2021年 澳门 职称英语(理工)如何报名


2021年 澳门 职称英语(理工)如何报名


下面小编为大家准备了 职称英语(理工) 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Squishy Cellphones Add a Buzz to Calls
Vibrating rubber could be the next big thing in mobile communications.They allow people to communicate by squishing the phone to transmit_______(51)along with their spoken words. According to a research team at the MIT Medical Lab in Cambridge,Massachusetts,the idea will make_______(52)more fun.
Many mobile phones can already be made to vibrate(振动)_______(53 ) ring when you do not want people to know you are getting a call. But these vibrations,_______(54)by a motor spinning an eccentric(离心的、偏离的)weight inside the device, are too crude for subtle com-munication,says Angela Chang of the lab's Tangible Media Group.“They're_______(55)on or off,”she says.
But when you grip Chang's prototype(样机)latex(橡胶)celiphone,your fingers and thumb wrap around five_______(56)speakers. They vibrate_______(57)your skin around 250 times per second.Beneath these speakers sit pressure sensors,so you can transmit vibration as well as_______(58)it. When you squeeze with a finger,a vibration signal is transmitted _______(59)your caller's corresponding finger. Its_______(60)depends on how hard you squeeze.
She says that within a few minutes of being given_______(61)the phones,students were using the vibration feature to add emphasis to what they were saying or to interrupt the other speaker. Over time, people even began to transmit their_______ (62) kind of ad hoc(特别的)“Morse code”,which they would repeat back to show they were following what the other person was saying.“It was pretty easy to communicate,though we didn't specifically pre-arrange _______(63),”says David Milovich,one of the students who tried out the device.
Chang thinks“vibralanguages”could_______(64)for the same reason as texting:some-times people want to communicate something_______(65)everyone nearby knowing what they are saying.“And imagine actually being able to shake someone's hand when you close a business seal,”she says.

A: phoning
B: talking
C: working
D: texting
本文介绍了一种新型手机,这种手机与传统手机不同的是,它具有一种能够传递信息的振动功能,传统手机的振动不传递信息。空格51所在的句子介绍了这个功能的实现方式。根据这一线索,再具体参照上一个句子中的“vibrating rubber cellphones”,我们可以得出结论,与他们说的话一起发送出去的是“vibrations” ,而选项A、B和D都与下文的“spoken words”有联系,所以把它们放在“along with”前面不合适,故选C。






经过对空格所在的句子分析我们可以看到,传声器的振动势必会对皮肤产生冲击力。这正符合“against”一词的用法。“ against”在这里的意思是“与……对撞”。再如:waves dashing against the sore“拍岸的波涛”。在这里,把against换成其他介词显然是不正确的。故选A。

这个句子继续讲这种新型手机的构造及工作原理。由于它有压力传感器,而且手机的信息传递一般都是双向的,所以,它既能发送振动信号又能接收振动信号。因此选项C符合题意。“feeling”似乎也有些道理,但与“transmit(发送)”相对应,“receiving” 显然是正确答案。故选C。

本题承接上题,仍旧讲的是新型手机能传递振动信号的功能。空格所在的句子说振动信号能在手机间互相传递,你挤压手机,就能把信号传给听者。另外,transmit常与to连用,表示“把……传递到某地”的意思。例如:Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.(父母把一些特有的素质遗传给儿女。)故选D。


本题考查的是动词的使用与搭配。give一般带两个宾语,但being given是被动结构,所以它后面就只能带一个宾语。故选C。

空格62的在的句子中的“Morse Code(摩尔斯电码)”加了引号,是说它不是真正的摩尔斯电码,而只是他们自己造出来的,是“他们自己的”,故选A。

既然前文已经提到了所谓的“Morse Code”,所以当作者接下来去谈论这种新型手机的操作并没有事先特别的约定时,就会很自然地使用code这个关键词,以便跟前文相照应,故选A。

选项A中make out意为“理解、认出”; go without意为“没有……而将就过”;vive in 意为“屈服、让步”。这三个动词短语从意思上讲都不符合题意。take off的意思是“突然开始流行起来”,正好符合原句要表达的意思:“振动语言”会突然流行起来,这种情况与用手机发短信开始流行具有相同的原因。故选D。


Artificial Speech

Because speech is the most convenient form of communication,in the future we want essentially natural conversations with computers.The primary point of contact will be a simple device that will act as our window into the world. It will have to be small enough to slip into our pocket,so there will be a screen but no keyboard:you will simply talk to it. The device will be permanently connected to the Internet and will keep relevant information up to you as it comes in. Such devices will evolve naturally in the next five to ten years.
Just how quickly people will adapt to a voice-based Internet world is uncertain.Many believe that,initially at least,we will need similar conventions for the voice to those we use at present on screen:click,back,forward,and so on.But soon you will undoubtedly be able to interact by voice with all those IT-based services you currently connect with over the Internet by means of a keyboard. This will help the Internet serve the entire population.
Changes like this will encompass(围绕,包围)the whole world. Because English is the language of science,it will probably remain the language in which the technology is most advanced,but most speech-recognition techniques are transferable to other languages provided(假如)there is sufficient motivation to undertake the work.
Of course,in any language there are still huge problems for us to solve.Carefully dictated, clear speech can now be understood by computers with only a 4-5 percent error rate,but even the most advanced technology still records 30-40 percent errors with spontaneous speech.Within ten years we will have computers that respond to goal-directed conversation,but for a computer to have a conversation that takes into account human social behaviors is probably 50 years off. We are not going to be chatting to the big screen in the living room just yet.
In the past,insufficient speed and memory have held us back,but these days they are less of an issue.However,there are those in the IT community who believe that current techniques will eventually hit a brick wall. Personally, I believe that incremental(不断增长的)developments in performance are more likely. But it is true that by about 2040 or so,computer architectures will need to become highly parallel(并行的)if performance is to keep increasing. Perhaps that will inspire some radically new approaches to speech understanding that will replace the methods we are developing now.

In the future,computers will be as small as match boxes.
C:Not mentioned
本题给出的信息是正确的。第一段提到:so there will be a screen but no keyboard: you will simply talk to it.从这句话中可知,将来的电脑将只有一个屏幕,而没有键盘,我们只需要向它说话即可。因此,虽然我们现在使用键入或点击的方式,但将来只用说就可以了。
本题给的信息是错误的。文章中第四段提到:but for a computer to have a conversation that takes into account human social behaviors is probably 50 years off.但是想要计算机在与我们对话时考虑到人的社会行为,大概得要50年以后了。我们10年内能做到的只是制造出能应答特定话题的计算机。
本题给出的信息是正确的。文中第四段提到:clear speech can now be understood by computers with only a 4-5 percent error rate,but even the most advanced technology still records 30-40 percent errors with spontaneous speech.可见,计算机在理解清晰话语时错误率为 4%~5%,而识别自发话语时错误率是30%~40%。
本题给出的信息是错误的。文中第五段第一句提到:In the past, insufficient speed and memory have held us back.这说明内存不足只是以前的缺陷,现在已不再成为问题。
本题给出的信息是错误的。文中最后一段提到:Personally, I believe that incremental developments in performance are more likely.这说明作者认为机器性能不断改进的可能性很大,并不是没有改进的余地了。

Look After Your Voice
Often speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth .Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flows.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.
Before you begin your talk,be kind'to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.
If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.Save your voice for your health.You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If it is necessary,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.
What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alco- hol until after you finish speaking.
Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime .Of course you can .Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter”.Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.

The writer cites Goethe to prove that one can change one's habits.
A: Right
C: Not mentioned
文章在第二段提到“Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat.”避免喝牛奶或者乳制品饮料,因为那些饮品会使你的嗓子发干。




文章第四段指出喝酒对于讲话的弊端“… but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.”




Business and government leaders also consider the inflation rate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased spending that causes rapid rises in prices.______(51) your money buys fewer goods so that you get______(52)for the same amount of money as before,inflation is the problem.There is a general rise______(53)the price of goods and services.Your money buys less.Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when"a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore".
Inflation is a problem for all consumers.People who live on a fixed income are hurt the ______(54).Retired people,for instance,cannot count on an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not work face serious problems in stretching their incomes to______(55)their needs in time of inflation.Retirement income______(56)any fixed income usually does not rise as fast as prices.Many retired people must cut their spending to______(57)rising prices.In many cases they must stop______(58)some necessary items,such as food and clothing. Even ______(59)working people whose incomes are going up,inflation can be a problem. The ______(60)of living goes up,too.People who work must have even more money to keep up their standard of living. Just buying the things they need costs more.When incomes do not keep ______(61)with rising prices,the standard of living goes down.People may be earning the same amount of money,but they are not living as well because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.
Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes ______(62)the rate of change can be determined.A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a______(63)year as the base.The base price is set at 100,and the other prices are reported as a______(64)of the base price.A price index makes______(65)possible to compare current prices of typical consumer goods,for example,with prices of the same goods in previous years.

根据句子关系和词语提示进行判断。本句上半句中的fewer可作提示词, less是little的比较形式,与fewer相对应。下句中的your money buyes less是更直接的提示。因此选D。
根据词语搭配和上下文线索提示。介词in与相应的名词裕配使用表示 “在……方面增长或减少”。本段第二句有类似的表达that causes rapid rises in prices。
根据词语习惯搭配。meet one's needs“满足需要”。此处的意思是“不再工作的老年人在通货膨胀时期要想退休金满足生活需求”。因此选A。
根据句子的逻辑。retirement income属于fixed income, or连接两个前后表达属于同类范畴的词。本句意思是“退休金和其他固定收入通常没有物价上涨得快”。因此选A。
根据上下文含义和句子逻辑,本句需要填一个表示“跟上”的词,因此要选keep up with。本句意思是“很多退休的人必须削减一些开支来跟上上涨的物价”。因此选D。
根据语法逻辑,本句是状语部分前置,正常语序是:Inflation can be a problem even for working people whose incomes are going up.for指“对于……来说”。本句意思是 “甚至对于那些有工作,工资也在上涨的人来说,通货膨胀也是一个问题”。
keep pace with指“跟上”,与keep up with同义。本句意思是“当工资和物价上涨不同步时,生活质量就下降”。因此选B。
根据语法原则选it , it在这里是形式宾语,代替不定式“to compare current prices of typical consumer goods with prices of the same goods in previous years"。本句意思是“消费指数能够将某种商品的目前价格与往年的做比较”。

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