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The ()(吊装船) is a new type of ship.

  • A、LASH
  • B、Lo/Lo
  • C、Ro/Ro
  • D、LNG carrier


更多 “The ()(吊装船) is a new type of ship.A、LASHB、Lo/LoC、Ro/RoD、LNG carrier” 相关考题
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考题 单选题The ()(吊装船) is a new type of ship.A LASHB Lo/LoC Ro/RoD LNG carrier

考题 单选题You have configured the following:  RMAN CONFIGURE DEFAULT DEVICE TYPE TO ’sbt’; new RMAN configuration parameters:  CONFIGURE DEFAULT DEVICE TYPE TO ’sbt’; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored RMAN SHOW DEVICE TYPE; RMAN configuration parameters are: CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE SBT PARALLELISM 1; # CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 1; #  RMAN CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE SET PARALLELISM 5;  RMAN SHOW DEVICE TYPE; RMAN configuration parameters are: CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE SBT PARALLELISM 5; CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 1; #  How many channels are allocated to SBT?()A 0, because channels have not been defined.B 3, as indicated by the degree of parallelism.C 1, the default value when device is configured.D 5, as indicated by the last parallelism command.

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考题 单选题An administrator is installing AIX 6.1 on a new LPAR and the boot sequence has stalled with reference code 0c31. What is the most likely cause?()A The system is waiting for user input to define console type lft0.B The system is waiting for user input to define console type tty0.C The system is waiting for user input to define console type vty0.D The system is waiting for user input to define console type vsa0.

考题 单选题You want to access employee details contained in flat files as part of the EMPLOYEE table. You planto add a new column to the EMPLOYEE table to achieve this.  Which data type would you use for the new column()A CLOBB BLOBC BFILED LONG RAW

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考题 单选题W are sure that you will find a ready sale ____ this type of new product.A toB forC onD in

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