance Management》和F9选修高级业绩管理《Advanced Performance Management》
同理,对于F2《Management Accounting》、F5业绩管理《Performance Management》和F9选修高级业绩管理《Advanced Performance Management》。F2课程内容是F5和选修高级业绩管理的基础,三科课程内容都涉及管理会计与财务会计的区别,涵盖:管理会计,管理信息,成本会计,预算和标准成本,业绩衡量,短期决策方法。同样,差别也仅仅是在于侧重点以及研究深度和广度的不同而已。因此,51题库考试学习网建议学习能力强一点的考生将F2和F5考虑同时学习,而学习能力偏弱的考试就先学F2再学F5;在选择报考科目的时间上,建议将F2、F5以及选修高级业绩管理这三科在相邻考季中备考,因为F2中的variance,在F5中体现更加灵活、更加具体。先学F2,再看F5,F2比较简单,很多常识的知识,为F5打好基础,也加深对F2的理解。在这些学科中,ACCAer们将会学到:如何处理基本的成本信息,并能向管理层提供能用作预算和决策的信息。而与此同时,F9科目又是F5升级版,课程研究的更加具体化和形象化,但是RATIO部分是一样的,所以51题库考试学习网建议可以将F5和F9放在同一考季去考试。
F6和P6高级税务《Advanced Taxation》
如果你有选修学习P6高级税务《Advanced Taxation》的打算,可以建议把F6放在F阶段最后一门,在考完F6考试之后,就赶紧学习P6。因为,F6《Taxation》是P6《Advanced Taxation》的直接基础。这门课程涵盖:英国税收体制,个人所得税,企业所得税,资本利得税,增值税,遗产税这五大税种应交税额的计算以及基于个人收入缴纳的国民保险和养老金投资的计算。F6考试中以税负计算为主,而P6更偏向在熟悉税法规定后,帮客户做合理纳税筹划。为什么不将F6和P6在同一考季报考呢?也是由于国家的相关规定,禁止在同一考季报考的,因此在考完F6考试之后,就赶紧学习P6。可以安排在同一年度相邻考季考这两门是最好的,因为两个科目中的相关知识点,例如:税率不变也不用重新记;科目类别要选择一致的,例如F6选择了UK ,P6也就选择UK,但是这样选择存在一个弊端就是,由于在中国P6这门课程学习的人不多,学习资料与课程也很少,如果将F6和P6放在两个相邻,备考时间相对较紧凑,对于资料不好找的科目可能复习到的知识点可能存在不太全面的问题。因此,同学们应根据自身需求谨慎选择。
P2在2018年9月改革为新科目SBR(Strategic Business Reporting)。课程涵盖是十分广泛的,例如:财务会计,财务报表,公司合并报表,分析并解读财务报表。P2的核心就是:让你如何运用合理地会计准则和概念框架编制财务报表同时又能够分析并解读财务报表。不难发现的是:P2有一大部分是重复F7的内容,但是由于ACCA考试规则规定了必须F阶段考试全部通过完毕之后才能报考P阶段,所以51题库考试学习网建议考生在考完F阶段考试之后,可以在下一次考试先考P2,将F7的知识点灵活运用。
如果想要学习4选2的P4的话,可以再F9考完之后学习P4,P4《Advanced Financial Management》是F9《Financial Management》的延伸考查,与SBR也有一定的联系。
F8《Audit Assurance》是P7《Advanced Audit Assurance》的直接基础,与F3,F7,SBL等课程都有一定的关系。
P4《Advanced Financial Management》更偏向金融方面,想去投行券商的小伙伴们可以考虑选择P4
P5《Advanced Performance Management》偏向财务管理方向,如果对分析公司财务状况以及咨询岗位感兴趣的小伙伴可以选择P5
P6《Advanced Taxation》及P7《Advanced Audit Assurance》可以让各位学员们对税法以及审计准则的知识熟练掌握,对于想在事务所工作的小伙伴们是不错的选择。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) Discuss how the operating statement you have produced can assist managers in:
(i) controlling variable costs;
(ii) controlling fixed production overhead costs. (8 marks)
(b) Controlling variable costs
The first step in the process of controlling costs is to measure actual costs. The second step is to calculate variances that show
the difference between actual costs and budgeted or standard costs. These variances then need to be reported to those
managers who have responsibility for them. These managers can then decide whether action needs to be taken to bring actual
costs back into line with budgeted or standard costs. The operating statement therefore has a role to play in reporting
information to management in a way that assists in the decision-making process.
The operating statement quantifies the effect of the volume difference between budgeted and actual sales so that the actual
cost of the actual output can be compared with the standard (or budgeted) cost of the actual output. The statement clearly
differentiates between adverse and favourable variances so that managers can identify areas where there is a significant
difference between actual results and planned performance. This supports management by exception, since managers can
focus their efforts on these significant areas in order to obtain the most impact in terms of getting actual operations back in
line with planned activity.
In control terms, variable costs can be affected in the short term and so an operating statement for the last month showing
variable cost variances will highlight those areas where management action may be effective. In the short term, for example,
managers may be able to improve labour efficiency through training, or through reducing or eliminating staff actions which
do not assist the production process. In this way the adverse direct labour efficiency variance of £252, which is 7·3% of the
standard direct labour cost of the actual output, could be reduced.
Controlling fixed production overhead costs
In the short term, it is unlikely that fixed production overhead costs can be controlled. An operating statement from last month
showing fixed production overhead variances may not therefore assist in controlling fixed costs. Managers will not be able to
take any action to correct the adverse fixed production overhead expenditure variance, for example, which may in fact simply
show the need for improvement in the area of budget planning. Investigation of the component parts of fixed production
overhead will show, however, whether any of these are controllable. In general, this is not the case2.
Absorption costing gives rise to a fixed production overhead volume variance, which shows the effect of actual production
being different from planned production. Since fixed production overheads are a sunk cost, the volume variance shows little
more than that the standard hours for actual production were different from budgeted standard hours3. Similarly, the fixed
production overhead efficiency variance offers little more in information terms than the direct labour efficiency variance. While
fixed production overhead variances assist in reconciling budgeted profit with actual profit, therefore, their reporting in an
operating statement is unlikely to assist in controlling fixed costs.
(d) Advise Trent Limited of the consequences arising from the submission of the incorrect value added tax (VAT)
return, assuming that the company has previously had a good compliance record with regard to accounting
for VAT. (6 marks)
(d) Default surcharge
Although the VAT return was submitted on time (i.e. within one month of the end of the tax period), part of the quarterly VAT
liability has not yet been paid. As a result this payment will be made late and a surcharge liability notice will be issued on
the company. The surcharge period will run from the date of the notice until the anniversary of the end of the period for which
the VAT was paid late (i.e. until 31 March 2007). During this period any further default will extend the surcharge period and
any further late payments of VAT will attract a surcharge penalty of 2% on the first occasion, rising to 15% for successive late
Mis-declaration penalty
As the return understates the VAT payable, a potential mis-declaration penalty arises. The amount understated exceeds 30%
of the sum of the true input tax and output tax, known as the gross amount of tax (GAT) ((30% of (87,500 + 55,000) +
40,000) = 54,750). There has, thus, been a significant understatement of the true VAT return liability, resulting in a penalty
rate of 15% of the VAT which would have been lost had the error not been discovered. However, where an under declaration
arises out of a true error i.e. there is no intention to evade tax involved, and it is voluntarily disclosed, then a mis-declaration
penalty is not normally imposed. Although the company is still within the ‘period of grace’ allowed by HMRC for the correction
of errors in the next following VAT return, it would be advisable for Trent Limited to notify HMRC of the error immediately, in
writing, unless it has a ‘reasonable excuse’ for the error having occurred.
Default interest
Default interest is chargeable when an assessment to VAT arises for an amount that has been under declared in a previous
period, whether as a result of voluntary disclosure or as identified by HMRC. Interest is charged on a daily basis from the
date the under declaration should have been declared (i.e. 1 May 2006) to the date shown on the notice of assessment or
notice of voluntary disclosure. As given the size of the error the de minimis relief for voluntarily declared errors of less than
£2,000 is not applicable, the only way for Trent Limited to minimise the interest charge is by means of early disclosure and
payment of the additional VAT due.
(b) Using the information provided, state the financial statement risks arising and justify an appropriate audit
approach for Indigo Co for the year ending 31 December 2005. (14 marks)
(b) Financial statement risks
■ There is a very high risk that inventory could be materially overstated in the balance sheet (thereby overstating profit)
? there is a high volume of metals (hence material);
? valuable metals are made more portable;
? subsidy gives an incentive to overstate purchases (and hence inventory);
? inventory may not exist due to lack of physical controls (e.g. aluminium can blow away);
? scrap metal in the stockyard may have zero net realisable value (e.g. iron is rusty and slow-moving);
? quantities per counts not attended by an auditor have increased by a third.
■ Inventory could be otherwise misstated (over or under) due to:
? the weighbridge being inaccurate;
? metal qualities being estimated;
? different metals being mixed up; and
? the lack of an independent expert to identify/measure/value metals.
■ Tangible non-current assets are understated as the parts of the furnaces that require replacement (the linings) are not
capitalised (and depreciated) as separate items but treated as repairs/maintenance/renewals and expensed.
■ Cash may be understated due to incomplete recording of sales.
■ Recorded cash will be overstated if it does not exist (e.g. if it has been stolen).
■ Trade receivables may be understated if cash receipts from credit customers have been misappropriated.
■ The provision for the replacement of the furnace linings is overstated by the amount provided in the current and previous
year (i.e. in its entirety).
Tutorial note: Last replacement was two years ago.
Income statement
■ Revenue will be understated in respect of unrecorded cash sales of salvaged metals and ‘clinker’.
■ Scrap metal purchases (for cash) are at risk of overstatement:
? to inflate the 15% subsidy;
? to conceal misappropriated cash.
■ The income subsidy will be overstated if quantities purchased are overstated and/or overvalued (on the quarterly returns)
to obtain the amount of the subsidy.
■ Cash receipts/payments that were recorded only in the cash book in November are at risk of being unrecorded (in the
absence of cash book postings for November), especially if they are of a ‘one-off’ nature.
Tutorial note: Cash purchases of scrap and sales of salvaged metal should be recorded elsewhere (i.e. in the manual
inventory records). However, a one-off expense (of a capital or revenue nature) could be omitted in the absence of
another record.
■ Expenditure is overstated in respect of the 25% provision for replacing the furnace linings. However, as depreciation
will be similarly understated (as the furnace linings have not been capitalised) there is no risk of material misstatement
to the income statement overall.
Disclosure risk
■ A going concern (‘failure’) risk may arise through the loss of:
? sales revenue (e.g. through misappropriation of salvaged metals and/or cash);
? the subsidy (e.g. if returns are prepared fraudulently);
? cash (e.g. if material amounts stolen).
Any significant doubts about going concern must be suitably disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
Disclosure risk arises if the requirements of IAS 1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ are not met.
■ Disclosure risk arises if contingent liabilities in connection with the dumping of ‘clinker’ (e.g. for fines and penalties) are
not adequately disclosed in accordance with IAS 37 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’.
Appropriate audit approach
Tutorial note: In explaining why AN audit approach is appropriate for Indigo it can be relevant to comment on the
unsuitability of other approaches.
■ A risk-based approach is suitable because:
? inherent risk is high at the entity and financial assertion levels;
? material errors are likely to arise in inventory where a high degree of subjectivity will be involved (regarding quality
of metals, quantities, net realisable value, etc);
? it directs the audit effort to inventory, purchases, income (sales and subsidy) and other risk areas (e.g. contingent
■ A systems-based/compliance approach is not suited to the risk areas identified because controls are lacking/ineffective
(e.g. over inventory and cash). Also, as the audit appointment was not more than three months ago and no interim
audit has been conducted (and the balance sheet date is only three weeks away) testing controls is likely to be less
efficient than a substantive approach.
■ A detailed substantive/balance sheet approach would be suitable to direct audit effort to the appropriate valuation of
assets (and liabilities) existing at balance sheet date. Principal audit work would include:
? attendance at a full physical inventory count at 31 December 2005;
? verifying cash at bank (through bank confirmation and reconciliation) and in hand (through physical count);
? confirming the accuracy of the quarterly returns to the local authority.
■ A cyclical approach/directional testing is unlikely to be suitable as cycles are incomplete. For example the purchases
cycle for metals is ‘purchase/cash’ rather than ‘purchase/payable/cash’ and there is no independent third party evidence
to compensate for that which would be available if there were trade payables (i.e. suppliers’ statements). Also the cycles
are inextricably inter-related to cash and inventory – amounts of which are subject to high inherent risk.
■ Analytical procedures may be of limited use for substantive purposes. Factors restricting the use of substantive analytical
procedures include:
? fluctuating margins (e.g. as many factors will influence the price at which scrap is purchased and subsequently
sold, when salvaged, sometime later);
? a lack of reliable/historic information on which to make comparisons.
(b) Calculate Alvaro Pelorus’s capital gains tax liability for the tax year 2006/07 on the assumption that all
available reliefs are claimed. (8 marks)
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