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A. some. . . any
B. any. . . some
C. a... some
D. some. . . a
A、some. . . any
B、any. . . some
C、a... some
D、some. . . a
Make( )copies of important files, and store them on separate locations to protect your information.
A.back B.back-up C.back-out D.background
The work breakdown structure (WBS) has been widely used in management for software development project, ( ) is generally NOT validated through the WBS.
A.Schedule and cost
B.Organization structuring
C.Management coordination
D.Quality of work
管理英语1网核形考任务单元自测7答案题目: A the paperless management is widely used now, some important files are still kept as Ahard copies.A、AlthoughB、WhenC、Because题目: A you deal with the data files, the more familiar you get with them.A、The more B、BecauseC、 lf题目:一- Ive called the maintenance worker. A A、This copier needs repairingB、I dont like this copierC、Can I use the copier?题目:- c - Its my pleasure.A、When can you fax the document for me?B、Can you fax the document in time?C、Would you pl ease fax the document for me?题目:- Can you copy these papers for me? B A、It doesnt matter.B、Ok. Just wait a moment pleaseC、But Im not sure.题目:- Ive got the system running, but I cant open my file. A A、Let me see if I can get it to work.B、Im very sorry.C、lts my pleasure.题目: -Will you show me how to use this software? C A、You are welcome.B、Sorry, Im too late for it.C、Sure. Youll master it in no time.题目:A secretary must B big pile of files and correspondence in officeA、get along withB、deal with C、agree with题目:Copying files under Linux is similar B copying files under DOS.A、WithB、ToC、in题目:Ill make a list of all the documents on this file B make it more clearly.A、so thatB、in order toC、but also题目Mary has been a secretary in this company B she graduated from Beijing UniversityA、WhenB、SinceC、before题目:Nowadays office work can be done by hand B very fast speedA、OnB、at C、in题目:Please see the suggestions below to A that your files are not lost.A、make sureB、make outC、be sure题目:Such office software is popular A the executive secretaries.A、with B、onC、to题目:The secretary has a lot of things to take up in the office since she B away for quite a few days.A、wentB、has beenC、is going完型填空:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项将其补充完整。Filing means keeping documents in a C place and being able to find them easily and quickly. Documents that are A will not easily tear get lost or dirtyA filina system is the central record-keenina svstem for an oraanization.t helns all neonle who should he able to accessinformation to do so easily. lt is always B when someone looks for something and is able to find it without difficulties. In ouroraanizations we work in aroups.We receive and send out documents on different subiects. We need to keep these documents forlA: reference. If these documents are not cared for we cannot account for all our oraanizational activities. Evervone who needs to use documents should know C to get them1. A. clean B. secret C.safe2. A. cared for B. caring forC. care for3. A. a luck B. a pleasureC. a fun4.A.future B. past C.historic5. A. when B.why C. where听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项Listen to the dialog and choose the best answer for each question.u7-task3.mp31.why did Melinda not finish her workvesterday? CA. She was too busy.B. She forgot to sort the files.C. She was ill.2. Did George care about Melinda? BA. No, he didnt.B. Yes, he did.C. Its not mentioned.3.What did George ask Melinda to do? CA. Prepare a report for a meeting.B. Make a schedule for a meeting.C. File the reports for him.4. In what order should Melinda file the documents? A A. In numerical order.B. In subject order.C. In date order.5.When should Melinda finish the filing? A A. In the afternoon.B.Tomorrow morning.C.Tomorrow afternoon二,阅读理解;阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。How often should filing be done? It depends on how busy the office is. In very busy organizations, filing is done at least every day In a small or less busy office,filing can be done once or twice a week.Filing Equipment. Tools that people use in sorting out documents range from small instruments such as paper clips, office pins and staplers to big machines such as photocopiers,printers and paper shredders.Kinds of Files. Documents taken out verv often are usually kept in clip folders: otherwise thev are often kept in lever arch files Besides, suspension files and box files are also used for different purposes.What should be filed? People need to file documents that are sent to or received from by other people or organizations. These documents can be letters reports, financial records, policy documents, etc.1.Filing should be done every day in each office. F2.It is necessary to do filing no less than once every week in a small office. T3.Only big instruments are useful in sorting out files. F4.If you need always read the documents, you can put them into lever arch files. F5.The companys annual reports usually need to be filed. T
B.Organization structuring
C.Management coordination
D.Quality of work
B. Look-up files
C. Transaction files
D. History files
B .Look-up files
C .Audit files
D .History files
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