


首先就是在ACCA F阶段的一些新题型:






15 x 2 mark 客观题

3 x 10 mark 案例客观题

2 x 20 mark 主观题


15 x 2 mark 客观题

3 x 10 mark 案例客观题

1 x 10 mark 主观题

2 x 15 mark 主观题


3 x 10 mark 案例客观题

1 x 30 mark 主观题
2 x 20 mark 

ACCA 机考题型介绍(主要是F阶段)

(一)客观题(Objective test questions/ OT questions)客观题是指这些单一的,题干较短的,并且自动判分的题目。每道客观题的分值为2分,考生必须回答的完全正确才可以得分,即使回答正确一部分,也不能得到分数。所以,考生要认真仔细的看问题,不要马虎大意

(二)案例客观题 (OT case questions)


(三) 主观题 (Constructed response questions/ CR qustions)考生将使用电子表格程序和文字处理程序去完成主观题的回答。就像笔试中的主观题一样,答案最终将由专家判分。


ACCA P阶段题型分析


Section A: 1 compulsory case study * 50 Marks;

Section B: Choice of 2 from 3 questions * (25 marks each)

Section A will be a compulsory case study question with typically four or five sub-requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link a range of subject areas acrossthe syllabus. It will require students to demonstrate high-level capabilities to understand the complexities of the case and evaluate, relate and apply the information in the case study to the requirements.

Section B questions are more likely to assess a range of discrete subject areas from the main syllabus section headings. They may require evaluation and synthesis of information contained within short scenarios and application of this information to the question requirements.

ACCA P2考试题型构成

Section A will consist of one scenario based question worth 50 marks. It will deal with the preparation of consolidated financial statements including group statements of cash flows and with issues in financial reporting. A written part normally covering a particular accounting treatment and ethical and social issues in financial reporting.

Students will be required to answer two out of three questions in Section B, which will normally comprise two questions which will be scenario or case-study based and one essay question which may have some computational element. Section B could deal with any aspects of the syllabus.  New accounting standards will feature prominently in this section on initial introduction.

ACCA P3考试题型构成

Section A: 1 compulsory case study * 50 Marks;

Section B: Choice of 2 from 3 questions * (25 marks each)

Section A will be a compulsory case study question with several requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link several subject areas from across the syllabus, and will require you to demonstrate high-level capabilities to evaluate, relate and apply the information in the scenario to the question requirements. There will always be some financial or numerical data in the scenario and marks will be available for numerical analysis which supports your written argument.

Section B questions are more likely to examine discrete subject areas. They will be based on short scenarios, and you will be expected to apply information from the scenarios to the question requirements.

ACCA P4考试题型构成

Section A contains ONE compulsory question of 50 marks.

Section B is a choice of TWO from three questions, each carrying  25 marks. There are 3 hours for the exam, plus 15 minutes of reading time.

ACCA P5考试题型构成

Part A One compulsory question 50 marks.

Part B Two from three questions each of 25 marks

ACCA P7考试题型构成

The first 2 questions in the exam are compulsory and will be worth anywhere between 50% and 70%. The remaining 30% – 50% are divided between 2 from 3 other questions



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(iii) State the value added tax (VAT) and stamp duty (SD) issues arising as a result of inserting Bold plc as

a holding company and identify any planning actions that can be taken to defer or minimise these tax

costs. (4 marks)

You should assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax rates

and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

(iii) Bold plc will be making a taxable supply of services, likely to exceed the VAT threshold. It should therefore consider
registering for VAT – either immediately on a voluntary basis, or when its cumulative taxable supplies in the previous
twelve months exceed £60,000.
As an alternative, the new group can apply for a group VAT registration. This will simplify its VAT administration as intragroup
transactions are broadly disregarded for VAT purposes, and only one VAT return is required for the group as a
Stamp duty normally applies at 0·5% on the consideration payable in respect of transactions in shares. However, an
exemption is available in the case of a takeover, reconstruction or amalgamation where there is no real change in
ownership, i.e. the new shareholdings mirror the old shareholdings, and the transaction is for commercial purposes. The
insertion of a new holding company over an existing company, as proposed here, would qualify for this exemption.
There is no VAT on transactions in shares.

1 Bailey’s is a large toy manufacturer based in a traditional industrial region. Established in the 1970s, it has faced many changes in the market and survived. This has been due in part to employing a largely unskilled low paid staff,and maintaining its main advantage, that of low production costs based on low pay. Most of the production involves repetitive and boring work with little challenge and opportunity for innovation. Although many of the employees have

been with the company for some time, there has been a high level of employee turnover.

However, an unhappy atmosphere has been apparent for some time. There has been a number of instances ofarguments between the staff, friction between different departments, disturbance, low morale, poor production and general unrest, made worse recently by a decline in business which may lead to staff reduction and redundancy. Poor pay is leading to family problems that are affecting the commitment and motivation of the employees.

The business was recently sold to the new owner, Rebecca Stonewall. She is concerned that the negative atmosphere she has found will harm the prospects of the business and is determined to address the issues that have become apparent.

She has therefore decided that it is time to take account of opinions and views of the employees in an attempt both to identify the problems and to resolve them. She has appointed external counsellors since she thinks that a programme of individual counselling might be appropriate and is also of the opinion that some form. of different or improved approach to motivation might be the answer to the problems at Bailey’s.


(a) Define the role that the external counsellor must fulfil at Bailey’s. (3 marks)

1 One of the many skills that managers are called upon to use is counselling. Situations often arise in the workplace where particular and careful people-centred skills are required. It is important that managers understand exactly what counselling involves and the delicate skills involved. In addition, many problems identified by counselling can be resolved through appropriate methods of motivation. Widening and deepening interest in the organisation and its many tasks and departments is a tried and tested method
for motivating employees. However, financial rewards remain a strong and important motivator.
(a) The external counsellor’s role must be as ‘a person who takes on the role of counsellor and agrees explicitly to offer time,attention, advice, guidance and support to another person (or persons) temporarily in the role of client’.

Matthew Black is well aware that the achievement of the growth targets for the 2005 to 2007 period will depend on

successful implementation of the strategy, affecting all parts of the company’s activities.

(c) Explain the key issues affecting implementation and the changes necessary to achieve Universal’s ambitious

growth strategy. (15 marks)

(c) Matthew has set ambitious growth goals for the 2005–7 period in his quest to become ‘unquestioned leader’ in their region
and to roll out the model nationally. Clearly there are choices to be made in terms of implementing the strategy and much of
the success of the strategy will depend on the extent to which appropriate resources, structure and systems are in place to
facilitate growth. Many alternative models consider how strategy is implemented, but one of the most popular is the McKinsey
7S model in which the 7S’s are strategy, structure, systems (the so called ‘hard’ or tangible variables) and staff, style, skills
and shared values (the ‘soft’ or less tangible variables). The 7S model has a number of key assumptions built into it. Normally
we tend to think of strategy being the first variable in the strategic management process, with all other variables dependent
on the chosen strategy. However, Peters and Waterman argue that the assertion, for instance, that a firm’s structure follows
from its strategy ignores the fact that a particular structure may equally influence the strategy chosen. If we have a simple
functional structure, this may severely limit the ability of the firm to move or diversify into other areas of business. Equally
important is to understand the linkages between the variables, just as with the value chain, recognising if you change one of
the variables you then have to see the consequences for each of the other variables.
Our earlier analysis will have provided us with an understanding of the strategy being pursued by Universal. It is now looking
to offer its service to other parts of the country and become a national provider. In strategy terms, this is a process of growth
by way of market development, with the same service in different regions or markets. Universal’s experience is dominated by
operating in one region and the consequences of moving into new regions should not be underestimated. There are interesting
examples of companies having conspicuous success in their home territory but finding competition and customer relationships
very different outside their home market, even in the same country.
Matthew has already recognised the need to create a new structure to handle the growth strategy. This is ‘growth by
geographic expansion’ and while it may be the most simple growth strategy to control and co-ordinate, the creation of regional
centres managing the sales and installations in the region will add an additional level of administration and complexity.
This structural change will have significant implications for the systems employed by the company. Development of a national
operation will necessitate new methods of communication and reporting. Customer service levels depend on the management
information systems available. There is an opportunity for the new regions to benchmark themselves against the home region.
Efficient systems lie at the heart of Universal’s ability to offer a higher value added service to the customer. Standardised
processes have allowed a ‘no surprises’ policy to be successfully implemented. The extent to which the same business models
can be simply repeated in region after region will have to be tested. There is little mention of IT systems, but the pace of
expansion should be closely linked to the system’s ability to cope with increased demands.
Staff – reference has been made earlier to Universal being a people business, able to deliver a better quality of service to the
customer. The heavy reliance on self-employed staff means that a very active recruitment and training process will have to
be in place as Universal moves into different regions. New layers and levels of management will have implications for the
recruitment and development of both managers and staff reporting to them. The degrees of autonomy given to each of the
regions will materially affect the way they operate. Reward systems clearly link both staff and systems dimensions and there
is need to ensure that the right number and calibre of staff are recruited to expand the market coverage. Does Universal have
a staffing model that is easily ‘rolled’ out into other regions?
Equally important are any changes to the skill set needed by staff to operate nationally. Matthew feels that the model is
relatively lowly skilled with staff controlled through standardised systems. However, change is inevitable and the recruitment
and retention of staff in a labour intensive service will be key to success.
Universal is very much a family business dominated by the two founding brothers. Even with expansion being entirely within
their local region the rate of growth to a £6 million turnover business predicted to treble in size over the next three years, will
necessitate changes in the style. of management. Time management issues amongst the owner-managers have already begun
to emerge and a move from involvement with day-to-day management to a more strategic role is needed. Certainly growth to
date has been more emergent than planned, but vision and planning will be equally necessary as the firm operates nationally.
There are tensions for Matthew in making sure that his change in role and responsibilities does not result in him becoming
remote from his management and staff. Communication of the core values of the company will become even more necessary
and communication is key to managing the growth process.
The 7S’s is not the only model that will be useful in understanding the problems of implementing the growth strategy.
Greiner’s growth model has merit in drawing attention to the stages a growing business following an organic growth strategy
can expect to go through. Johnson and Scholes now refer to strategic implementation as ‘strategy in action’ made up of three
key activities, structuring an organisation to support successful performance. Universal’s move from a regional to a national
company will call for different structures and relationships. Enabling links the particular strengths and competences, built
round separate resource areas, to be combined to support the strategy – which in turn recognises and builds on identified
strengths. Finally, growth strategies will involve change and the management of the change process. They argue that change
will involve the need to change day-to-day routines and cultural aspects of the firm, together with overcoming resistance to
All too often, a company grows at a rate which exceeds the capacity to implement the necessary change. This can expose
the firm to high levels of risk. Growth pressures can stimulate positive change and innovation, but in companies such as
Universal where considerable stress is placed on performance, targets and quality may be a casualty. Equally concerning is
if the rate of growth exceeds the capacity to invest in more people and technology. Growing the people and the systems isalmost a prerequisite to growing the business.

(c) On the assumption that the administrators of Noland’s estate will sell quoted shares in order to fund the

inheritance tax due as a result of his death, calculate the value of the quoted shares that will be available to

transfer to Avril. You should include brief notes of your treatment of the house and the shares in Kurb Ltd.

(9 marks)

Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout this



(c) Value of quoted shares that can be transferred to Avril
The value of shares to be transferred to Avril will be equal to £370,000 less the inheritance tax due by the estate.
IHT is payable on transfers in the seven years prior to Noland’s death and on the death estate.
The only chargeable gift in the seven years prior to Noland’s death is the transfer to the discretionary trust. No tax is due in
respect of this gift as it is covered by the nil rate band.

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