作为郑州大学大三老油条,同样面临着考研的选择,我有以下看法 :
首先,必须肯定的是考研肯定是会让你的学识更上一层楼的, 在研究生期间可以获得更多的知识,开拓眼界,会对专业更加了解,以后在工作中也能够有更多的选择,研究生阶段的努力成就了更好的自己 。但是这必须是你热爱科研热爱这份专业的情况下面临的更佳选择, 确实会让你更懂专业,以后能够更好的发挥自己的光和热,毕竟读书是我们进步的阶梯 。
但是,如果本身你对科研没有太大的热爱,觉得自己不是可以静下心来的性格,更不可能沉下心研究项目,发表论文,那读研可能根本都不是最好的选择。还不如去选择做其他的,比如找工作 来积累经验人脉,可能三年后研究生同学出来,你并不比其他人差,因为三年你足够做的风生水起,分到一杯羹。
另外,如果你对你们专业并没有足够的热爱,认为自己有其他的兴趣,不妨去选择跨考专业, 这样在以后的读研深造中才能够学的更加开心,也更能够取得成就。
下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
The non-compete clause has been causing trouble for over 600 years.In 1414 an English court heard the case of John Dyer,an apprentice whose master had stopped him from plying his trade for six months.The judge was having none of it."The contract is contrary to common law,"he ruled.Individuals should be free to pursue the livelihood of their choice.That principle has been diluted in the intervening centuries-most countries give businesses some leeway to use non-compete clauses,whereby workers promise not to start or join firms that go head-to-head with their ex-employer.But their prevalence in America is striking Defenders of these agreements put forward several arguments.One is that non-competes encourage innovation by stopping rivals waltzing off with trade secrets;there is some evidence that levels of investnent are higher at firms where they are used.Another argument is that firms are less likely to train workers if newly skilled employees are able to up sticks and take what they have learned with them to arival.Again,research backs up this claim.a third argument is that firms and employees should be free to contract as they wish he counter-arguments are stronger.The prevalence of non-compete agreements is clear evidence that they are being used indiscriminately.roughly 15 of american employees without a college degree,and a similar share of those earning less than$40,000 a year,are bound by them.Burger-flippers and care-home workers do not have trade secrets to hawk.unp pigr The gains in investment and training must be set against the wider costs.In one study,in Michi-gan,researchers found that workers'job mobility fell by 8%when non-competes were allowed.When people cannot work for another employer who would value their skills,wage growth suffers,too,because people typically achieve the biggest bumps in their salary when they move firm.Non-competes are also associated with a decline in enterprise.One study found that the rate of entry of new firms into knowledge-intensive industries fell by 18 when non-compete clauses could more easily be enforced The costs spill over to all workers-even those who are not subject to non-competes.Young firms are disproportionately important for job growth,for example;if fewer firms are formed,it will affect everyone in the labour market.And non-competes can have a chilling effect even in places that do not Recognise them The drawbacks of non-compete clauses are all the more worrying because of today's business climate.The incentive to invest and train counts for less when,as now,the American economy suffers from a lack of competition.Non-competes are also more worrying when the balance of power between companies and employees are already skewed.The spread of mandatory-arbitration clauses in employment contracts and the decline of trade unions are both signs of that imbalance
The expression"spill over to"(Line 1,Para.6)is closest in meaning to
A.relate to
B.belong to
C.are owned b
D.are paid by
下列关于法治与法制两个概念的表述,正确的有( )
本题考查的知识点是:法治的概念、法治和法制的关联、法治和民主的关系等.法治是指统治阶级以法对国家权力的限制和制约,以有效地制约和合理运用公共权力,使已制定的法律获得普遍的遵从.法治的原则,最为核心的是限制权力和保障权利.从一定意义上讲,法治的所有价值目标都可以归结为充分尊重和保障人权.法制是法的制定、执行、司法、守法和法律监督的总称. .
A 气郁痰阻
B 痰结血瘀
C 肝火旺盛
D 痰饮内阻
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