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股票交易程序中所包括的主要环节有:I、交割II、委托III、证券账户开户IV、资金账户开户 V、过户 VI、交易正确的顺序为( )。








普通高等学校在校学生数指( )。








20192019 年河南省普通高等学校年河南省普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语公共英语 真题卷真题卷 题号题号 I II III IV V VI 总分总分 分数分数 40 20 40 20 10 20 注意事项:注意事项: 答题前,答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号填考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号填写在答题卡上。本试卷的试题答案必须答在答题卡上,答在试写在答题卡上。本试卷的试题答案必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。卷上无效。 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1*40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence,and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. Lets walk to the shops instead of taking the car,_? A. shall we B. dont we C. will we D. wont we 2. The travel agency is arranging for us_at a really nice hotel. A. Stay B. of staying C. to stay D. staying 3. I wouldnt want_of my parents to know I have a boyfriend. A.either B. any C. neither D. none 4. I am beginning to think that_ people say about him is true. A.which B. this C. what D. / 5. I_ the whole of War and Peace by the time I was seven years old. A.was reading B. had read C. had been reading D. had been read 6. Paul is a real introvert in contrast_ his brother Andrew. A.with B. by C. to D. against 7. If I_the lottery, Id give some of the money to each member of my family. A.win B. have won C. will D. won 8. Medicine should not be kept_ it is approachable to children. A.when B. where C. which D. that 9. Most people are_ in a dentists office than in a doctors office. 2019年河南省专升本英语考试真题(含解析)第 1 页,共 20 页 A.obviously nervous B. more obviously nervous C. obviously more nervous D. more nervous obviously 10. If we_enough rain last year, we could have gained a good harvest. A.have B. had C. have had D. had had 11. We today and I got into trouble because I hadnt done it. A.had checked our homework B. had our homework checked C. were checked our homework D. have checking our homework 12. Bill asked me why_ to go shopping with me. A. I hadnt invited him B. hadnt I invited him C. I hadnt him invited D. hadnt him invited 13. After finishing her course, Rachel went on _ a well-known lawyer. A.to become B. becoming C. to becoming D. become 14. This is the book in_ Foster described his experience of the war. A.that B. what C. where D. which 15. Never_ a greater day in the history of mankind. A.did there be B. was there C. there was D. there has been 16. Gymnastics_ to activities which require skills such as speed and adaptability. A.is referring B. refers C.referred D. has referred 17. Apple_ to have put a lot of effort into developing wireless ear-buds. A.said B. it is said C. has said D. is said 18. There are_ Chinese restaurants in New York City as in Boston. A.twice as many B. twice as much C. as twice many D. as twice much 19. The old temple_ roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair. A.where B. which C. its D. whose 20. The engineers are so busy that they dont have time for outdoor sports activities,_ they have the interests. A.wherever B. whenever C. even if D. as if 21. Researchers have_ to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes. A.come B. got C. reached D. arrived 22. She kept practicing_she could win the National Speaking Competition. A.to B.in order to C. so that D. because of 23. Carl wasnt very good at mountain climbing as hes afraid of_. 2019年河南省专升本英语考试真题(含解析)第 2 页,共 20 页 A.highs B. heights C. highness D. heightening 24. Harry and Sam both denied that the fight was their_. A.blame B. criticism C. cause D. fault 25. The government should do more for_ people. A.usual B. everyday C. ordinary D. typical 26. Some drugs produce bad side_. A.consequences B. results C. products D. effects 27. It is wise to_ your property against storm damage. A.insure B. assure C. reassure D. ensure 28. Joe told me a joke today but I didnt_ it at all. A.get B. bring C. collect D. fetch 29. I think she_ her fortune in the shipping industry. A.took B. won C. made D. saved 30. I really dont_ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it. A.look B. see C. have D. mind 31. The debate will_ place tonight. A.be B. take C. have D. make 32. Ivan tells me he really_ himself at your barbecue last week. A.pleased B. enjoyed C. played D. interested 33. Whats the_ between New York and Chicago. A.length B. space C. distance D. gap 34. They were accused of interfering in Chinas internal_. A.matter B. affairs C. thing D. concern 35. Please dont forget to _ your essays during Friday lesson. A.handle in B. hand in C. hand D. handle 36. The teacher asked some questions to make _ that the stu、dent understand the text. A.good B. true C. sure D. believe 37. She is finding _with the way I do my hair. A.flaw B. mistake C. fault D. error 38. Joe stared at me for a moment and then reluctantly _ his hand. A.extended B. increased C. raised D. put 39. The earth_ the necessary amount of heat and light from the sun. A.supplies B. receives C. provides D. requires 40. Slow down! I cant_with you! A.get on B. put down C. drop out D. keep up Part II Close (1*20) 2019年河南省专升本英语考试真题(含解析)第 3 页,共 20 页 Di


A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5



A. 需要参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试
B. 经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试
C. 录取的入有关军队院校学习
D. 学制4年
E. 毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划


普通高等学校在校学生数指(  )。



国家鼓励( )毕业生到中小学或者职业学校任教。




正确答案: 具有高职(专科)学历的退役毕业生与其他普通专升本考生一起报名参加考试,享受招生计划单列、考试成绩单独划线、按报考人数30%比例择优录取的优惠政策。

更多 “2019年河南省专升本《英语》考试真题(含解析)” 相关考题
考题 高职(高专)毕业生参加“三支一扶”,服务期满考核合格的,可免试入读()。A、成人高等学历教育专科B、普通专科C、普通本科D、成人高等学历教育专科起点本科正确答案:D

考题 单选题高职(高专)毕业生参加“三支一扶”,服务期满考核合格的,可免试入读()。A 成人高等学历教育专科B 普通专科C 普通本科D 成人高等学历教育专科起点本科正确答案: A 解析: 暂无解析

考题 多选题根据《关于建立和完善教育收费决策听证制度的通知》,对政府举办学校的教育收费实行听证的有(  )。[2006年真题]A小学、初中的杂费B高中的择校费C高中的学费D普通高等学校专科、本科的学费E普通高等学校专科、本科的住宿费正确答案: E,C 解析: 按国家规定的权限和程序制定政府举办的小学、初中的杂费,高中的学费,普通高等学校专科、本科的学费,应当实行听证,纳入地方听证目录。制定其他教育收费标准时,政府价格主管部门认为有必要的,也可以实行听证。

考题 单选题参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制()年,毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划。A 2B 3C 4D 5正确答案: C 解析: 暂无解析

考题 关于军队院校专升本的规定说法正确的是()A、需要参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试B、经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试C、录取的入有关军队院校学习D、学制4年E、毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划正确答案:A,B,C,E

考题 多选题关于军队院校专升本的规定说法正确的是()A需要参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试B经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试C录取的入有关军队院校学习D学制4年E毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划正确答案: A,C 解析: 军队院校专升本的规定:参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经省招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制2年,毕业合格的列入年度生长干部毕业学员分配计划。

考题 具有高职(专科)学历的毕业生退役后报考普通高校本科,何时报名,何时入学?学习年限为多长?报名时需要带哪些材料?正确答案: 每年春节后报名(具体时间询所在省级教育行政部门),6月底前完成录取,新生于当年秋季入学。学生在校学习时间一般为两年。 考生凭身份证、普通高职(专科)毕业证书和士兵退役证,到户籍所在地省级招生考试机构或省级教育行政部门确定的高校报名。

考题 问答题具有高职(专科)学历的毕业生退役后报考普通高校本科,如何参加考试?有何优惠政策?正确答案: 具有高职(专科)学历的退役毕业生与其他普通专升本考生一起报名参加考试,享受招生计划单列、考试成绩单独划线、按报考人数30%比例择优录取的优惠政策。 解析: 暂无解析

考题 校普通毕业生系指按照国家普通高等学校招生计划的具有学籍、取得毕业资格的本科生、()、硕士研究生和博士研究生。 A、结业生B、肄业生C、专科生D、自考生正确答案:C

考题 填空题参加全国普通高等学校招生统一考试,经区招生办公室专科统一录取且取得全日制专科学历的毕业生士兵,可以参加全军统一组织的本科层次招生考试,录取的入有关军队院校学习,学制()年正确答案: 2 解析: 暂无解析