英语专业的想考研的话二外学哪个比较占优势, 口...
英语专业的想考研的话二外学哪个比较占优势, 口译的职业前景?
都差不多 同声传译商业市场 收入最高的“钟点工”每天收入四五千 在“非全日制就业人员工资指导价位”表中列出的54种行业里,同声传译以每小时2000元人民币的价格拔得头筹。 同声传译价目表中,英语类1天1.2万~2.1万元人民币,非英语类是1.8万元人民币。
下面小编为大家准备了 口译笔译 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
Gypsies are often treated with disapproval, lack of trust, and lack of understanding because their way of life is so different from the way most other British people live.
正确答案:They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.
They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.
They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.
正确答案:No one can deny that millions of small private enterprises have fuelled the nation's economy.
No one can deny that millions of small private enterprises have fuelled the nation's economy.
No one can deny that millions of small private enterprises have fuelled the nation's economy.
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