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What accounts for the astounding popularity of Dr.Phil McGraw? Why have so many TV viewers and book buyers embraced this tough warrior of a psychologist who tells them to suck it up and deal with their own problems rather than complaining and blaming everyone else? Obviously, Oprah Winfrey has a lot to do with it. She made him famous with regular appearances on her show, and is co-producing the new “Dr.Phil” show that’s likely to be the hottest new daytime offering this fall. But we decided to put Dr. Phil on the cover not just because he’s a phenomenon. We think his success may reflect an interesting shift in the American spirit of time. Could it be that we’re finally getting tired of the culture of victimology?

This is a tricky subject, because there are very sad real victims among us. Men still abuse women in alarming numbers. Racism and discrimination persist in subtle and not-so-subtle forms. But these days, almost anyone can find a therapist or lawyer to assure them that their professional relationship or health problems aren’t their fault. As Marc Peyser tells us in his terrific profile of Dr. Phil, the TV suits were initially afraid audiences would be offended by his stern advice to “get real!” In fact, viewers thirsted for the tough talk. Privately, we all know we have to take responsibility for decisions we control. It may not be revolutionary advice (and may leave out important factors like unconscious impulses). But it’s still an important message with clear echoing as, a year later, we contemplate the personal lessons of September 11.

Back at the ranch (livestock farm)—the one in Crawford, Texas—President Bush continued to issue mixed signals on Iraq. He finally promised to consult allies and Congress before going to war, and signaled an attack isn’t coming right now (“I’m a patient man”). But so far there has been little consensus-building, even as the administration talks of “regime change” and positions troops in the gulf. Bush’s team also ridiculed the press for giving so much coverage to the Iraq issue. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld called it a “frenzy,” and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer dismissed it as “self-inflicted silliness.” But as Michael Hirsh notes in our lead story, much of the debate has been inside the Republican Party, where important voices of experience argue Bush needs to prepare domestic and world opinion and think through the global consequences before moving forward. With so much at stake, the media shouldn’t pay attention? Now who’s being silly?

1. Faced with diversified issues of injustice, Dr. Phil McGraw advised that people should __.

[A] strongly voice their condemnation of those responsible

[B] directly probe the root of their victimization

[C] carefully examine their own problems

[D] sincerely express their sympathy for the victims

2. One possible response, when the program “Dr. Phil” was first presented on TV, that people were afraid of was _____.

[A] suspicion

[B] satisfaction

[C] indifference

[D] indignation

3. The word “tough”(Line 7, Paragraph 2) most probably means_____.

[A] piercing to the truth

[B] using vulgar language

[C] mean and hostile

[D] difficult to understand

4. The author advises the public to _____.

[A] leave out factors such as unconscious impulses

[B] draw lessons of their own from September 11

[C] respond decisively to September 11 tragedy

[D] accept decisions beyond our control

5. With a series of questions at the end of the text, the author _____.

[A] feels uncertain of what his own opinion is

[B] differentiates two conflicting views

[C] criticizes the Bush Administration

[D] argues for the US policy on Iraq


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C







下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。



2008 -63.治疗心肾亏虚所致痫证,应首选

A.大补阴丸合定痫丸 B.六味地黄丸合生脉散
C.右归丸合交泰丸 D.左归丸合天王补心丹

。本题旨在考査考生对痫证辨证论治的掌握情况。癫痫反复发作,导致心血不 足,肾气亏虛,表现为癫痫发作日久,健忘,心悸,头晕目眩,腰膝酸软,神疲乏力。治疗宜补益 心肾,方药可选左归丸合天王补心丹。

唐《户令》:“诸应分田宅者,及财物,兄弟均分。妻家所得之财,不在分限。兄弟亡者,子承父分。兄弟俱亡,则诸子均分。其未娶妻者,别与聘财。姑姊妹在世者,减聘财之半。寡妻妾无男者,承夫分。” 唐《丧葬令》:“诸身丧户绝者,所有部曲、客女、奴婢、店宅、资财,并令近亲转易货卖,将营葬事及量营功德之外,余财并与女。”请用中国法制史的知识和理论,分析上述文字并回答下列问题: (1)依照《唐户律》的规定,财产继承如何进行? (2)何为“户绝”?户绝之家的财产如何继承? (3)试结合上述引文的相关内容,总结唐朝继承法律制度的主要特点。

(1) 依照唐《户律》的规定,不动产、动产等各种遗产都由诸儿子均分;儿子中有死亡的,可以由死者之子进行代位继承;如果儿子全部死亡的,则由孙子均分;未婚儿子除均分得到家财外另可得到一份聘财;未婚女儿和姐妹也可得到一份嫁妆,其数额为儿子聘财的一半;守寡的儿媳若无子,可继承其夫应分的份额。

(2) “户绝”是指无男性后代承继后嗣的家庭。对于户绝之家,死者过世后由其近亲属将其所有财产变卖,在支付了丧葬及应作功德等各项费用后,剩余财产由女儿继承。

(3) 根据上述材料可知,唐律中关于继承法律制度有如下几个特点:① 继续重男轻女的传统,无论是在诸子均分财产、嫁妆数额分配还是户绝之家方可由女儿继承这几点,都可以看出重男轻女的传统,但在一定程度上也保护了女性的权利,对于未嫁女和户绝女以及未改嫁的寡妇均进行了有限度的保护。② 从唐律中规定了代位继承等方面内容可知,唐律着重保护了子孙的财产继承,基本排除了旁系继承的情况。③ 继承的相关法律规定制定得比较详细,一定程度上也反映了唐代财产关系和私有化的发展程度。


A.化学物中毒 B.病毒性肝炎 C.巨大肝癌 D.脓毒症

ABCD均是急性肝衰竭的病因,其中以病毒性肝炎最常见。甲乙丙型肝炎均可发生,在我国以 乙型肝炎最多见。

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