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案卷应采用三孔一线的方法装订,不装订的案卷,可不装订。( )
- A、三孔一线
- B、二孔一线
- C、立卷人
- D、检查人
- A、四周式线订法
- B、双眼系绳式线订法
- C、骑马钉
- D、边角锁线装订法
内装订线内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线 浙江省湖州市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末调研测试英语试题试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、完形填空Born in a comfortable family, Florence Nightingale was educated by family teachers and then by her own father. As a result, she was _1_ five foreign languages, and had a good knowledge of history and philosophy.On February 7, 1837, Florence Nightingale heard, by her _2_, the whisper of God telling her that she had a task in life. It took her some years of seeking to _3_ that mission. In 1844, _4_ her parents rejection, rather than marry like the majority of the girls, Nightingale chose a(n) _5_ path to work in nursing, which was then not quite a respectable job for women.Nightingale went to Kaiserwerth in Prussia to experience a German _6_ program for girls who would serve as nurses. She worked for a short time for a(n) _7_ near Paris. Her idea began to be _8_. In 1853, she became the unpaid director of Londons Institution for the Care of Sick Gentlewoman.When the Crimean War broke out, _9_ came back to England about terrible conditions for wounded and sick soldiers. Nightingale _10_ to go to Turkey. She took a group of thirty-eight women as nurses to the war front. From 1854-1856, Nightingale headed nursing efforts in Turkey, creating more clean conditions and ordering supplies. She _11_ won overat least enough to get cooperationthe military doctors.Soon, Nightingale _12_ more on direction than on actual nursing, but she _13_ to visit the wards(病房). Her rule that she be the only woman in the wards at night _14_ her the title “The lady with the lamp.” The _15_ rate at the army hospital fell from 60% at her arrival to 2% six month later.1Ainterested inBfamiliar withCpuzzled byDaware of2AappearanceBperformanceCexplanationDlocation3Aturn outBcarry outCpick outDfigure out4AdespiteBwithCwithoutDexcept5AnormalBdifferentCusualDcommon6AtrainingBteachingCperformingDworking7AchurchBschoolChospitalDarmy8ArememberedBdefendedCrefusedDrespected9AordersBpoemsCevidenceDreports10AaffordedBvolunteeredChesitatedDhappened11ArapidlyBoccasionallyCfrequentlyDeventually12AfocusedBattractedCfoundDlooked13AcontinuedBappointedCheadedDdetermined14AattachedBtookCearnedDsuited15AbirthBgrowthCdeathDtax第II卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明评卷人得分二、阅读理解In 2017, Jim McGee was diagnosed with a kidney(肾) illness, and he was told by the doctors that he could only live about four years. Therefore, he was in bad need of a kidney transplant(移植). However, it was said that 13 people would die every day while waiting for a right kidney with the right blood and tissue types. Jims wife, Shirley McGee, and some family friends offered but werent a match.In order to seek for help, Shirley and her husband wore T-shirts with a sentence “Im in need of a kidney transplant.” whenever they went out but still no luck. Jim lost heart.In early 2018, Jim didnt feel like attending a reunion of some classmates, saying there was no need to do this. However, Shirley said, “Come on. You really need to see your friends. Go, and enjoy yourself.” Then, Jim reunited with some old classmates, whom he hadnt seen for nearly 50 years, including Doug Coffman. Jim told them his problem. As life would have it, Doug Coffman, then 70, happened to have the right blood type and immediately decided to help.After a series of tests, finally, when the doctors gave Doug Coffman the OK to donate, he immediately called Jim, and told him the good news. On September 18, 2018, Doug went into surgery at 7: 30 a. m.; Jim followed at 9: 30 a.m. By noon, they were both in the recovery room. The transplant was a great success.16How did Jim feel about his illness after the failed wait for the right kidney?Asatisfied.Bnervous.Cashamed.Ddiscouraged17Which of the following words can best describe Shirley McGee?Areasonable and energetic.Bsupportive and considerate.Coutgoing and thankful.Dknowledgeable and responsible.18Why did Jim McGee decide to attend the reunion?ATo find the right kidney.BTo share his sad story.CTo meet his fellow classmates.DTo have a complete examination there.19What can we know about Doug Coffman?AHe had visited Jim regularly.BHe was too old to offer his help to Jim.CHe was Jims best friend.DHe helped Jim without hesitation.Looking for a good job is a fierce competition for graduates, so we must be careful to make our personal
- A、二孔一线
- B、三孔一线
- C、四孔一线
- A、从“文件”菜单中选择“页面设置”来设置
- B、从“格式”菜单中选择“装订线设置”
- C、从“工具”菜单中选择“装订线设置”
- D、在常用工具栏中单击“设置装订线”按钮设置
- A、两孔一线
- B、三孔一线
- C、四孔一线
- D、五孔一线
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