


首先就是在ACCA F阶段的一些新题型:






15 x 2 mark 客观题

3 x 10 mark 案例客观题

2 x 20 mark 主观题


15 x 2 mark 客观题

3 x 10 mark 案例客观题

1 x 10 mark 主观题

2 x 15 mark 主观题


3 x 10 mark 案例客观题

1 x 30 mark 主观题
2 x 20 mark 

ACCA 机考题型介绍(主要是F阶段)

(一)客观题(Objective test questions/ OT questions)客观题是指这些单一的,题干较短的,并且自动判分的题目。每道客观题的分值为2分,考生必须回答的完全正确才可以得分,即使回答正确一部分,也不能得到分数。所以,考生要认真仔细的看问题,不要马虎大意

(二)案例客观题 (OT case questions)


(三) 主观题 (Constructed response questions/ CR qustions)考生将使用电子表格程序和文字处理程序去完成主观题的回答。就像笔试中的主观题一样,答案最终将由专家判分。


ACCA P阶段题型分析


Section A: 1 compulsory case study * 50 Marks;

Section B: Choice of 2 from 3 questions * (25 marks each)

Section A will be a compulsory case study question with typically four or five sub-requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link a range of subject areas acrossthe syllabus. It will require students to demonstrate high-level capabilities to understand the complexities of the case and evaluate, relate and apply the information in the case study to the requirements.

Section B questions are more likely to assess a range of discrete subject areas from the main syllabus section headings. They may require evaluation and synthesis of information contained within short scenarios and application of this information to the question requirements.

ACCA P2考试题型构成

Section A will consist of one scenario based question worth 50 marks. It will deal with the preparation of consolidated financial statements including group statements of cash flows and with issues in financial reporting. A written part normally covering a particular accounting treatment and ethical and social issues in financial reporting.

Students will be required to answer two out of three questions in Section B, which will normally comprise two questions which will be scenario or case-study based and one essay question which may have some computational element. Section B could deal with any aspects of the syllabus.  New accounting standards will feature prominently in this section on initial introduction.

ACCA P3考试题型构成

Section A: 1 compulsory case study * 50 Marks;

Section B: Choice of 2 from 3 questions * (25 marks each)

Section A will be a compulsory case study question with several requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link several subject areas from across the syllabus, and will require you to demonstrate high-level capabilities to evaluate, relate and apply the information in the scenario to the question requirements. There will always be some financial or numerical data in the scenario and marks will be available for numerical analysis which supports your written argument.

Section B questions are more likely to examine discrete subject areas. They will be based on short scenarios, and you will be expected to apply information from the scenarios to the question requirements.

ACCA P4考试题型构成

Section A contains ONE compulsory question of 50 marks.

Section B is a choice of TWO from three questions, each carrying  25 marks. There are 3 hours for the exam, plus 15 minutes of reading time.

ACCA P5考试题型构成

Part A One compulsory question 50 marks.

Part B Two from three questions each of 25 marks

ACCA P7考试题型构成

The first 2 questions in the exam are compulsory and will be worth anywhere between 50% and 70%. The remaining 30% – 50% are divided between 2 from 3 other questions



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Assess how the fundamental ethical principles of IFAC’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants should

be applied to the provision of a forensic investigation service. (6 marks)

(c) Application of ethical principles to a fraud investigation
IFAC’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants applies to all ACCA members involved in professional assignments,
including forensic investigations. There are specific considerations in the application of each of the principles in providing
such a service.
The forensic investigator is likely to deal frequently with individuals who lack integrity, are dishonest, and attempt to conceal
the true facts from the investigator. It is imperative that the investigator recognises this, and acts with impeccable integrity
throughout the whole investigation.
As in an audit engagement, the investigator’s objectivity must be beyond question. The report that is the outcome of the
forensic investigation must be perceived as independent, as it forms part of the legal evidence presented at court. The
investigator must adhere to the concept that the overriding objective of court proceedings is to deal with cases fairly and justly.
Any real or perceived threats to objectivity could undermine the credibility of the evidence provided by the investigator.
This issue poses a particular problem where an audit client requests its auditors to conduct a forensic investigation. In this
situation, the audit firm would be exposed to threats to objectivity in terms of advocacy, management involvement and selfreview.
The advocacy threat arises because the audit firm may feel pressured into promoting the interests and point of view
of their client, which would breach the overriding issue of objectivity in court proceedings. Secondly, the investigators could
be perceived to be involved in management decisions regarding the implications of the fraud, especially where the investigator
acts as an expert witness. It is however the self-review threat that would be the most significant threat to objectivity. The selfreview
threat arises because the investigation is likely to involve the estimation of an amount (i.e. the loss), which could be
material to the financial statements.
For the reasons outlined above, The Code states that the firm should evaluate threats and put appropriate safeguards in place,
and if safeguards cannot reduce the threats to an acceptable level, then the firm cannot provide both the audit service and
the forensic investigation.
Professional competence and due care
Forensic investigations will involve very specialist skills, which accountants are unlikely to possess without extensive training.
Such skills would include:
– Detailed knowledge of the relevant legal framework surrounding fraud,
– An understanding of how to gather specialist evidence,
– Skills in the safe custody of evidence, including maintaining a clear ‘chain’ of evidence, and
– Strong personal skills in, for example, interview techniques, presentation of material at court, and tactful dealing with
difficult and stressful situations.
It is therefore essential that forensic work is only ever undertaken by highly skilled individuals, under the direction and
supervision of an experienced fraud investigator. Any doubt over the competence of the investigation team could severely
undermine the credibility of the evidence presented at court.
Normally accountants should not disclose information without the explicit consent of their client. However, during legal
proceedings arising from a fraud investigation, the court will require the investigator to reveal information discovered during
the investigation. There is an overriding requirement for the investigator to disclose all of the information deemed necessary
by the court.
Outside of the court, the investigator must ensure faultless confidentiality, especially because much of the information they
have access to will be highly sensitive.
Professional behaviour
Fraud investigations can become a matter of public interest, and much media attention is often focused on the work of the
forensic investigator. A highly professional attitude must be displayed at all times, in order to avoid damage to the reputation
of the firm, and of the profession. Any lapse in professional behaviour could also undermine the integrity of the forensic
evidence, and of the credibility of the investigator, especially when acting in the capacity of expert witness.
During legal proceedings, the forensic investigator may be involved in discussions with both sides in the court case, and here
it is essential that a courteous and considerate attitude is presented to all parties.

(c) Critically discuss the statement (in note 12) of the managing director of GBC and suggest how the company

could calculate the value of the service provision to the population of the Western region. (6 marks)

(c) It would appear that in operating a bus service to the Western region of Geeland that GBC is fulfilling a social objective since
a contribution loss amounting to $38,400 ($230,400 – $268,800) was made as a consequence of operating the route to
the Western region during 2007. As an organisation which is partially funded by the government it is highly probable that
GBC has objectives which differ from those of TTC which is a profit-seeking organisation.
The value of a social service such as the provision of public transport can be quantified, albeit, in non-financial times. It is
possible to apply quantitative measures to the bus service itself, the most obvious ones being the number of passengers
carried and the number of passenger miles travelled.
The cost of the provision of alternative transport to the Western region might also enable a value to be placed on the current
service by GBC.
It might be possible to estimate quantitatively some of the social benefits resulting from the provision of the transport facility
to and from the Western region. For example, GBC could undertake a survey of the population of the Western region in order
to help estimate the extent to which rural depopulation would otherwise have occurred had the transport facility not been
The application of the technique of cost-benefit analysis makes it possible to estimate money values for non-monetary
benefits. Social benefits can therefore be expressed in financial terms. It is highly probable that the fact that the Western region
is served by GBC will increase the attractiveness of living in a rural area, which may in turn precipitate an increase in property
values in the Western region and the financial benefit could be expressed in terms of the aggregate increase in property values
in the region as a whole.

5 Ambush, a public limited company, is assessing the impact of implementing the revised IAS39 ‘Financial Instruments:

Recognition and Measurement’. The directors realise that significant changes may occur in their accounting treatment

of financial instruments and they understand that on initial recognition any financial asset or liability can be

designated as one to be measured at fair value through profit or loss (the fair value option). However, there are certain

issues that they wish to have explained and these are set out below.


(a) Outline in a report to the directors of Ambush the following information:

(i) how financial assets and liabilities are measured and classified, briefly setting out the accounting

method used for each category. (Hedging relationships can be ignored.) (10 marks)


5 Report to the Directors of Ambush, a public limited company
(a) The following report sets out the principal aspects of IAS 39 in the designated areas.
(i) Classification of financial instruments and their measurement
Financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair value which will normally be the fair value of the
consideration given or received. Transaction costs are included in the initial carrying value of the instrument unless it
is carried at ‘fair value through profit or loss’ when these costs are recognised in the income statement.
Financial assets should be classified into four categories:
(i) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
(ii) loans and receivables
(iii) held-to-maturity investments (HTM)
(iv) available-for-sale financial assets (AFS).
The first category above has two sub categories which are ‘held for trading’ and those designated to this category at
inception/initial recognition. This latter designation is irrevocable.
Financial liabilities have two categories: those at fair value through profit or loss, and ‘other’ liabilities. As with financial
assets those liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss have two sub categories which are the same as
those for financial assets.
Reclassifications between categories are uncommon and restricted under IAS 39 and are prohibited into and out of the
fair value through profit or loss category. Reclassifications between AFS and HTM are possible but it is not possible from
loans and receivables to AFS. The held to maturity category is limited in its application as if the company sells or
reclassifies more than an immaterial amount of the portfolio, it is barred from using the category for at least two years.
Also all remaining HTM investments would be reclassified to AFS.
Subsequent measurement of financial assets and liabilities depends on the classification. The following tablesummarises the position:

Amortised cost is the cost of an asset or liability adjusted to achieve a constant effective interest rate over the life of the
asset or liability.
It is not possible to compute amortised cost for instruments that do not have fixed or determinable payments, such as
for equity instruments, and such instruments therefore cannot be classified into these categories.
A company must apply the effective interest rate method in the measurement of amortised cost. The effective interest
rate method determines how much interest income or interest expense should be reported in profit and loss.
For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, all
changes in fair value are recognised in profit or loss when they occur. This includes unrealised holding gains and losses.
For available-for-sale financial assets, unrealised holding gains and losses are deferred in reserves until they are realised
or impairment occurs. Only interest income and dividend income, impairment losses, and certain foreign currency gains
and losses are recognised in profit or loss.
Investments in unquoted equity instruments that cannot be reliably measured at fair value are subsequently measureat cost. Unrealised holding gains/losses are not normally recognised in profit/loss.

(c) The OECD’s Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) recommends preventative measures to be

taken by independent legal professionals and accountants (including sole practitioners, partners and employed

professionals within professional firms).


Describe FOUR measures that assist in preventing professional accountants from being used for money

laundering purposes. (8 marks)

(c) Measures
The following measures are designed to assist in preventing professional accountants from being used for money laundering
■ developing programmes against money laundering and terrorist financing;
■ compliance officer;
■ employee training programme;
■ customer due diligence (CDD);
■ establishing/enhancing record keeping systems for:
– all transactions; and
– the verification of clients’ identities;
■ reporting of suspicious transactions;
■ refusing to have relationships with ‘shell banks’.
Tutorial note: Only FOUR are required.
Developing programmes
■ Internal policies, procedures and controls should be established and recorded including:
– compliance management arrangements (including appointment of a compliance officer);
– an ongoing employee training programme;
– an audit function to test the system.
Compliance officer
■ Appointing a compliance officer having a suitable level of seniority and experience (e.g. one of the principals of an
accountancy firm).
■ Making alternative arrangements (e.g. appointing a deputy) when the compliance officer is going to be unavailable for
a period of time (as reports have to be made as soon as is reasonably practicable).
■ The compliance officer being made responsible for:
– receiving and assessing money laundering reports from colleagues;
– making reports to the FIU; and
– ensuring that individuals are adequately trained.
Employee training programme
■ Providing an employee training programme on:
– relevant legislation (e.g. the main money laundering offences);
– ethical guidance (e.g. ACCA’s ‘Guidance for Accountants’); and
– the firm’s procedures to forestall and prevent money laundering.
■ Establishing a culture of complying with money laundering requirements.
■ Documenting the provision of training (to demonstrate compliance).
■ Training methods may effectively include:
– attending conferences, seminars and training courses run by external organizations; and
– participating in computer based training courses.
Customer due diligence (CDD)
■ Firms should not keep anonymous accounts or accounts in obviously fictitious names.
■ Firms should verify the identity of their customers, when:
– establishing business relations;
– carrying out occasional transactions (e.g. above a designated threshold);
– there is a suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing; or
– there is doubt about the reliability or adequacy of previously obtained customer identification data.
CDD measures should include:
■ Identifying the customer and verifying that customer’s identity using reliable, independent source documents, data or
Tutorial note: Similarly identify and verify the beneficial owner.
■ Obtaining information on the purpose and intended nature of the business relationship.
■ Conducting ongoing due diligence on business relationships by scrutinising transactions to ensure that they are
consistent with the firm’s knowledge of:
– the customer;
– their business and risk profile;
– the source of funds.
Tutorial note: These requirements should apply to all new customers and existing customers on the basis of materiality and
Record keeping
■ Maintaining all client identification records together with a record of all transactions, in a full audit trail form.
■ Maintaining records of transactions (both domestic or international) in a readily retrievable form. for a period of at least
five years (to facilitate swift compliance with information requests from the competent authorities).
Tutorial note: Such records must be sufficient to permit reconstruction of individual transactions (including the
amounts and types of currency involved, if any) so as to provide, if necessary, evidence for prosecution of criminal
■ Retaining client verification records throughout the period of the relationship and for five years after termination of the
■ Making available identification data and transaction records to domestic competent authorities upon appropriate
■ Applying ACCA’s Rules of Professional Conduct ‘Retention of books, files, working papers and other documents’.
■ Paying special attention to all complex, unusual large transactions, and all unusual patterns of transactions, which have
no apparent economic or visible lawful purpose (in accordance with ISA 240 ‘The Auditor’s Responsibility to Consider
Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements ’).
Client identification
■ For an individual – inspecting official documents, with a photograph, establishing the client’s full name and permanent
address, e.g:
– a driving licence or passport, supported by;
– a recent utility bill.
■ For the entity – obtaining from the Registrar of Companies:
– certificate of incorporation;
– company’s registered address; and
– a list of shareholders and directors.
■ Checking the names of new clients against lists of known terrorists and other sanctions information.
■ For trusts – ascertaining:
– the nature and purpose of the trust;
– the original source of funding; and
– the identities of the trustees/controllers, principal settlers and beneficiaries.
Suspicion reporting
■ Prompt reporting of suspicions to the (FIU) in a suspicious transaction report (STR).
■ There should be no ‘de minimis’ concessions. Reporting should be irrespective of:
– the amount involved; or
– whether tax matters are involved.
Tutorial note: Attempted transactions should also be reported.
■ Enhancing confidentiality of the source of reports by:
– disclosing the compliance officer only once; and
– not naming the personnel making reports to the compliance officer.
■ Disclosing further information only if:
– legally required to do so; or
– otherwise justified, in the public interest.
Shell banks
Tutorial note: A ‘shell bank’ is a bank incorporated in a jurisdiction in which it has no physical presence and which is
unaffiliated with a regulated financial group.
■ Firms should guard against relationships with parties that permit their accounts to be used by shell banks.

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