Brookes University),被英国人和学者称为“小牛津”,在教学和科研上,以结合实际应用解决现实世界的课题而著称,其中领头的商学院师资雄厚,拥有150多位各学科带头人和研究人员;既是欧洲管理学会(EFMD)的创始成员,又是全球项尖商学院联盟(AACSB)成员,在英国久居盛名;目前已发展成为英国最具特色的综合性大学,被授予英女王高等教育奖,连续8年被《泰晤士报》评为最优秀的英国新大学,20多门学科在全英名列前茅,毕业生就业率全英第8名。
OBU degree即是英国牛津大学布鲁克斯学院会计学学士学位,可以作为学术水平证明,在大多数欧美国家都是被认可的。但其申请过程较为复杂,申请者在决定申请OBU学位之前,必须详细了解OBU申请的详细规则。ACCA学员需申请该学位,并在通过ACCA前九科目后,提交论文并完成考核即可获得牛布的应用会计的理学士学位。
牛津布鲁克斯大学会计本科学位共有:First class, Upper second class, Lower second class, Third class等4个级别。决定这个RR是否通过的方面有:语言,沟通,分析是否深入,IT技术使用,参考资料使用及格式等方面。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
5 Which of the following factors could cause a company’s gross profit percentage on sales to fall below the expected
1 Understatement of closing inventories.
2 The incorrect inclusion in purchases of invoices relating to goods supplied in the following period.
3 The inclusion in sales of the proceeds of sale of non-current assets.
4 Increased cost of carriage charges borne by the company on goods sent to customers.
A 3 and 4
B 2 and 4
C 1 and 2
D 1 and 3
(b) Motivators. (7 marks)
(b) Motivators (or ‘satisfiers’) are those factors directly concerned with the satisfaction gained from the job itself. Herzberg
suggested that these included a sense of achievement, the level of recognition of the employee, the intrinsic value felt at the
job itself, level of responsibility, opportunities for advancement and the status both inside and outside provided by the job or
position held.
Motivators lead to satisfaction because of the need for growth and a sense of self achievement
A lack of motivators leads to over concentration on hygiene factors; that is those negative factors which can be seen and
therefore form. the basis of complaint and concern.
(d) Job rotation. (3 marks)
(d) Job rotation is an important training method and is often also seen as a means of motivation. It involves moving the trainee from one job to another and is therefore more suitable for lower level employees. The trainee is required to do different jobs in logical succession, thus broadening experience and gaining a picture of the organisation’s wider activities.
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