ACCA(the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)是全球规模的专业会计师组织,目前在全球拥有20万名会员和50万名学员,学员遍布180多个国家,全球超过7500家机构成为ACCA认证雇主。ACCA也是最早进入中国的国际专业会计师组织,截止到2020年,ACCA中国地区会员和学员总数也分别超过了2.4万及6.1万名,考点遍布了北京、西安、哈尔滨、沈阳、大连、天津、青岛、泰安、济南、武汉、保定、烟台、郑州、兰州、乌鲁木齐、呼和浩特、上海、南京、杭州、合肥、无锡、长沙、南昌、广州、深圳、海口、南宁、厦门、成都、重庆等城市,并在北京、上海、成都、广州、深圳、沈阳、青岛、武汉、长沙、香港以及澳门11个地区设有代表处。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(b) ‘opinion shopping’; (5 marks)
(b) ‘Opinion shopping’
Explanation of term
‘Opinion shopping’ occurs when management approach auditing firms (other than their incumbent auditors) to ask their views
on the application of accounting standards or principles to specific circumstances or transactions.
Ethical risks
The reasons for ‘opinion shopping’ may be:
■ to find alternative auditors; or
■ to get advice on a matter of contention with the incumbent auditor.
The member who is not the entity’s auditor must be alert to the possibility that their opinion – if it differs from that of the
incumbent auditor – may create undue pressure on the incumbent auditor’s judgement and so threaten the objectivity of the
Furthermore, by aligning with the interests of management when negotiating taking on an engagement, an incoming auditor
may compromise their objectivity even before the audit work commences. There is a risk that the audit fee might be seen to
be contingent upon a ‘favourable’ opinion (that is, the audit judgement coinciding with management’s preferences).
Employed professional accountants (accountants in industry) who support their company’s management in seeking second
opinions may call into question their integrity and professional behaviour.
Sufficiency of current ethical guidance
Current ethical guidance requires that when asked to provide a ‘second opinion’ a member should seek to minimise the risk
of giving inappropriate guidance, by ensuring that they have access to all relevant information.
The member should therefore:
■ ascertain why their opinion is being sought;
■ contact the auditor to provide any relevant facts;
■ with the entity’s permission, provide the auditor with a copy of their opinion.
The member’s opinion is more likely to differ if it is based on information which is different (or incomplete) as compared with
that available to the incumbent auditor. The member should therefore decline to act if permission to communicate with the
auditor is not given.
‘Opinion shopping’ might be less prevalent if company directors had no say in the appointment and remuneration of auditors.
If audit appointments were made by an independent body ‘doubtful accounting practices’ would (arguably) be less of a
negotiating factor. However, to be able to appoint auditors to multi-national/global corporations, such measures would require
the backing of regulatory bodies worldwide.
Statutory requirements in this area could also be more stringent. For example, an auditor may be required to deposit a
‘statement of circumstances’ (or a statement of ‘no circumstances’) in the event that they are removed from office or resign.
However, disclosure could be made more public if, when a change in accounting policy coincides with a change of auditors,
the financial statements and auditor’s report highlight the change and the auditors state their concurrence (or otherwise) with
the change. This could be made a statutory requirement and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) amended to give
guidance on how auditors should report on changes.
Further, if the incoming auditor were to have a statutory right of access to the files and working papers of the outgoing auditors
they would be able to make a better and informed assessment of the desirability of the client and also appreciate the validity
(or otherwise) of any ‘statement’ issued by the outgoing auditor.
(d) Describe the three stages of a formal grievance interview that Oliver might seek with the appropriate partner
at Hoopers and Henderson following the formal procedure. (9 marks)
Part (d):
Oliver should arrange a formal grievance interview with the appropriate partner. Both Oliver and the partner need to be aware that
the grievance interview follows three steps in a particular and logical order. The meeting between Oliver and the partner responsible
for human resources must be in a formal atmosphere.
The first stage is exploration. The manager or supervisor – in this case the partner responsible for human resources – must gather
as much information as possible. No solution must be offered at this stage. The need is to establish what is actually the problem;
the background to the problem (in this case the icy relationship between Oliver and David Morgan) and the facts and causes of
the problem – in this case the resentment felt by David Morgan over Oliver’s appointment.
The second stage is the consideration stage. This is undertaken by the appropriate manager or partner here, who must firstly check
the facts, analyse the causes of the complaint and evaluate possible solutions. The meeting may be adjourned if at this stage the
partner requires more time to fulfil this step.
The final stage is the reply. This will be carried out by the partner after he or she has reached and reviewed a conclusion. It is
important that the outcome is recorded in writing; the meeting and therefore the interview and procedure is only successful when
an agreement is reached.
If no agreement is reached then the procedure should be taken to a higher level of management.
17 Which of the following statements are correct?
(1) All non-current assets must be depreciated.
(2) If goodwill is revalued, the revaluation surplus appears in the statement of changes in equity.
(3) If a tangible non-current asset is revalued, all tangible assets of the same class should be revalued.
(4) In a company’s published balance sheet, tangible assets and intangible assets must be shown separately.
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 3 and 4
D 1 and 4
(b) Determine whether the factoring company’s offer can be recommended on financial grounds. Assume a
working year of 365 days and base your analysis on financial information for 2006. (8 marks)

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