ACCA作为特许公认会计师 ,其培养学员的过程是非常全面的。并且致力于打造未来的商业领袖,这一点我们从它全新改版的核心阶段课程中也可以看出端倪。 ACCA中AB与SBL都商业分析相关,会学到企业是如何运作的,会计师和审计师在企业中的作用,如何使用科学的人力资源管理方式,如何使企业和财务的各个环节的处理符合职业道德和价值观。那么除了ACCA的课程体系之外,我们如何在日常生活中培养自己的商业分析能力呢?下面就跟51题库考试学习网一起来看看吧!
1)日常财经新闻、评论。一开始不要指望你能分辨这些信息的优劣,你得看多了才知道。当然也与之前的知识储备有关系。不用专门去找所谓的Financial Times,WSJ,经济学人之类的期刊,你也不一定能看懂。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
4 (a) A company may choose to finance its activities mainly by equity capital, with low borrowings (low gearing) or by
relying on high borrowings with relatively low equity capital (high gearing).
Explain why a highly geared company is generally more risky from an investor’s point of view than a company
with low gearing. (3 marks)
(a) A highly-geared company has an obligation to pay interest on its loans regardless of its profit level. It will show high profits if
its overall rate of return on capital is greater than the rate of interest being paid on its borrowings, but a low profit or a loss if
there is a down-turn in its profit such that the rate of interest to be paid exceeds the return on its assets.
(ii) job enlargement; (5 marks)
(ii) Job enlargement is often referred to as ‘horizontal job enlargement’ and is aimed at widening the content of jobs by increasing the number of operations in which the job holder is involved and is another method by which employees at Bailey’s might become more involved. It reduces the level of repetition and dullness by providing a horizontal extension to activity, reducing monotony and boredom inherent in the operations at Bailey’s.
(c) Assess Mr Hogg’s belief that employing child labour is ‘always ethically wrong’ from deontological and
teleological (consequentialist) ethical perspectives. (9 marks)
(c) Mr Hogg’s belief that employing child labour is ‘always ethically wrong’
Deontological perspective:
In the case scenario, Mr Hogg is demonstrating a deontological position on child labour by saying that it is ‘always’ wrong.
He is adopting an absolutist rather than a relativist or situational stance in arguing that there are no situations in which child
labour might be ethically acceptable. The deontological view is that an act is right or wrong in itself and does not depend
upon any other considerations (such as economic necessity or the extent of the child’s willingness to work). If child labour is
wrong in one situation, it follows that it is wrong in all situations because of the Kantian principle of generalisability (in the
categorical imperative). Because child labour is wrong and potentially exploitative in some situations, the deontological
position says that it must be assumed to be wrong in all situations. The fact that it may cause favourable outcomes in some
situations does not make it ethically right, because the deontological position is not situational and the quality of the outcome
is not taken into account.
Teleological perspective:
According to the teleological perspective, an act is right or wrong depending on the favourableness of the outcome. It is
sometimes called the consequentialist perspective because the consequences of the action are considered more important
than the act itself.
In the teleological perspective, ethics is situational and not absolute. Therefore child labour is morally justified if the outcome
is favourable. The economic support of a child’s family by provision of wages for family support might be considered to be a
favourable outcome that justifies child labour. There is an ethical trade-off between the importance of the family income from
child labour and the need to avoid exploitation and interfere with the child’s education. Education is clearly important but
family financial support might be a more favourable outcome, at least in the short term, and if so, this would justify the child
working rather than being in school. For HPC, child labour is likely to be cheaper than adult labour but will alienate European
buyers and be in breach of its code of ethics. Child labour may be ethically acceptable if the negative consequences can be
addressed and overcome.
[Tutorial note: other, equally relevant points made in evaluating Mr Hogg’s opinion will be valid. The texts discuss teleology
in terms of utilitarianism and egoism. Although this distinction is not relevant to the question, candidates should not be
penalised for introducing the distinction if the other points raised are relevant]
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