












下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(iii) Calculate the cash remaining in the company as a result of the salary and dividend payments made in

(ii) above. (1 mark)



(b) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act contains provisions for the attestation (verification) and reporting to shareholders of

internal controls over financial reporting.


Describe the typical contents of an external report on internal controls. (8 marks)

(b) Internal control statement
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) guidelines are to disclose in the annual report as follows:
A statement of management’s responsibility for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting
for the company. This will always include the nature and extent of involvement by the chairman and chief executive, but may
also specify the other members of the board involved in the internal controls over financial reporting. The purpose is for
shareholders to be clear about who is accountable for the controls.
A statement identifying the framework used by management to evaluate the effectiveness of this internal control. This will
usually involve a description of the key metrics, measurement methods (e.g. rates of compliance, fair value measures, etc)
and tolerances allowed within these. Within a rules-based environment, these are likely to be underpinned by law.
Management’s assessment of the effectiveness of this internal control as at the end of the company’s most recent fiscal year.
This may involve reporting on rates of compliance, failures, costs, resources committed and outputs (if measurable) achieved.
A statement that its auditor has issued an attestation report on management’s assessment. Any qualification to the attestation
should be reported in this statement.
Tutorial note: guidance from other corporate governance codes is also acceptable.

3 On 1 January 2007 Dovedale Ltd, a company with no subsidiaries, intends to purchase 65% of the ordinary share

capital of Hira Ltd from Belgrove Ltd. Belgrove Ltd currently owns 100% of the share capital of Hira Ltd and has no

other subsidiaries. All three companies have their head offices in the UK and are UK resident.

Hira Ltd had trading losses brought forward, as at 1 April 2006, of £18,600 and no income or gains against which

to offset losses in the year ended 31 March 2006. In the year ending 31 March 2007 the company expects to make

further tax adjusted trading losses of £55,000 before deduction of capital allowances, and to have no other income

or gains. The tax written down value of Hira Ltd’s plant and machinery as at 31 March 2006 was £96,000 and

there will be no fixed asset additions or disposals in the year ending 31 March 2007. In the year ending 31 March

2008 a small tax adjusted trading loss is anticipated. Hira Ltd will surrender the maximum possible trading losses

to Belgrove Ltd and Dovedale Ltd.

The tax adjusted trading profit of Dovedale Ltd for the year ending 31 March 2007 is expected to be £875,000 and

to continue at this level in the future. The profits chargeable to corporation tax of Belgrove Ltd are expected to be

£38,000 for the year ending 31 March 2007 and to increase in the future.

On 1 February 2007 Dovedale Ltd will sell a small office building to Hira Ltd for its market value of £234,000.

Dovedale Ltd purchased the building in March 2005 for £210,000. In October 2004 Dovedale Ltd sold a factory

for £277,450 making a capital gain of £84,217. A claim was made to roll over the gain on the sale of the factory

against the acquisition cost of the office building.

On 1 April 2007 Dovedale Ltd intends to acquire the whole of the ordinary share capital of Atapo Inc, an unquoted

company resident in the country of Morovia. Atapo Inc sells components to Dovedale Ltd as well as to other

companies in Morovia and around the world.

It is estimated that Atapo Inc will make a profit before tax of £160,000 in the year ending 31 March 2008 and will

pay a dividend to Dovedale Ltd of £105,000. It can be assumed that Atapo Inc’s taxable profits are equal to its profit

before tax. The rate of corporation tax in Morovia is 9%. There is a withholding tax of 3% on dividends paid to

non-Morovian resident shareholders. There is no double tax agreement between the UK and Morovia.


(a) Advise Belgrove Ltd of any capital gains that may arise as a result of the sale of the shares in Hira Ltd. You

are not required to calculate any capital gains in this part of the question. (4 marks)

(a) Capital gains that may arise on the sale by Belgrove Ltd of shares in Hira Ltd
Belgrove Ltd will realise a capital gain on the sale of the shares unless the substantial shareholding exemption applies. The
exemption will be given automatically provided all of the following conditions are satisfied.
– Belgrove Ltd has owned at least 10% of Hira Ltd for a minimum of 12 months during the two years prior to the sale.
– Belgrove Ltd is a trading company or a member of a trading group during that 12-month period and immediately after
the sale.
– Hira Ltd is a trading company or the holding company of a trading group during that 12-month period and immediately
after the sale.
Hira Ltd will no longer be in a capital gains group with Belgrove Ltd after the sale. Accordingly, a capital gain, known as a
degrouping charge, may arise in Hira Ltd. A degrouping charge will arise if, at the time it leaves the Belgrove Ltd group, Hira
Ltd owns any capital assets which were transferred to it at no gain, no loss within the previous six years by a member of the
Belgrove Ltd capital gains group.

(ii) The answers to any questions that the potential investors may raise in connection with the maximum

possible investment, borrowing to finance the subscription and the implications of selling the shares.

(7 marks)

Note: you should assume that Vostok Ltd and its trade qualify for the purposes of the enterprise investment

scheme and you are not required to list the conditions that need to be satisfied by the company, its

shares or its business activities.

(ii) Answers to questions from potential investors
Maximum investment
– For the relief to be available, a shareholder (together with spouse and children) cannot own more than 30% of the
company. Accordingly, the maximum investment by a single subscriber will be £315,000 (15,000 x £21).
Borrowing to finance the purchase
– There would normally be tax relief for the interest paid on a loan taken out to acquire shares in a close company
such as Vostok Ltd. However, this relief is not available when the shares qualify for relief under the enterprise
investment scheme.
Implications of a subscriber selling the shares in Vostok Ltd
– The income tax relief will be withdrawn if the shares in Vostok Ltd are sold within three years of subscription.
– Any profit arising on the sale of the shares in Vostok Ltd on which income tax relief has been given will be exempt
from capital gains tax provided the shares have been held for three years.
– Any capital loss arising on the sale of the shares will be allowable regardless of how long the shares have been
held. However, the loss will be reduced by the amount of income tax relief obtained in respect of the investment.
The loss may be used to reduce the investor’s taxable income, and hence his income tax liability, for the tax year
of loss and/or the preceding tax year.
– Any gain deferred at the time of subscription will become chargeable in the year in which the shares in Vostok Ltd
are sold.

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