下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
假定货币供给量和价格水平不变,货币需求为利率和收人的函数,则当收人增加时,下列 说法正确的是 ( )
收人增加,人们的交易性货币需求就会增加,从而货币总需求增加。在货币供给保持 不变的情况下,货币需求的增加会导致利率水平的提高。
“垄断带来低效率”,那么: (1)请结合图形说明,垄断是如何造成低效率的? (2)为什么在理论上,存在消费者补偿垄断者从而克服这种“无效率”的可能? (3)为什么在实践中,这种方案又不可行7
(1)如图1-4所示,横轴表示产量,纵轴表示价格,曲线D和MR分别表示该厂商的需求曲线和边际收益曲线,再假定平均成本和边际成本相等且固定不变,由直线MC=AC表示。为了使利润最大化,厂商产量定在qm,价格为Pm,它高于边际成本,说明没有达到帕累托最优。因为这时消费者愿意为增加额外一单位所支付的价格超过生产该单位产量所引起的边际成本。显然,要达到帕累托最优,产量应增加到q*,价格应降到P*,这时P - MC。当经济达到帕累托最优时,厂商经济利润为O,消费者剩余为adP*,总的经济福利为adP*;当垄断厂商按照利润最大化原则生产时,厂商经济利润为bcP*d,消费者剩余为bdP。,总的经济福利为bcP*d。二者对比,垄断的总经济福利减少了图1—4中的小三角形abc。 图1-4垄断和低效率 (2)在理论上,存在消费者补偿垄断者从而克服这种“无效率”的可能。一种可能的方法是:
如图1-4所示,垄断厂商同意生产产量q*,并在等于边际成本的价格P*上出售该产量,这样做的结果是垄断厂商的利润下降了(Pm - P*).qm。为了弥补其损失,消费者之间达成一项协议,共同给予垄断厂商至少等于该损失的一揽子支付。在给予这一揽子支付之后,消费者的福利与垄断条件下的情况相比,仍然有所改善,因为垄断厂商将价格从Pm下降到P*使得消费者剩余增加PmbaP*,消费者剩余增加额超过了垄断厂商的利润损失部分(Pm- P*).qm,超过的部分为区域abc的面积,这个收益可以在垄断厂商和消费者之间进行适当的分配,从而使双方都得到好处。 (3)在实践中,这种方案不可行。原因在于,垄断厂商和消费者之间以及消费者本身之间难以达成相互满意的一致意见:①垄断厂商和消费者之间在如何分配增加产出所得到的收益问题上可能存在很大分歧,以至于无法达成一致意见;②消费者本身之间在如何分摊弥补垄断厂商利润损失的一揽子支付问题上不能达成一致意见;③无法防止某些消费者不负担一揽子支付而享受低价格的好处,即无法防止“免费乘车者”。由于存在上述这些困难,实际上得到的通常便是无效率的垄断情况。
如图1-4所示,垄断厂商同意生产产量q*,并在等于边际成本的价格P*上出售该产量,这样做的结果是垄断厂商的利润下降了(Pm - P*).qm。为了弥补其损失,消费者之间达成一项协议,共同给予垄断厂商至少等于该损失的一揽子支付。在给予这一揽子支付之后,消费者的福利与垄断条件下的情况相比,仍然有所改善,因为垄断厂商将价格从Pm下降到P*使得消费者剩余增加PmbaP*,消费者剩余增加额超过了垄断厂商的利润损失部分(Pm- P*).qm,超过的部分为区域abc的面积,这个收益可以在垄断厂商和消费者之间进行适当的分配,从而使双方都得到好处。 (3)在实践中,这种方案不可行。原因在于,垄断厂商和消费者之间以及消费者本身之间难以达成相互满意的一致意见:①垄断厂商和消费者之间在如何分配增加产出所得到的收益问题上可能存在很大分歧,以至于无法达成一致意见;②消费者本身之间在如何分摊弥补垄断厂商利润损失的一揽子支付问题上不能达成一致意见;③无法防止某些消费者不负担一揽子支付而享受低价格的好处,即无法防止“免费乘车者”。由于存在上述这些困难,实际上得到的通常便是无效率的垄断情况。
Text 1 The influenza season is just getting started in the United States,and it already promises to be more severe than usual.Hospital emergency rooms are filling up with flu sufferers,and pharmacies have reported medicine shortages.Twelve children had died as of last month.To make matters worse,in Australia,which experienced its flu season four to six months ago,the current vaccine appeared to be only about 10 percent effective against tlus year's dominant strain.Yet as bad as this winter's epidemic is,it won't compare with the flu pandemic that is almost certainly on the horizon if we don't dedicate energy and resources to a universal vaccine.The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed 50 million t0 100 million around the globe.Given the century of medical progress since then,one might conclude that we are far better prepared today to deal with such a worldwide catastrophe.Unfortunately,the opposite is true.The world has about four times the number of inhabitants it did in 1918,including hundreds of millions of people,poultry and pigs living close together.This provides a potent biologic mixing bowl and natural influenza virus mutation factory.When a pandemic does strike,we'll be in trouble in part because American hospitals and pharruacies keep in stock no more than a few days supply of most lifesaving drugs,almost all of which are made in Asia.Worldwide manufacturing and shipping are highly susceptible to disruption,which could mean shortages in many areas.A 1918-type influenza pandemic could cause ruin on the order of what the Black Death did t0 14th-century Europe,but on a global scale.Our current vaccines are based on 1940s research.Limited global manufacturing capacity combined with the five to six months it takes to make these vaccines mean many people would never even have a chance to be vaccinated.Little is being done to aggressively change this unacceptable situation.We will have worldwide flu pandemics.Only their severity is unknown.The only real solution is a universal vaccine that effectively attacks all influenza A strains,with reliable protection lasting for years,like other modem vaccines.Although the National Institutes of Health has publicly declared developing a vaccine a priority,it has only about$32 million this year specifically for such research.The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,the other federal agency responsible for developing and making available new vaccines for emergency response,has in fiscal year 2017 0nly a single project for$43 million supporting game-changing infiuenza vaccines.By contrast,the search for an H.I,V.vaccine-still a scientific long shot-receives Sl billion annually.We estimate that intemational govemments,vaccine manufacturers and the philanthropic community must make a similar commitment to influenza vaccine research if the kind of vaccine we need is to developed in the next 10 years.But there is no apparent effort to make these vaccines a priority in the current administration 21.The urgent task on hand is to
A.solve medicine shortage.
B.develop a new vaccine.
C.go into a universal vaccine.
D.control the spread ofinfiuenza.
B.develop a new vaccine.
C.go into a universal vaccine.
D.control the spread ofinfiuenza.
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