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  • A、move To First()
  • B、is After Last()
  • C、after Last()
  • D、move To Next()


更多 “判断游标(Cursor)对象是否到达最后一条记录的方法是?()A、move To First()B、is After Last()C、after Last()D、move To Next()” 相关考题
考题 It has been a long time _____I saw you last time. A.sinceB.forC.beforeD.after

考题 There was a gunshot in the cinema last night.I heard about it, and()A. I felt into sleep immediately after that.B. I hope nobody was hurt in the cinema.C. do you know what movie was on last night?

考题 若要移动到表的最后一条记录,可以使用哪个方法?A.Move B.Move NextC.MoveFirst D.MoveLast

考题 After logging into a router and typing in a few show commands, you press the up arrow key. What will this do?A.It will recall the previous command lineB.It will move the cursor one line upC.It will redisplay the current command lineD.It will capitalize the command lineE.None of the above

考题 —Do you know______?—They moved here soon after their son was born.A. when would the Greens move hereB. when the Greens moved hereC. when did the Greens move hereD. when the Greens would move here

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考题 The volunteers started looking after other children()parents died of AIDS last yearAwhoseBthatCwhichDwho

考题 After two()delay, our train arrived at last.Ahours frustratingBhours frustratedChours’ frustratingDhours’f rustrated

考题 After logging into a router and typing in a few show commands, you press the up arrow key. What will this do?()A、It will recall the previous command lineB、It will move the cursor one line upC、It will redisplay the current command lineD、It will capitalize the command lineE、None of the above

考题 move方法的一般形式是:对象名.move A,B[,C,D],其中A指Left,C 指width。

考题 After a server inspection, an administrator notices a single drive failure on a server configured with RAID 5. Which of the following is the NEXT step to start rebuilding the array?()A、Reestablish the mirror array.B、Perform online volume expansion.C、Insert hot plug drive.D、Move data to another volume.

考题 栈的特性是后进先出又称为LIFO表,那么后进先出的英文是()。A、First In Last OutB、First In First OutC、Last In Last OutD、Last In First Out

考题 数据结构里,先进先出是队列的特性,其英文是()。A、First In First OutB、Last In First OutC、Last In last OutD、都不对

考题 Recordset对象的()属性用于判断当前记录指针是否在记录集的末尾。A、EndB、EofC、BofD、Last

考题 问答题You are looking for one word in this paragraph. The word appears only once, its first letter is the eighth letter which appears after a certain vowel and the same vowel is the fifth letter before its last letter.

考题 问答题At the beer-drinking contest the winner drank an average of 10 bottles of beer at the first 20 rounds. After a further 20 rounds the average increased to 15 bottles. What is the average for the last 20 rounds?

考题 判断题move方法的一般形式是:对象名.move A,B[,C,D],其中A指Left,C 指width。A 对B 错

考题 问答题In a supermarket, the aisles are numbered one to six from the entrance. Washing powder is next to bottles and it is not the first item you see when entering the supermarket. You will see the meat aisle before the bread aisle. Tins are two aisles before bottles and meat is four aisles after fruit. What is in the last aisle (aisle six)?

考题 单选题判断游标(Cursor)对象是否到达最后一条记录的方法是?()A move To First()B is After Last()C after Last()D move To Next()

考题 问答题At the eating contest the winner ate an average of 15 hot dogs at the first 20 sittings. After a further 20 sittings the average increased to 20 hot dogs. What was the average for the last 20 sittings?

考题 单选题The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8 000 tons of Cargo on board and ended after discharging the Cargo at the port of Hong Kong,which was().A the port of destinationB the next port of callC the port of arrivalD the last port of call

考题 单选题After two()delay, our train arrived at last.A hours frustratingB hours frustratedC hours’ frustratingD hours’f rustrated

考题 单选题After logging into a router and typing in a few show commands, you press the up arrow key. What will this do?()A It will recall the previous command lineB It will move the cursor one line upC It will redisplay the current command lineD It will capitalize the command lineE None of the above

考题 单选题The Oil Record Book, as a part of the ships official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of ().A 3 years after making the first entryB 2 years after the last entryC 3 months after last entryD 3 years after the last entry

考题 单选题After making the required notification that a large oil spill into the water has occurred,the FIRST action should be to().A apply straw or sawdust on the oilB contain the spread of the oilC throw grains of sand into the oilD have the vessel move out of the spill area

考题 单选题The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is().A the port of destinationB the next port of callC the port of arrivalD the last port of call

考题 单选题After the last paragraph, the author will most probably discuss Dickens’ _____.A successB appearanceC worksD childhood