

学习ACCA,不仅是为了给自己的简历上增添一个拿的出手的证书,更是因为ACCA完整的知识体系,充实自己的大学生活。我认为,每一份努力都会有回报,只要功夫下的多,就没有什么事情做不好。这一份ACCA MA(F2)的备考技巧请大家收藏起来哦~




① 备考初期:F2主要以刷题为主。F2是管理会计,偏计算,但是计算水平要求其实也很低,重要的是细心点,把题看懂。


② 临考准备:如果大家已经看完网课,也做了一定量的习题了后,这个时候应该要明确自己薄弱的地方在哪里。哪部分知识点比较薄弱,就花费多一点的时间去复习,反之就少花费一点时间。建议大家可以像考试一样,在电脑上认真地花两个小时做一套模拟卷,并且进行批改,看看自己在考试中会遇到什么问题。






1. Data and information:

Unprocessed --->data; Processed --->information

2. Quality of good information


3. Mission statement(abstract) ---> Objective(SMART) --->Strategy(Possible course of action)

4. Planning (establishing the objectives& selecting appropriate strategies)

5. Control(compare plans with actual results, reviewed and made changes)

6. The relationship between planning, decision making and control

7. Management   information Strategic information


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

3 The directors of The Healthy Eating Group (HEG), a successful restaurant chain, which commenced trading in 1998,

have decided to enter the sandwich market in Homeland, its country of operation. It has set up a separate operation

under the name of Healthy Sandwiches Co (HSC). A management team for HSC has been recruited via a recruitment

consultancy which specialises in food sector appointments. Homeland has very high unemployment and the vast

majority of its workforce has no experience in a food manufacturing environment. HSC will commence trading on

1 January 2008.

The following information is available:

(1) HSC has agreed to make and supply sandwiches to agreed recipes for the Superior Food Group (SFG) which

owns a chain of supermarkets in all towns and cities within Homeland. SFG insists that it selects the suppliers

of the ingredients that are used in making the sandwiches it sells and therefore HSC would be unable to reduce

the costs of the ingredients used in the sandwiches. HSC will be the sole supplier for SFG.

(2) The number of sandwiches sold per year in Homeland is 625 million. SFG has a market share of 4%.

(3) The average selling price of all sandwiches sold by SFG is $2·40. SFG wishes to make a mark-up of 331/3% on

all sandwiches sold. 90% of all sandwiches sold by SFG are sold before 2 pm each day. The majority of the

remaining 10% are sold after 8 pm. It is the intention that all sandwiches are sold on the day that they are

delivered into SFG’s supermarkets.

(4) The finance director of HSC has estimated that the average cost of ingredients per sandwich is $0·70. All

sandwiches are made by hand.

(5) Packaging and labelling costs amount to $0·15 per sandwich.

(6) Fixed overheads have been estimated to amount to $5,401,000 per annum. Note that fixed overheads include

all wages and salaries costs as all employees are subject to fixed term employment contracts.

(7) Distribution costs are expected to amount to 8% of HSC’s revenue.

(8) The finance director of HSC has stated that he believes the target sales margin of 32% can be achieved, although

he is concerned about the effect that an increase in the cost of all ingredients would have on the forecast profits

(assuming that all other revenue/cost data remains unchanged).

(9) The existing management information system of HEG was purchased at the time that HEG commenced trading.

The directors are now considering investing in an enterprise resource planning system (ERPS).


(a) Using only the above information, show how the finance director of HSC reached his conclusion regarding

the expected sales margin and also state whether he was correct to be concerned about an increase in the

price of ingredients. (5 marks)



17 Which of the following statements are correct?

(1) All non-current assets must be depreciated.

(2) If goodwill is revalued, the revaluation surplus appears in the statement of changes in equity.

(3) If a tangible non-current asset is revalued, all tangible assets of the same class should be revalued.

(4) In a company’s published balance sheet, tangible assets and intangible assets must be shown separately.

A 1 and 2

B 2 and 3

C 3 and 4

D 1 and 4


2 Good Sports Limited is an independent sports goods retailer owned and operated by two partners, Alan and Bob. The

sports retailing business in the UK has undergone a major change over the past ten years. First of all the supply side

has been transformed by the emergence of a few global manufacturers of the core sports products, such as training

shoes and football shirts. This consolidation has made them increasingly unwilling to provide good service to the

independent sportswear retailers too small to buy in sufficiently large quantities. These independent retailers can stock

popular global brands, but have to order using the Internet and have no opportunity to meet the manufacturer’s sales

representatives. Secondly, UK’s sportswear retailing has undergone significant structural change with the rapid growth

of a small number of national retail chains with the buying power to offset the power of the global manufacturers.

These retail chains stock a limited range of high volume branded products and charge low prices the independent

retailer cannot hope to match.

Good Sports has survived by becoming a specialist niche retailer catering for less popular sports such as cricket,

hockey and rugby. They are able to offer the specialist advice and stock the goods that their customers want.

Increasingly since 2000 Good Sports has become aware of the growing impact of e-business in general and e-retailing

in particular. They employed a specialist website designer and created an online purchasing facility for their

customers. The results were less than impressive, with the Internet search engines not picking up the company

website. The seasonal nature of Good Sports’ business, together with the variations in sizes and colours needed to

meet an individual customer’s needs, meant that the sales volumes were insufficient to justify the costs of running

the site.

Bob, however, is convinced that developing an e-business strategy suited to the needs of the independent sports

retailer such as Good Sports will be key to business survival. He has been encouraged by the growing interest of

customers in other countries to the service and product range they offer. He is also aware of the need to integrate an

e-business strategy with their current marketing, which to date has been limited to the sponsorship of local sports

teams and advertisements taken in specialist sports magazines. Above all, he wants to avoid head-on competition

with the national retailers and their emphasis on popular branded sportswear sold at retail prices that are below the

cost price at which Good Sports can buy the goods.


(a) Provide the partners with a short report on the advantages and disadvantages to Good Sports of developing

an e-business strategy and the processes most likely to be affected by such a strategy. (12 marks)

(a) To: Good Sports Limited
E – Business strategy
Clearly, the markets that Good Sports operates in are being affected by the development of e-business and its experiences to
date are mixed to say the least. In many ways the advantages and disadvantages of e-business are best related to the benefit
the customer gets from the activity. Firstly, through integrating and accelerating business processes e-business technologies
enable response and delivery times to be speeded up. Secondly, there are new business opportunities for information-based
products and services. Thirdly, websites can be linked with customer databases and provide much greater insights into
customer buying behaviour and needs. Fourthly, there is far greater ability for interaction with the customer, which enables
customisation and a dialogue to be developed. Finally, customers may themselves form. communities able to contact one
There is considerable evidence to show how small operators like Good Sports are able to base their whole strategy on
e-business and achieve high rates of growth. The key to Good Sports survival is customer service – in strategic terms they
are very much niche marketers supplying specialist service and advice to a small section of the local market. The nature of
the business means that face-to-face contact is crucial in moving customers from awareness to action (AIDA – awareness,interest, desire and action). There are therefore limits to the ability of e-business to replace such contact.

Roy Crawford has argued for a reduction in both the product range and customer base to improve company


(b) Assess the operational advantages and disadvantages to Bonar Paint of choosing such a strategy.

(15 marks)

(b) Divestment of products or parts of the business is one of the most difficult strategic decisions. As apparent in Bonar Paint a
reduction in the products and customers served by the firm is likely to cause significant changes to the firm’s value chain and
system. Currently Bonar Paint supplies its customers, regardless of size, directly and this inevitably means that their
distribution costs are increased. The reduction in products and customers may allow a choice to be made about the costs of
supplying customers directly as against using distributors to handle the smaller customers.
In using the value chain one is looking to identify the significant cost activities and how those costs behave. Some costs may
be affected by the overall size of the firm e.g. advertising while others affected by the batch size being processed. The changeto fewer products will lead to a bigger batch size and a number of positive consequences for costs. The value chain’s major
benefit is in identifying and quantifying the links that exist between various activities within the firm and between the firm
and its customers and suppliers. In Bonar Paint’s case does a reduction in product range lead to less product failures and
consequent warranty claims? Does simplifying the product range lead to shorter lead times and better delivery time
performance for its customers? Above all, a good understanding of its value chain will let it know if it changes an activity what
are the consequences for other parts of the system.
In terms of reducing the product range, before such a decision is taken Bonar Paint must carry out a thorough analysis of the
pattern of customer demand for each paint type. In all probability it will find that 80% of its sales come from 20% of its
product range. Having given this qualification, reducing the product range can have a number of beneficial results on other
parts of the value chain. The immediate effect is likely to be that Bonar Paint produces fewer batches over a given time period
but produces them in larger quantities. This will bring cost savings but the impact on other parts of the value chain is equally
important. The beneficial effects are:
– With a smaller product range the control of raw materials and finished inventory will be simplified affecting inbound and
outbound logistics. This will improve the inventory turn and make for better product availability.
– With an improved inventory turn this will reduce the firm’s working capital needs and release significant amounts of
– A simpler operations process should facilitate staff savings and support more automation.
– Warranty claims and support costs could be reduced.
– Bonar Paint will be purchasing fewer raw materials but in greater volume and on a more regular basis. This will lead to
improved price and delivery terms from its suppliers.
– Bonar Paint can offer improved product reliability and better delivery to its customers and should improve its market
In terms of operational disadvantages, these therefore are largely in terms of the impact on customer service levels seen in
terms of product range availability. Once again it is important to have accurate information on the sales and profitability of
each product so informed divestment decisions could be taken. Care must be taken to identify any paints, which though
ordered infrequently, and in small quantities are a pre-cursor for customers ordering other paints. Some important customers
may require that the full range of their paint needs are met in order to continue buying from Bonar Paint.
Reduction of the product range and customer base is an important strategic decision. Eliminating non-contributors or ‘dog’
products both in terms of paints and customers is a key part of managing the product portfolio. However, inertia both in terms
of products and customers is a real strategic weakness. In terms of the three tests of suitability, acceptability and feasibility
the analysis suggests that only acceptability is likely to be an issue. Tony Edmunds needs to be convinced that it is an
appropriate strategy to adopt. It is the lack of accurate sales analysis that lies at the heart of the problem and that is his areaof responsibility!

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