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国家开放大学电大专科网站美工设计基础2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:2492) 盗传必究一、单选题(每题2分,共40分)1. 卜冽不属于Photoshop对图像进行色彩调整的一项是()oA. 饱和度B. 色相C. 明度D. 像素2. 下列属于机能设计的是()oA. 建筑设计B. 园林设计C. 室内设计D. 家具设计3. 下列不属于有彩色的是()。A. 红色B. 白色C. 明黄色D. 湖蓝色4. 下列不属于直线的是()。A. 折线B. 波浪线C. 斜线D. 水平线5. 对肌理的描述正确的是()oA. 物体表面的结构特征B. 物体的形状c.物体的色彩D.物体的空间莅瓷6. 高明度的黄色与低明度的紫色混合,产生的色会()oA. 比黄色亮,比紫色暗B. 比黄色、紫色都要亮C. 比黄色暗,比紫色亮D. 不发生变化7. 下列哪一项与网页色彩无关()。A. 设计色彩B. 新颖的布局C. 色彩的肌理D. 无彩色8. 下列有关构成物体色彩固有特征的描述错误的是()。A. 物体的形状B. 透明度、反光度C. 光源的性质D. 物体的质地9. 色彩肌理是观者通过观察来“触摸”物体表而色彩的一种()。A. 触觉感受B. 视觉感受C. 听觉感受D. 幻想10. 线的表现力非常丰富,能表现出宁静、豁达感的线的形象是()oA. 粗线B. 细线C. 水平线D. 斜线11. 一般来说,反光能力强的物体表面()。A. 颜色较暗B. 较光滑C. 较粗糙D. 颜色纷杂12. 下列哪一项是光谱学说中的七神色彩()。A. 红、橙、白、绿、青、蓝、紫B. 红、橙、灰、绿、青、蓝、紫C. 红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫D. 红、橙、白、绿、青、黑、紫13. 下列不属于色彩对比与和谐的方法的一项是()oA. 色彩三要素的对比B. 点、线、面的对比C. 色彩调和与面积形状的对比D. 色彩调和与视觉生理平衡的对比14. 下列有关使用元素的描述错误的是()。A. 设计所表达的涵义B. 设计所表达的内容C. 设计所表达的设计的目的和功能D. 设计所表达的形象的大小、形状、色彩、肌理等15. 下列哪一项不会影响物体色彩的肌理()。A. 不同的笔触B. 物体的材料C. 调色的媒介D. 物体的形状16. 下列不属于构成类型的是()oA. 色彩构成B. 空间构成C. 平面构成D. 立体构成17. 在Cor elDRAW软件中,提供了色彩填充功能,下列哪一项是错误的()。A. 均匀填充B. 渐变填充C. 纹理填充D. 图像复制18. 平面构成是在两度空间内用轮廓线来划分()之间的界限。A. 形状与大小B. 形象与背景C. 色彩与肌理D. 空间与位置19. 下列哪一种字体比较适合儿童的视觉感受()。A. 黑体B. POP 体C. 宋体D楷书20. 下列不属于矢量图文件格式的是()。A.*. emfB.*. cdrC.*. jpegD.*. Ai二、判断题(每题2分,共20分)21. 物体表而的色彩肌理与物体的形状和大小无关。(V )22. 形象的大小、形状、肌理、方向和位置等在平面设计中都可以称为视觉元素。(X )23. 对比是指将两个存有明显差别的物体并置在一起时,二者有较大的差别又能够统一起来的对照关 系。(J )24. 黄色是明度最低的色,处于光谱的边缘位置。(X )25. 曲线主要是指弧线、双曲线、抛物线和波浪线等。(V )26. 面积大小的图与底比较,大面积的有图感。(X )27. 正混合主要是指色料的混合。(X )28. Cor elDRAW软件中,双击【矩形工具】可以绘制出与绘图页面大小一样的矩形。(V )29. 矢量图形与分辨率无关,可以将它缩放到任意大小都不会影响其清晰度。(J )30. 点阵图的文件类型有很多,如*bmp, *gif, *png, * jpg等,编辑这样的图形可以用Photoshop 等软件。(V )三、填空题(每题2分,共10分)31 .作用性骨格是用来界定基本形彼此之间准确空间位置的骨架。32. 色相就是色彩的相貌,是用来区别色彩种类的名称。33. 任何一个有彩色加白、黑色都可以构成该色以明度为主的序列。34. 而只具有长、宽两度空间,没有厚度。35. 位图图像,亦称为点阵图像或绘制图像,是由像素(图片元素)组成的。四、简答题(每题5分,共20分)36. 什么是颜色的混合?什么是加法混合?答:我们将两种以上不同的色相进行混合,会产生出新的颜色,叫做颜色的混合。加法混合是指色光 的混合,将两种以上的光混合在一起时,光亮度会提高,混合后的色亮度之和等于相混各色光亮度之总和。37. 在平面设计中,骨格的作用是什么?答:骨格是设计中基本形排列的位格依据。骨格网有助于我们在排列基本形时作为坐标的参考,是联络基本形之间关系的桥梁和纽带,使基木形成为有规律、有秩序的构成。有时,骨格也可以成为形象的一 部分,它的变化会直接影响到整体构成布局的变化。骨格分为规律性骨格,非规律性骨格,作用性骨格, 非作用性骨格。38. 什么是费勃那齐数列?答:费勃那齐数列是一个近似黄金比的数列,也就是将黄金矩形的比值运用到连续排列的线群上所得 出的间隔构成。39. 什么是特异构成?答:当构成要素在有序的排列中有意违反秩序,使少数几个要素凸现出来,增强视觉冲击力,形成视 觉焦点,以打破规律性,形成生动活泼的视觉效果时,称为特异。五、操作题(每空1分,共10分)40. 制作 Logo图1效果图请完成如图1效果图的操作步骤:单击【椭圆工具】按钮,按住【一-一】键,绘制一个65mmX65mni的正圆形,填充为(C: 0; M: 70; Y: 100 ;K: 0),去除轮廓线。(2) 绘制一个50mmX50mni的正圆形,填充为灰色,轮廓线设置为白色,粗细为1.5mm,放置于大圆上面并 o(3) 按【Ctrl+I】键,导入一张素材图片,在页面中单击导人图片,选择【位图】菜单中的【_】命令,打开CoreITRACE12软件。(4) 单击【一 .】按钮,在属性栏中进行设置,单击属性栏中的【-】按钮进行跟踪操作。(5) 保存位图的跟踪结果,回到CorelDRWA软件中。(6) 按【一】键,取消图形的组合。利用【挑选工具】,删除不需要的图形,然后拖动鼠标将上下两层的图片全都选中,按【_】键,将图形群组。(7) 将处理好的图片拖拽到圆形上并调整好大小,按【】键,将图片置后。(8) 在【效果】菜单中,选择【】中的【一 一】命令,在灰色圆形上单击。(9) 单击【文本工具】按钮,在页面中输入字母“T”和“P”,在属性栏中,设置字体为“中特广告 体,轮廓线粗细为 2. 3mm,颜色分别为(C:0; M: 60; Y: 100; K: 0)和(C: 100; M:0; Y: OIK: 0), 按【Shift+PageDown键,将文字置后。这样,“TOP假日旅行俱乐部”的Logo就制作完成了。答:(1) Ctrl(2) 对齐两个圆的圆心(3) 跟踪位图(4) 高级轮廓(5) 执行跟踪(6) Ctrl+U Ctrl+G(7) Shift+PageDown(8) 精确裁剪放置于容器中
A. 节点
B. 色彩空间
C. 像素
D. 路径
A. 拖动区域中的对象
B. 图像行向或竖向的像素
C. 一行或一列像素
D. 当前图层中的像素
更多 “国家开放大学电大专科《网站美工设计基础》2023期末试题” 相关考题
- 共用题干 Talking to Kids about SARS(非典)School age children may be learning about SARS from adults and the media,but may not know what to make of the situation,says a national health charity.The Lung Association says parents should take time to talk to their_________(1) and explain the facts about SARS and how to avoid the illness.The following is based on recommendations______(2)Thursday by the Lung Association:▲ Ask your children if they have heard________(3)SARS at school,from friends,from TV,etc. Finding out what they already know can be a good_____ (4)to start the conversation and to clear away any wrong ideas they might have about the illness and how t is spread.▲School age children are usually old________(5)to understand concepts such as getting sick from germs(细菌)and how to avoid illness. A.simple reminder(提示)_________(6)to cough on people and to wash their hands often may be sufficient for younger kids.All children should be shown how to_______(7)their hands properly.▲Remember to keep it simple so_________(8)not to overwhelm children with information,but answer them truthfully.Kids can tell when you're not being honest or if you're hiding something,and sometimes the unknown can be more frightening than the _________(9).Parents with anxious children will know________(10)their kids will handle information on SARS and can tailor their discussion accordingly.▲One way to explain the illness is to tell children that SARS is like a bad breathing problem.It is________(11)from a cold,but people can catch it in the same ways一 such as coughing on someone,not washing your hands or sharing a glass with a sick person.▲Describe how SARS is spread,but mention that the chance of_________(12) SARS is small.There is no reason to tell children people are dying of SARS_________(13) they ask. Never use the threat of death as a way to remind kids to wash their hands.▲Children should be_________(14)to trust their parents and other caregivers. Explain that many smart people,___________(15)doctors and scientists,are working on the problem and looking out for everyone's health._________(2) A:released B:held C:secured D:regarded
- 影响嫁接成活的环境因素有();();()等。
- 多选题上呼吸道包括()A鼻B咽C喉D气管E支气管
- 多选题长骨囊状膨胀性病变可见于下列哪些疾病()A骨囊肿B巨细胞瘤C浆细胞瘤D动脉瘤样骨囊肿E非骨化性纤维瘤
- 主食强化需要在精白米面中强化,所用强化剂有铁、钙、赖氨酸、叶酸、()等A、维生素B1、B2B、维生素DC、维生素CD、维生素KE、维生素E
- 从开始出现绝经趋势直至最后一次月经的时期是()A、绝经期B、绝经后期C、绝经过渡期D、无排卵期E、卵巢衰退期
- 共用题干 Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their lives.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer. How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chests or stomachs.This pain is often called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night. It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health expertssay the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer. The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer. Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.People who eat a lot of spicy food are also susceptible to stomach ulcers.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned
- 问答题环境污染物对健康的危害主要表现在哪些方面?举例说明可引起哪些疾病?
- 共用题干 Stage FrightFall down as you come onstage.That's an odd trick.Not recommended.But it saved the pi-anist Vladimir Felts man when he was a teenager back in Moscow.The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic,Mr. Felts man said, “All my fright was_______(51).I already fell .What else could happen?”Today,music schools are addressing the problem of anxiety in classes that_______(52) with performance techniques and career preparation.There are a variety of strategies that musici- ans can learn to_______(53)stage fright and its symptoms:icy fingers,shaky limbs,racing heart,blank mind.Teachers and psychologists offer wide-ranging advice,from basics like learning pieces inside out,_______(54)mental discipline,such as visualizing a performance and taking steps to re- lax .Don't_______(55)that you're jittery,they urge;some excitement is natural,even necessa- ry for dynamic playing.And play in public often,simply for the experience.Psychotherapist Diane Nichols suggests some_______(56)for the moments before perform-ance,“Take two deep abdominal breaths,open up your shoulders,then smile,”she says.“And not one of these‘please don't kill me'smiles .Then_______(57)three friendly faces in the au- dience,people you would communicate with and make music to,and make eye contact with them.”She doesn't want performers to think of the audience_______(58)a judge.Extreme demands by mentors or parents are often at the_______(59)of stage fright,says Dorothy Delay,a well-known violin teacher. She tells other teachers to demand only what their students are able to achieve.When Lynn Harrell was 20,he became the principal cellist of the Cleveland Orchestra,and he suffered extreme stage fright.“There were times when I got so_______(60)I was sure the audience could see my chest responding to the throbbing. It was just total panic.I came to a _______(61)where I thought,If I have to go through this to play music,I think I'm going to look for another job.” Recovery,he said,involved developing humility—recognizing that_______(62)his talent,he was fallible,and that an imperfect concert was not a disaster.It is not only young artists who suffer,of course .The legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitz's nerves were famous.The great tenor Franco Corelli is another example.“They had to push him on stage,”Soprano Renata Scotto recalled._______(63),success can make things worse.“In the beginning of your career,when you're scared to death,nobody knows who you are,and they don't have any_______(64),”So-prano June Anderson said.“There's_______(65)to lose .Later on,when you're known,peo-pie are coming to see you,and they have certain expectations.You have a lot to lose.”Anderson added,“I never stop being nervous until I've sung my last note.”53._________A: .explainB:.understandC: fightD:.analyze
- 问答题近代死亡概念的主要内容是什么?