


















下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A.3个月以内 B.6个月以内 C. 1岁以内
D.1岁以上 E. 12岁以上

先天性肌性斜颈非手术治疗适用于?1岁的婴儿。对于? 1岁的患儿应行手术治疗,手术方法 为胸锁乳突肌切断术。术后头放矫正位,头颈胸石膏固定4 ~5周。答案为D。

Text 1 What has been described as the largest ever ransomware attack-a cyber criminal scheme that locks up computer files until vicLims pay a ransom-holds the paradoxical disLinction of being both an outrageous success(in terms of its blast radius)as well as an abject failure(in terms of its h8ul).The malicious software spread so far and wide,jammed up so many IT networks and generated so much panic and chaos that the wronE;doers effectively undid themselves.On May 12,the world awoke to the beginnings of hundreds of thousands of old Microsoft Win-dows based computers'seizing up as Lhey subjected to a malicious software,appropriately called WannaCry.Within hours,the digital epidemic circled the globe like the Spanish flu,infecting ma-chines running outdated operating systems in some 150 countries,spreading across numerous homes and corporate networks.The attack,which relied on powerful tools believed to have been developed by the NSA and leaked online in April by a group of hackers known as the Shadow Brokers,wormed its way through businesses,hospitals and govemments,all of which found themselves suddenly locked out of their own systems.Researchers detected the wave quickly,and it wasn't long before they picked up on the criminals'self-defeating mistakes.The attackers failed to assign each victim a separate Bitcoin wallet,researchers noted,a criiical error that meant they would not be able to easily Lrack ransom pay-ments.They neglected to automate the money collection in a way that would scale.And then there was the matter of the kill switch.No one is quite certain why the attackers coded a self-destruct burton into their software,yet that's precisely what they did,Marcus Hutchins,a 22-year-old security researcher based in England who goes by MalwareTech,stumbled on the power plug largely by accident.After taking lunch on that Friday aftemoon,he inspected the malware and noticed a specific web address encoded within.Curious,he registered the domain for less than$11.This simple aci stopped the malware,killing the virus'ability to spread and buying Lime for organizations to upgrade their software and deploy protections.
According to Paragraph 2,which of the following is true about WannaCry?

A.It spread only through domestic networks.
B.It was a software developed by the NSA.
C.It infected computers in few countries.
D.It was deliberately created by some hackers.
细节题。根据题干关键词WannaCry定位到第二段第三行。实际上该段的malicious software,digical epidemic,the attack这些词都是指WannaCr这一勒索软件。选项[A]来自the digital epidemic...spreading across numerous homes and corporate networks一句,该项的only through domesLic networks过于绝对,而且是原文的片面表述,故该项错误。选项[B]来自The attack,which relied on powerful tools believed to have been developed by the NSA…其中developed by the NSA修饰的是tools,而不是the attack(即WannaCr恶意软件),故该项属于偷换概念。选项[C]来自the digital epiderruc...infectin8 machines running outdated operating systems in some 150 countries,其中some 150 countries意思是“大约150个国家”,而该项变成few countries,否定了原文意思。选项[D]对应原文The attack...leaked online in April by a group of hackers-句,其中the attack指WannaCr,leaked online 2 deliberately created,by a group of hackers=by some hackers,该项与原文形成同义替换,故[D]为本题答案。

关于蛋白尿下列哪项是错误的( )


While mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder are serious mental health conditions that require treatment,short spells of bad moods are a normal part of the human experience.Be it advertising or social media,people have wrongly l happiness like a commodity,an end goal,or a permanent state of mind.2,allowing oneself to experience disappointment,frustration,longing,and other negative moods is 3 as part of our learning process.In some cases,a bad mood can 4 0ffer some benefits A new study from Canada found high-reactive individuals(i.e.people who feel bad moods more strongly)performed better on memory tests than their 5."It has been suggested that some of our thinking skills may 6 benefit from being in a bad mood because a bad mood 7 us to adopt a more analytic mindset and pay closer attention to detail,"said the lead author.Researchers believe there is a scientific 8 for the trope of the tortured artist or the idea that great creative works are 9 0ut of negative emotions more often than not.Take the example of music-from Fleetwood Mac's"Rumours"to Kanye West's"My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,"some of the most 10 acclaimed albums of all time were created when their respective artists were experiencing emotional turmoil."In some cases,intense negative emotions can create powerful self-reflective thought and perseverance,11 increased creativity,"one study stated.So the next time you happen to be down in the dumps,try t0 12 it with a creative outlet 13 writing or painting.In the brain,negative moods are 14 to the presence of a threat.This results in heightened awareness,making us more 15 0f our surroundings i.e.paying more attention to social cues,body language,etc*This effect can put you in a better place to 16 intentions or actions and notice 17 someone is trying to deceive you.18,past research has presented some surprising findings,linking a slightly negative mood with lower 19 to stereotype other people.People in a good mood may be prone to stereotyping-which is classified 20 a form of"heuristic processing"by cognitive psychologists.7选?


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