




下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A-锥体束损害 B.锥体外系损害 C.小脑病变 D.周围神经炎

折刀现象和铅管样强直都属于肌张力增高的表现。①折刀现象也称痉挛状态,是 指被动伸屈肢体时,起始阻力大,终末突然阻力减弱,见于锥体束损害。②铅管样强直即伸肌和屈肌的 肌张力均增高,做被动运动时,各个方向的阻力增加是均匀一致的,见于锥体外系损害。③周围神经炎 和小脑病变主要表现为肌张力降低。

同质性信度主要代表测验内部(  )间的一致性


I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living room—a woman's group that had invited men to join them.Throughout the evening,one man had been particularly talkative,frequently offering ideas and anecdotes,while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch.Toward the end of the evening,I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands don't talk to them.This man quickly nodded in agreement.He gestured toward his wife and said“She's the talker in our family.”The room burst into laughter;the man looked puzzled and hurt.“It's true”he explained.“When I come home from work I have nothing to say.If she didn't keep the conversation going we'd spend the whole evening in silence.”This episode crystallizes the irony that although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations,they often talk less at home.And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.The pattern was observed by political scientist Andrew Hacker in the late 1970s.Sociologist Catherine Kohler Riessman reports in her new book Divorce Talk that most of the women she interviewed—but only a few of the men—gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces.Given the current divorce rate of nearly 50 percent,that amounts to millions of cases in the United States every year—a virtual epidemic of failed conversation.In my own research,complains from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities such as having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband to his,or doing far more than their share of daily lifesupport work like cleaning,cooking and social arrangements.Instead they focused on communication:“He doesn't listen to me.”“He does not talk to me.”I found,as Hacker observed years before,that most wives want their husbands to be,first and foremost,conversational partners,but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.In short,the image that best represents the current crisis is the stereotypical cartoon scene of a man sitting at the breakfast table with a newspaper held up in front of his face,while a woman glares at the back of it,wanting to talk.All of the following are true EXCEPT____

A.men tend to talk more in public than women
B.nearly 50percent of recent divorces are caused by failed conversation
C.women attach much importance to communication between couples
D.a female tends to be more talkative at home than her spouse
细节题【命题思路】这是一道反向提问的开放性细节题。第一需要选错误内容,第二需要全文寻找答案。比较快捷的办法是,在阅读文章时做关键词的记号,以便解题时定位。【直击答案】第三段的最后一句话“given the current divorce rate…a virtual epidemic of failed conversation”中由“given”可知这是比喻,并非事实。原文只是说如果美国的离婚率接近50%,但并未说明50%的离婚案件都是因为交流失败造成的,故选B项。【干扰排除】第二段中提出although American men tend to…talk less at home。although引导的从句部分是A项的同义复现,故排除。they often talk less at home中对比的双方是men和women,与D项的内容吻合,a female对应women,her spouse对应men,程度为more,即a female often talks more at home than her spouse,因此D项的内容表述符合原文,故排除。第四段第二句话:instead,they focused on communication中的they指代上句提到的women,而focus on对应attach importance to,因此C项与原文表达一致,故排除。

A.肩井 B.承泣 C.瞳子髎 D.委中


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