


Spot Dictation:

Psychologists have many theories to explain how we remember information. The most influential theory is that memory works as a kind of storage system for information. There are three types of these storage systems with different functions that hold information for different amounts of time. They are sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. Sensory memory holds information for the shortest amount of time, less than for seconds and instant. Sensory memory is where stimuli or things that stimulate our senses are very briefly stored. We forget sensory memories almost instantly, unless they passed into another storage system. Examples of the stimuli are what we see and hear in the world, such as a flash of lightning or the sound of a door closing. Short-term memory also called working memory, holds information for about 15 to 20 seconds. This is not a very long time. But the information that passes into this system has more meaning for us than just sensory stimulation. Some experts believe that sensory information changes into visual images as it is stored. And others believe that information changes into words. There is not much room for information in short-term memory. And it did not stay there for very long. Examples of this types of information are telephone numbers, addresses and names. Long-term memory holds information almost indefinitely, although retrieving it can sometimes be difficult. Think of long-term memory as a very big library, with almost unlimited capacities for storage. Information gets filed, cataloged and stored. Long-term memory has several different components or categories. The main two categories are declarative memory and procedure memory. Declarative memory is where we store factual information, such as names, faces, dates, life events. Procedure memory is where we store memory of skills and habits , like how to ride a bike, or how to boil an egg. Within the declarative memory, there are smaller categories of memory, episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory relates to our personal lives. Things we have done or experienced, such as having a car accident or graduating from school. Semantic memory is where we organize general knowledge or facts about the world, such as math formulas, spelling rules and capital cities.

点评:这是一篇关于人类记忆分类的文章。文章采用了总分的形式,层次鲜明,结构清晰。文章开头两句为总括句,表明心 理学家有许多种理论来解释人类如何记忆,其中最有影响力的一种理论是人类记忆的工作方式如同信息储存系统。人类的记忆被分为三种:瞬时记忆、短期记忆和长 期记忆。接下来分别针对三种记忆的具体情况:从信息储存的内容、功能和时间的长短三个角度进行了介绍。需要注意的是,最后几句是分论点,阐明长期记忆分为 情景记忆(eopisodic memory)和语义记忆(sematic memory)两类。 相信考生平时对科普知识稍有积累,再加上对结构的把握,本篇文章能够轻松应对。

Listening Comprehension 1

M: There is a small number of exceptional people who play a huge role in the transmissions of epidemic ideas. I call them Mavens, Connectors and Salesmen. W: Say it again?

M: Mavens, Connectors and Salesman. Connectors are the kind of people who know everybody. They have extraordinary social ties. Well, if I do this names test in the Manhattan phonebook, and you go down the list. Every time you see a name you know, you give yourself a point. Well, most people score like 25, 30. Someone scores like 120 or 130. That kind of person is incredibly in generating word-of-mouth epidemics. If they like something and get hold of some idea, they can spread 5 or 6 times further than the average person.

W: Who are those people, what defines them?

M: Well, these are extraordinarily social people with a lot of energy who are consumed by the task of getting to know people, of meeting people, of keeping in touch with them. They make phone calls all day long.

W: I am afraid I am one of them.

M: This is not typical behavior. This is a behavior that is actually rare. Most of us don’t do that. And I am someone who is not that way. I can\'t start a word-of-mouth epidemic because I simply dont know enough people. I cant get it outside my own immediate circle of friends. Someone has friends all over the place. They can spread the news about a new restaurant, or a new movie, or something far and wide in a very, very short time.

W: These are the Connectors. Who are the Mavens and who are the Salesmen?

M: The Mavens are people who have specialized knowledge. If you examine why you make certain decisions, why do you shop somewhere, why do you go to a certain restaurant, you’ll find that you are relying on the same person over and over again for recommendations. Those people I call Mavens. My friend Ereal is a Maven, who knows all about the restaurants in lower Manhattan. If I want to know about the hot new restaurant, I call Ereal. Well, all of Ereals friends call Ereal, and if you go to restaurants in lower Manhattan and look around the room, you will see friends of Ereal. The restaurant market is an epidemic market, which is controlled by a group of Ereals. I dont think there are very many of them. There are probably two dozen of them. Thats true of lots of things. Thats true of shopping, and books and movies. If a Maven gets together with a Connector, then you begin see why a word-of-mouth epidemic might happen. Someone who knows everyone in combination with someone who knows everything is a really powerful connection.

W: And then introduce the Salesmen.

M: Well, those people are incredibly persuasive. And again, that’s a very rare and unusual trait.

W: Leaves me out, you see. I can connect, but I can’t sell.

M: Well, they are separate categories. I’ve met with a guy who is known as one of the greatest salesman in America today. When you meet with someone like that, you begin to realize why trans happen. They happen because someone who has this extraordinary natural ability to win you over. When they get hold of an idea, they can really make it go a long way.


1. What’s the main topic of this conversation?

2. Which of the following descriptions does not apply to Connectors?

3. Which of the following statements best defines the Mavens?

4. According to the conversation, which of the following groups does the man’s friend Ereal belong to?

5. What can we tell about all three groups of people?

【解析】本段以对话形式介绍了三种人MavenConnectorSalesman的含义,及各自对transmissions of epidemic ideas的作用,并给出明确的例证。答题关键在于理解三种人分别有何特征,而问题也基本围绕其定义展开。考生可能会对文中出现的word-of-mouth epidemic等说法不熟悉,但可以根据上下文推断其含义。总体难度适中。

Listening Comprehension 2

Question 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

New York, USA

Thousands of "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators fanned out across New York on Thursday in the first major showing of protest strength since authorities forcibly evicted them from their Lower Manhattan encampment two days earlier.

The group twice squared off against riot police in Zuccotti Park, while engaging in sporadic confrontations with authorities throughout the day.

Demonstrators say they plan to cross the Brooklyn Bridge, where 700 people were arrested in a similar march early last month.

At least 177 protesters were arrested during Thursday\'s demonstrations, said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who noted that seven police officers were also hurt during exchanges with protesters.


Rome Italy

New Italian PM Mario Monti\'s government of technocrats has passed its first test, winning a vote of confidence in the senate.

As expected, the government won the vote in the upper house of parliament easily, by 281 votes to 25.

The vote was held after Mr. Monti had outlined his government\'s program of reforms to tackle all the country\'s economic problems and cut its debt.

He faces a second vote in the lower house of parliament on Friday.

Mario Monti, a former EU commissioner, said austerity measures would be balanced by economic growth and social fairness.

Meanwhile, thousands of students staged protests in several Italian cities against Mr. Monti\'s government.

解析:本篇主要围绕着罗马总理候选人Mario Monti展开。考生需要注意,一般围绕着一个人物展开的新闻,考察的重点会放在与该人物相关的一些事实上,如本题的What can we know about New Italian PM Mario Montis government of technocrats?


Tokyo Japan

Unlike an earthquake, a demographic disaster does not strike without warning. Japan’s population of 127millon is predicted to fall to 90million by 2050. By then, the ratio between working-age Japanese and children and the elderly will be one to one. Whats more, half the talent in Japan is female. Outside the kitchen, those talents are woefully underemployed, nearly half of Japanese university graduates are female but only 67% of these women have jobs,

Japanese women with degrees are much more likely than Americans to quit their jobs voluntarily, saying that the strongest push came from employers who do not value them. A startling 49% of highly educated Japanese women quit, because they feel their careers have stalled.


Cambridge Massachusetts USA

Scientists are getting closer to the dream of creating computer systems that can replicate the brain.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed a computer chip that mimics how the brain\'s neurons adapt in response to new information. Such chips could eventually enable communication between artificially created body parts and the brain.

It could also pave the way for artificial intelligence devices.

There are about 100 billion neurons in the brain, each of which forms synapses - the connections between neurons that allow information to flow - with many other neurons.

This process is known as plasticity and is believed to underpin many brain functions, such as learning and memory.

The MIT team of scientists has been able to design a computer chip that can simulate the activity of a single brain synapse.


Manchester UK

Leading figures in the world of soccer, on Thursday blasted FIFA President Sepp Blatter for controversial remarks he made on racism in an interview with CNN World Sport.

The head of world football told Pedro Pinto there is no on-field racism in football and that any player who has been abused should simply shake hands with his opponent at the end of the match and move on.

Manchester United\'s Rio Ferdinand, a former England captain, expressed his outrage on Twitter, blasting Blatter\'s comments as "so condescending it\'s almost laughable."

The Swiss was re-elected unopposed as the head of football\'s governing body in June after his main rival was suspended amid corruption allegations. The bidding process for the 2018 World Cup was also dogged by bribery allegations.

Soon after Blatter gave his interview to CNN on Wednesday, his position appeared to be undermined when the English Football Association charged Liverpool\'s Luis Suarez with racism toward a fellow player.

解析:本篇是有关足球方面的文章,当中出现了很多专有名词,如FIFA, CNN World Sport, Manchester United\'s Rio Ferdinand,如果考生平时对体育方面不是很感兴趣的话,容易听漏。但是正如上一篇听力短文一样,对于大部分考生不太熟悉的文章类型,一般出题者会将考察点设置在文章主旨上,所以,考生在做听力之前可以预先浏览选项,对文章的内容进行大胆推测,此外,在听的过程中以一些字母符号替换文章的专有名词,只抓取重点信息即可。


6. At least how many "Occupy Wall Street" protesters were arrested during Thursday’s demonstration in New York?

7. What can we know about New Italian PM Mario Monti’s government of technocrats?

8. What percentage of Japanese female university graduates have jobs?

9. What new finding has been made by scientists said MIT, USA?

10. Why did leading figures in the world of soccer call on FIFA president Blatter to resign?

Listening Comprehension 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

W: Some of us try to eat away the blues, nutritionist Joy Bauer is here with some strategies to help get us healthy. Joy, good to see you again.

M: Good to see you Jolin.

W: So, you know, there’s emotional eating. It really is a problem, isnt?

M: Oh, the emotional eating is when you eat in response to feelings rather than hunger. Stress, anxiety, nervousness, and maybe you\'ve had a fight with the spouse, or coworker and you head straight to the fridge. The truth is we all do it occasionally.

W: To a certain extent.

M: And that’s not necessarily problematic, but if you struggle with your weight, and you are regularly using food as a coping mechanism, it\'s like rubbing salts in a wound.

W: Right, because you will feel bad, or even worse, after you did it.

M: You feel worse, and you probably worse off emotionally than you were, that cause you to eat in the first place.

W: A vicious cycle.

M: Absolutely. There are some questions we should ask ourselves. That really can help you determine whether you are an emotional eater. First, do you reach for high-calorie food when you feel sorry for yourself? Are high-calorie foods your reward after a difficult day? Do you feel stressed and then put food in your mouth without realizing it.

W: Some of us might answer yes to these questions.

M: Absolutely, if you answer yes to the majority of these questions, you are an emotional eater. And you should put a huge effort into stopping this behavior , because it is destructive to the psyche.

W: Do man and woman go for different kinds of foods when they are looking for comfort?

M: It’s a great question, the number one food according to research in terms of comfort food for man and woman alike is ice cream.

W: Yes!

M: But it\'s a vice. Women head straight for the sweets, cookies, chocolates, candies, and men go for the man food, real food, martial food.


M:Steak and mass potatoes, big pasta and pizza.

W: One of the things you can do to try to help stop this is measure your hunger on a hunger scale. What’s that?

M: That’s right. Awareness is huge, you wanna know if you are actually hungry or not, one being ravenous, and five being comfortably full. So before you reach for something, figure out if you are four or five. Avoid eating.

W: You say, if you feel like you have to eat something, eat healthy food first.

M: This is a great strategy. I call this three food interference. And it has helped thousands of people. Before you get into anything unhealthy, first eat three healthy items. There’ve always got to be in your fridge a bowl of carrots, one apple and container of yoghourt. After those 3 foods, if you still want to continue on, give yourself permission. But nine times out of ten, you are gonna fill up and you are gonna stop.


11. What is emotional eating?

12. Which of the following is true about emotional eating?

13. What is number one comfort food for man and woman alike?

14. What figure on a hunger scale indicates that you are comfortably full?

15. Which of the following is not one of the healthy foods as recommended by the nutritionist?

评析:这是一篇访谈性对话,围绕着情绪化进食 (emotional eating) 这个主题展开。被采访人是一位营养学家,Joy BauerJoy Bauer首先介绍了什么是情绪化进食及其危害,然后给出了情绪化进食者的判断标准。对话进而谈到,男人和女人分别会通过什么食物来寻求慰藉。最后,Joy Bauer 建议情绪化进食者可通过饥饿量表来衡量自己的饥饿程度,如果实在要吃东西的话,可以通过先吃三种健康食物来抑制食欲。

对话的关键词emotional eating,考生可通过常识预测对话的内容,难度一般。问题设定的顺序跟对话的进程一致,答案在对话中明显的体现出来,解题关键在于理清对话的脉络,关注细节信息。考生需要注意的细节信息有:关于情绪化进食的定义;男人和女人都爱吃冰激凌来寻求慰藉;健康量表指向5表示已经非常饱了以及营养学家提出的三种健康食物是什么。

Listening Comprehension 4

Question 16-20 are based on the following talk.

Today, I’m going to talk about the health problems related to sun-tan. Sun-tan is preferred by lighter-skinned people, especially during the summer months. They like to give their skin a nice natural bronze color with the help of sun-tanning. Getting a natural tan is the sign of being healthy and being attractive. No wonder many people rush off to the beach at the onset of summer with their tanning lotions and laze away on a towel for hours on end. The result is healthy tanned skin, which people like to flaunt all day long. People often believe that a perfectly tanned skin improves their personality and the texture of their skin. However, it is not advisable to be in direct sunlight for a long time. Excess exposure of the skin to sunlight can actually damage the skin, and is the leading cause of skin cancer all around the world. Moreover, in countries like Australia, the atmosphere does not filter the sun rays completely, as the Ozone layer in the atmosphere is depleting quickly. The Ozone layer is responsible for filtering the harmful ultra-violet or UV rays of the sun that can damage the skin beyond repair.

So what does a tan mean? A tan refers to exposure of the skin to the rays of the sun for a considerable amount of time. The UVB rays of the sun encourage the cells of the innermost layer of the skin, to produce more melanin pigments, which on their way to the outmost layer are tanned by the UVA rays of the sun. As a result, Vitamin D3 is produced naturally under the sun. The vitamin helps protect the bone and also protects us from diseases like osteoporosis. The direct rays of the sun also make the immune system stronger against the invasion of germs, and increase the body’s overall physical powers. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and improves blood circulation. Common skin diseases like acne and neurodermatitis can be treated with ultra-violet light. These are just some of the many positive effects that the sun offers in the form of its ultra-violet rays. You should take the advice of experts if you would like to go for a natural sun-tan. Different skins react differently to sunlight, and expert opinion should be sought, especially in the beginning. Do not overdo a sun-tan, as excess exposure to the suns rays can prove to be harmful to your skin. Wear a sun-tan lotion when you go out in the open during summer. Do not sunbath for more than once a day. Going to the beach or lying out in the sun once or twice a week is enough to maintain a good tan on the skin. Tanning in summer proves to be very beneficial, as it prevents skin fatigue, prepares your skin for the long summer months ahead, builds a natural protection, and produces a nice natural tan.


16. What is the main topic of the speech?

17. Which of the following is responsible for filtering the ultra-violet rays of the sun?

18. What is the specific function of Vitamin D3?

19. The ultra-violet rays of the sun have several positive effects on human health. Which of the following is not one of these effects?

20. What can we conclude from the speech?


deplete: 消耗,耗尽,减少


Ozone layer: 臭氧层

filter: 过滤




下面小编为大家准备了 口译笔译 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Just a couple of days ago, climbers, backed by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), returned from the Himalayas, where they gathered first-hand accounts from monks, local people and other travelers on the state of the environment of the world's most famous mountain range. They have recorded in words, in photographs, and on film, the dramatic impacts that global warming is having on glaciers, causing them to rapidly thaw, and build up melt waters in mountain lakes. As a result, these lakes could soon burst, sending millions of tons of water and rubble swirling down the valleys threatening life and limb. // The expedition has also looked at the impacts of tourism on the mountains, concluding that much of what is happening is environmentally damaging, and a burden on the people, wildlife and landscapes of these once pristine wilderness areas. //

Every year World Environment Day is an occasion to pause and reflect on the state of the environment. This year especially, faced with the findings of our climbers, in the International Year of the Mountains, I urge you to "Give Earth a Chance". I ask you to look at our daily impact on the planet and its peoples, and to take action to improve our environmental behavior. //

Although mountains have been revered since time began, such beliefs are no longer enough to preserve fragile mountain ecosystems, for the well-being of all. We face an immense challenge, the challenge of ensuring their stability and preservation for the generations to come. //

Mountains are our water-towers. Mountains are a major source of energy. Mountains feed those living on them. Mountain ecosystems are linked to life in the lowlands, to freshwater and to the seas. Mountains are islands of rich biological and cultural diversity, home to unique plants, animals, languages and traditions. //

Sustainable development is a must. We need to combine the environmental dimension with social activity and economic development. This must be our common target, especially in mountain regions. Without sustainable development we cannot solve the problems. It is not enough to simply say we have a conservation plan for nature, and natural resources. // We must give people a chance to live and survive in these regions, therefore we need jobs; we need a perspective for young people to remain there and not go to the big cities. Mountains are virtual treasure chests of untapped economic potential—vital to sustainable development. This was recognized by the Earth Summit in Rio. //

Mountains attract tourists, but tourism has to be well managed to minimize impact on sensitive mountain environments. Respect should be the byword of the tourists, and tour operators, that bring people into contact with local people and landscapes, //The respect includes paying local people a decent wage, sourcing local food and materials where possible, and observing local customs, beliefs and traditions. Tourists are guests in other peoples' ecosystems and should behave as such. Mountains as a resource HAVE to be valued, and some of that value has to benefit mountain dwellers. Earnings from tourism should be shared equitably between all stakeholders. //

Especially this year, the International Year of Ecotourism, every effort should be made to promote Ecotourism in mountains. For some communities and regions, sustainable tourism can be a first step towards sustainable development. Let us hope that all societies will come to revere mountains, and thus be motivated to invest in them, preserve this unique asset, and in turn reap benefit from it. //

On this World Environment Day let us all begin to act for the conservation not only of the mountains, but the sea, the land, water and the air too. Let us act to give the Earth a chance. An unpolluted pristine environment is vital to our survival, a precious resource, which will only endu

正确答案:由联合国环境署资助的登山队员几天前刚刚从喜马拉雅山返回登山队员们从当地的僧人、居民和其他游客那里收集到了第一手有关这座世界上最著名山脉的环境现状资料。他们以文字、照片和胶片记录下了全球升温对冰川所产生的剧烈影响:冰川迅速融化化成的水流入山地湖泊中导致湖水不久将涨满溢出致使数以百万吨的水夹杂着石块冲入山谷从而对人类生命构成威胁。//队员们还考察了旅游业对喜马拉雅山地区带来的影响认为目前所开展的旅游活动对环境都具有破坏性同时也使这里的居民、野生动物和自然景观背上了沉重的负担而这里原本就属于原始野生地区。// 一年一度的世界环境日使我们有机会静下心来对目前的环境状况进行反思。今年的世界环境日更是如此;面对我们登山队员的调查结果在这个国际山岳年里我谨此敦促各位“给我们的地球一线生机”。我要求各位审视一下我们的日常生活给这个星球及其居民带来的影响并采取行动改进我们的环境行为。// 尽管人们自古以来便对山岳怀有一种崇敬感但如今仅靠这种崇敬之情已不足以维系脆弱的山岳生态系统从而造福人类了。我们当前面临的巨大挑战是如何为了我们的子孙后代而确保维护山岳生态系统的平衡。// 山是我们的水塔也是能源生成的主要之地。山养育着依靠它生存的人们。山岳生态系统与低洼地区的生物密切相关同时也与淡水和海洋密切相关。山岳中蕴藏着丰富的生物和多元的文化是许多珍奇动、植物、和独特的语言及传统的发源地。// 可持续发展势在必行。我们必需将环境的各个方面与社会活动和经济发展结合起来特别是在山区这必须成为我们的共同目标。若不能实现可持续发展便不能解决我们面对的各种问题。仅仅说我们已制订了保护大自然和自然资源的计划是远远不够的。//我们必须使人们有条件在这些地区生活和生存下去。为此我们需要在当地创造就业机会从而使年青一代有希望能留下来而不是涌入大城市。山岳实际上是个宝库储存着尚未被充分开发的、对可持续发展至关重要的经济潜力。这一点已得到里约地球首脑会议的认可。// 山岳对游客有着巨大的吸引力但旅游业必须得到良好的管理以最大限度地减少旅游业对山岳的敏感环境产生影响。我们的旅游从业人员将游客带到当地与当地居民接触并欣赏那里的自然景观尊重必须成为游客和旅游从业人员的行为规范。//这种尊重包括付给当地居民合理的工资、尽可能使用当地的食品和物资遵守当地的习俗、观念和传统。游客是造访他乡生态系统的客人因此其行为举止应符合游客的身份。山岳作为一种资源其价值必须得到重视当地山民应能从中得到实惠。旅游业的收益应在所有的利益相关者之间进行公平分配。// 今年是国际生态旅游年大家应不遗余力地推动山岳生态旅游业的发展。对于某些社区和地区而言发展可持续旅游业大可成为其努力实现可持续发展的第一步。我们希望所有社会都将逐步建立起对山岳的尊重进而产生投资山区的兴趣、努力保护这一独特的资产并从中获益。// 值此世界环境日之际让我们一道不仅为保护我们的山岳、而且还为保护海洋、陆地、水和空气而采取行动。让我们携起手来给我们的地球一线生机。没有遭到污染的原始环境对于我们的生存至关重要因为只有给地球留有生机才能使这种宝贵的资源得以延续。// (联台国环境署前执行长官克劳斯?特普费尔在2002年6月5日世界环境日上的讲话“给地球一线生机”)
由联合国环境署资助的登山队员几天前刚刚从喜马拉雅山返回,登山队员们从当地的僧人、居民和其他游客那里收集到了第一手有关这座世界上最著名山脉的环境现状资料。他们以文字、照片和胶片记录下了全球升温对冰川所产生的剧烈影响:冰川迅速融化,化成的水流入山地湖泊中,导致湖水不久将涨满溢出,致使数以百万吨的水夹杂着石块冲入山谷,从而对人类生命构成威胁。//队员们还考察了旅游业对喜马拉雅山地区带来的影响,认为目前所开展的旅游活动对环境都具有破坏性,同时也使这里的居民、野生动物和自然景观背上了沉重的负担,而这里原本就属于原始野生地区。// 一年一度的世界环境日使我们有机会静下心来,对目前的环境状况进行反思。今年的世界环境日更是如此;面对我们登山队员的调查结果,在这个国际山岳年里,我谨此敦促各位“给我们的地球一线生机”。我要求各位审视一下我们的日常生活给这个星球及其居民带来的影响,并采取行动,改进我们的环境行为。// 尽管人们自古以来便对山岳怀有一种崇敬感,但如今仅靠这种崇敬之情已不足以维系脆弱的山岳生态系统从而造福人类了。我们当前面临的巨大挑战是如何为了我们的子孙后代而确保维护山岳生态系统的平衡。// 山是我们的水塔,也是能源生成的主要之地。山养育着依靠它生存的人们。山岳生态系统与低洼地区的生物密切相关,同时也与淡水和海洋密切相关。山岳中蕴藏着丰富的生物和多元的文化,是许多珍奇动、植物、和独特的语言及传统的发源地。// 可持续发展势在必行。我们必需将环境的各个方面与社会活动和经济发展结合起来,特别是在山区,这必须成为我们的共同目标。若不能实现可持续发展,便不能解决我们面对的各种问题。仅仅说我们已制订了保护大自然和自然资源的计划是远远不够的。//我们必须使人们有条件在这些地区生活和生存下去。为此,我们需要在当地创造就业机会,从而使年青一代有希望能留下来,而不是涌入大城市。山岳实际上是个宝库,储存着尚未被充分开发的、对可持续发展至关重要的经济潜力。这一点已得到里约地球首脑会议的认可。// 山岳对游客有着巨大的吸引力,但旅游业必须得到良好的管理,以最大限度地减少旅游业对山岳的敏感环境产生影响。我们的旅游从业人员将游客带到当地与当地居民接触并欣赏那里的自然景观,尊重必须成为游客和旅游从业人员的行为规范。//这种尊重包括付给当地居民合理的工资、尽可能使用当地的食品和物资,遵守当地的习俗、观念和传统。游客是造访他乡生态系统的客人,因此其行为举止应符合游客的身份。山岳作为一种资源其价值必须得到重视,当地山民应能从中得到实惠。旅游业的收益应在所有的利益相关者之间进行公平分配。// 今年是国际生态旅游年,大家应不遗余力地推动山岳生态旅游业的发展。对于某些社区和地区而言,发展可持续旅游业大可成为其努力实现可持续发展的第一步。我们希望,所有社会都将逐步建立起对山岳的尊重,进而产生投资山区的兴趣、努力保护这一独特的资产,并从中获益。// 值此世界环境日之际,让我们一道不仅为保护我们的山岳、而且还为保护海洋、陆地、水和空气而采取行动。让我们携起手来,给我们的地球一线生机。没有遭到污染的原始环境对于我们的生存至关重要,因为只有给地球留有生机,才能使这种宝贵的资源得以延续。// (联台国环境署前执行长官克劳斯?特普费尔在2002年6月5日世界环境日上的讲话“给地球一线生机”)


正确答案:They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.
They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.

Gypsies are often treated with disapproval, lack of trust, and lack of understanding because their way of life is so different from the way most other British people live.


Thank you, sir. Thank you, Mr. President. It is quite an honor to be introduced by your dad. This has got to be a historic moment: father and son, two Presidents, opening up an embassy. I suspect it's the first, although I must confess I haven't done a lot of research into the itinerary of the Adams boys. //

My dad was a fabulous President. And I tell people one reason why was not only did he know what he was doing, he was a fabulous father. Mr. Ambassador, honored guests, Laura and I, and my brother and my sister, are proud to be here with our dad as we open and dedicate this new embassy. No doubt this is an impressive complex. To me it speaks of the importance of our relations with China. It reflects the solid foundation underpinning our relations. It is a commitment to strengthen that foundation for years to come. //

I thank all those who designed and built the embassy, and all those who work here to advance the interests and values of our great nation. Dad and I are honored that Counselor Dai has joined us; and Minister Xie; Ambassador Zhou—who, by the way, opened a new Chinese embassy in Washington, D. C. , designed by I. M. Pei a couple weeks ago. We appreciate our friend Anne Johnson being here, he is the Director of the Art in Embassies Program. Dr. Kissinger, thanks for coming. //

It takes a special band to open the embassy—out of West Texas—Odessa, Texas, for that matter, the Gatlin boys are with us today. I thank the Red Poppies, thank you for your talent. And finally, I want to pay tribute to Sandy Randt, who has done a fabulous job as our Ambassador to China. Sandy, thank you and We're proud to be here with those citizens of ours who work at the embassies, and we say thanks to the Chinese nationals who make our embassy go, as well. //

I'm honored to represent the United States at the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games here in Beijing. And I'm looking forward to cheering our athletes on. Mr. Ambassador, I'm not making any predictions about medal counts, but I can tell you the U.S. athletes are ready to come and compete, in the spirit of friendship. You know, during my last visit here I had the opportunity to break in the mountain biking course. I was so proud of my efforts, I told Laura I was thinking about entering the competition myself. She reminded me they don't give any medals for last place. //

Tonight the Olympic torch will light the home of an ancient civilization with a grand history. Thousands of years ago, the Chinese people developed a common language and unified a great nation. China became the center for art and literature, commerce and philosophy. China advanced the frontiers of knowledge in medicine, astronomy, navigation, engineering, and many other fields. And the Chinese are even said to have invented the parachute—something for which the 41st President is very grateful. //

We share a long history. The first American ship arrived in China just after the year we won our independence. World War Ⅱ, Americans and Chinese fought side by side to liberate this land from Imperial Japan. We all remember very clearly, Dr. K, when President Nixon came to Beijing to begin a new era of dialogue between our nations. You might remember that yourself. //

Today the United States and China have built a strong relationship, rooted in common interests. China has opened its economy and begun to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of its people. America will continue to support China on the path toward a free economy. We're also cooperating to fight pandemic diseases and respond to natural disasters. And through the Six-Party Talks, we're working together to ensure that the Korean Peninsula is free of nuclear weapons. //

The relationship between our nations is constructive and cooperative and candid. We'll continue to be candid about our mutual global responsibilities. We

正确答案:谢谢您先生。谢谢总统先生。让自己的父亲给自己做介绍是件非常荣幸的事。这一定是个历史性时刻:父亲和儿子两位总统为大使馆主持开馆仪式我想这是头一遭当然我得承认我对亚当斯父子的游记没有进行过大量研究。// 我父亲是一位了不起的总统。我对人讲其中一个原因是他不仅是位好总统而且还是一位了不起的父亲。大使先生贵宾们劳拉和我、我的弟弟和妹妹都为能够同父亲一道在这里主持这座新使馆启用仪式感到自豪毫无疑问这座新馆令人赞叹。对我来说它表明了我们与中国关系的重要性它反映了我们的关系建立在坚实牢固的基础之上它是在未来许多年里加强这一基础的承诺。// 我感谢所有参与设计和建造这座使馆的人员以及所有在这里为推进我们伟大祖国的利益和价值观而努力工作的人。父亲和我对戴秉国国务委员、谢部长和周大使的光临感到荣幸。顺便说一句一个多星期前周大使在华盛顿特区主持了由贝聿铭设计的中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式。感谢我们的朋友、使馆项目艺术部主任安妮?约翰逊出席仪式。感谢基辛格博士谢谢您光临。// 庆祝大使馆开馆要有一支特殊的乐队才行——来自得克萨斯州西部奥德萨的加特林兄弟今天就在这里。我感谢红罂粟感谢你们的天才演出。最后我要向业绩不凡的我国驻中国大使桑迪?雷德致敬。桑迪谢谢您还有我们为能与在大使馆工作的我国公民在一起而感到自豪我们也向使我国使馆能够顺利运转的中国公民表示感谢。// 我很荣幸能有机会代表美国在北京参加奥运会开幕式。我期待着为我们的运动员摇旗助威。大使先生我不会对奖牌数字作任何预测但是我可以告诉你们美国运动员已经作好准备本着友谊的精神参加竞赛。大家知道在上次访问中国的时候我有机会在新建的车道上练习山地自行车。我对自己的努力感到十分自豪我对劳拉说我在考虑亲自参加奥运比赛。她提醒我说他们不会给比赛的最后一名颁发任何奖章。// 今晚奥林匹克的火炬将点燃这个具有辉煌历史的文明古国。数千年前中国人民就发明了共同的文字统一了一个伟大的国家。中国当时成为艺术与文学、商业与哲学的中心。中国推动了医学、天文学、航海学、工程学及许多其他领域的发展。据说中国人还发明了降落伞——这是一项使第41位美国总统十分感激的发明。// 我们共同见证了悠久的历史。就在我们刚赢得独立后的第二年第一艘美国轮船驶抵中国。第二次世界大战期间美国人和中国人并肩战斗把这片土地从日本帝国的统治下解放出来。基辛格博士尼克松总统当年来到北京开辟两国对话的新纪元我们对此都记忆犹新。您自己可能也记得这件事吧。// 今天美国与中国已建立起植根于共同利益的牢固关系。中国已实行经济开放并开始发挥出中国人民的进取精神。美国将继续支持中国在自由经济的道路上前进。我们还在防治流行性疾病和抗击自然灾害方面进行合作 通过六方会谈我们共同致力于确保朝鲜半岛无核化。// 我们两国之间的关系是具有建设性、合作而坦诚的。在我们各自承担的全球责任方面我们将继续坦诚相见我们必须共同努力保护环境并帮助发展中国家的人民;继续坦率地表明我们的信念——既每一个人都应该享有发表言论和宗教信仰的自由。我们深信允许自由表达思想的社会往往最繁荣也最和平。// 坦率是最有效的它在建立起尊重与信任关系的国家之间最为有效。我一直努力建立这种尊重与信任。我向努力建立这种尊重与信任的中国领导人表示感谢。我也向今天在场的使馆人员致谢你们正在做着同样的努力。在这里工作的人为国效力做出了奉献。为美国效力是一项崇高的工作。我希望你们感到这是一项有所收获的工作。很荣幸与各位相聚。我为有幸主持这座大使馆的新馆开馆仪式而心存感激。我期待着去看奥运比赛。上帝保佑。// (节选自美国前总统在美国驻中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式上的讲话)
谢谢您,先生。谢谢,总统先生。让自己的父亲给自己做介绍是件非常荣幸的事。这一定是个历史性时刻:父亲和儿子,两位总统,为大使馆主持开馆仪式,我想这是头一遭,当然,我得承认我对亚当斯父子的游记没有进行过大量研究。// 我父亲是一位了不起的总统。我对人讲,其中一个原因是他不仅是位好总统,而且还是一位了不起的父亲。大使先生,贵宾们,劳拉和我、我的弟弟和妹妹,都为能够同父亲一道在这里主持这座新使馆启用仪式感到自豪毫无疑问,这座新馆令人赞叹。对我来说,它表明了我们与中国关系的重要性,它反映了我们的关系建立在坚实牢固的基础之上,它是在未来许多年里加强这一基础的承诺。// 我感谢所有参与设计和建造这座使馆的人员以及所有在这里为推进我们伟大祖国的利益和价值观而努力工作的人。父亲和我对戴秉国国务委员、谢部长和周大使的光临感到荣幸。顺便说一句,一个多星期前周大使在华盛顿特区主持了由贝聿铭设计的中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式。感谢我们的朋友、使馆项目艺术部主任安妮?约翰逊出席仪式。感谢基辛格博士,谢谢您光临。// 庆祝大使馆开馆要有一支特殊的乐队才行——来自得克萨斯州西部奥德萨的加特林兄弟今天就在这里。我感谢红罂粟,感谢你们的天才演出。最后,我要向业绩不凡的我国驻中国大使桑迪?雷德致敬。桑迪,谢谢您,还有我们为能与在大使馆工作的我国公民在一起而感到自豪,我们也向使我国使馆能够顺利运转的中国公民表示感谢。// 我很荣幸能有机会代表美国在北京参加奥运会开幕式。我期待着为我们的运动员摇旗助威。大使先生,我不会对奖牌数字作任何预测,但是我可以告诉你们,美国运动员已经作好准备,本着友谊的精神参加竞赛。大家知道,在上次访问中国的时候,我有机会在新建的车道上练习山地自行车。我对自己的努力感到十分自豪,我对劳拉说,我在考虑亲自参加奥运比赛。她提醒我说,他们不会给比赛的最后一名颁发任何奖章。// 今晚,奥林匹克的火炬将点燃这个具有辉煌历史的文明古国。数千年前,中国人民就发明了共同的文字,统一了一个伟大的国家。中国当时成为艺术与文学、商业与哲学的中心。中国推动了医学、天文学、航海学、工程学及许多其他领域的发展。据说中国人还发明了降落伞——这是一项使第41位美国总统十分感激的发明。// 我们共同见证了悠久的历史。就在我们刚赢得独立后的第二年,第一艘美国轮船驶抵中国。第二次世界大战期间,美国人和中国人并肩战斗,把这片土地从日本帝国的统治下解放出来。基辛格博士,尼克松总统当年来到北京开辟两国对话的新纪元,我们对此都记忆犹新。您自己可能也记得这件事吧。// 今天,美国与中国已建立起植根于共同利益的牢固关系。中国已实行经济开放,并开始发挥出中国人民的进取精神。美国将继续支持中国在自由经济的道路上前进。我们还在防治流行性疾病和抗击自然灾害方面进行合作 通过六方会谈,我们共同致力于确保朝鲜半岛无核化。// 我们两国之间的关系是具有建设性、合作而坦诚的。在我们各自承担的全球责任方面,我们将继续坦诚相见我们必须共同努力保护环境并帮助发展中国家的人民;继续坦率地表明我们的信念——既每一个人都应该享有发表言论和宗教信仰的自由。我们深信,允许自由表达思想的社会往往最繁荣也最和平。// 坦率是最有效的,它在建立起尊重与信任关系的国家之间最为有效。我一直努力建立这种尊重与信任。我向努力建立这种尊重与信任的中国领导人表示感谢。我也向今天在场的使馆人员致谢,你们正在做着同样的努力。在这里工作的人为国效力,做出了奉献。为美国效力是一项崇高的工作。我希望你们感到这是一项有所收获的工作。很荣幸与各位相聚。我为有幸主持这座大使馆的新馆开馆仪式而心存感激。我期待着去看奥运比赛。上帝保佑。// (节选自美国前总统在美国驻中国大使馆新馆开馆仪式上的讲话)

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