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Cleaning holds are to clean hold from ().

  • A、fore to aft
  • B、aft to fore
  • C、left to right
  • D、right to left


更多 “Cleaning holds are to clean hold from ().A、fore to aftB、aft to foreC、left to rightD、right to left” 相关考题
考题 Please don’t forget ________ the room while I am away in Beijing.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning

考题 His uncle’s work is ________ the building. (A) clean(B) cleans(C) to clean(D) cleaning

考题 Please arrange for ________ to clean the holds before my vessel takes cerealA.cargo surveyorsB.stevedore gangsC.duty sailorsD.cleaning gangs

考题 Please arrange ______ a cleaning gang to sweep out all the ship’s cargo holds to enable her to receive cargo at this port.A.toB.withC.byD.For

考题 Are holds clean?

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考题 The term Away From in the preparation of stowage plan for dangerous cargoes means that ________ .A.the cargoes shall be stowed in such positions that their vertical distances be greater than 3 metersB.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartmentsC.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete compartmentD.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete hold

考题 Cargo contaminated due to failure to provide clean holds prior to loading is an example of ________ .A.Lack of due diligenceB.Restraint of princesC.Inherent viceD.Latent defect

考题 The term Longitudinally Separated From by a Complete Hold in the preparation of stowage plan for dangerous cargoes means that ________ .A.the cargoes shall be stowed in such positions that their vertical distances be greater than 3 metersB.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartmentsC.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete compartmentD.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete hold

考题 Which can be prevented only by segregating two lots of cargo into separate holds?A.Contamination of dry cargo by a wet cargoB.Contamination of a clean cargo by a dirty cargoC.Contamination of a food cargo by an odorous cargoD.Overcarriage,overstowage,and short landing

考题 ______ refers to the stowage of cargo in a block of two or more adjoining cargo holds with the cargo holds adjacent to the block of loaded cargo holds empty.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Homogeneous hold loading condition

考题 LFG tank and pipeline maintenance should include ______.A.Exclusion of all sand and solid matterB.Cleaning with clean fresh or sea waterC.Examination for fractures and pittingD.All of the above

考题 All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept ______ commencement of loading.A.Cleanly/duringB.Clear/meanwhileC.Clean/betweenD.Clean/prior to

考题 When cleaning a tank by the Butterworth process,you should begin to pump out the slops ______.A.At the end of the drop scheduleB.When the process is startedC.When the process is finishedD.When the tank is clean

考题 The work of Cleaning holds is finished.()A、清舱工作结束。B、清舱工作开始。C、装货工作开始。D、卸货工作结束。

考题 ()fore and aft decks and prepare for sea.A、Clean ofB、Clean upC、Clean forD、Cleaning for

考题 单选题Please()a cleaning gang to sweep out the hold.A arrange forB to arrangeC arrange to

考题 单选题Please arrange()a cleaning gang to sweep out all the ship’s cargo holds to enable her to receive cargo at this port.A toB withC byD for

考题 单选题The writer was surprised that _____.A the woman was sitting by her windowB the woman’s window was still terribleC the woman did cleaning in the afternoonD the woman’s window was clean

考题 单选题Cargo contaminated due to failure to provide clean holds prior to loading is an example of().A lack of due diligenceB restraint of princesC inherent viceD latent defect

考题 单选题Cleaning holds are to clean hold from ().A fore to aftB aft to foreC left to rightD right to left

考题 单选题After leaving the port, we used ()to clean the empty holds and decks.A fresh waterB sea waterC both A and BD ballast water

考题 单选题() is arranged for cleaning the lubricating oil in the system and clean oil can be provided from a storage tank.A A filterB A centrifugeC A distillerD A generator

考题 单选题Which can be prevented only by segregating two lots of cargo into separate holds? ()A Contamination of dry cargo by a wet cargoB Contamination of a clean cargo by a dirty cargoC Contamination of a food cargo by an odorous cargoD Overcarriage,overstowage,and short landing

考题 单选题Vessel on her delivery shall be ready to receive cargo with clean-swept holds and()and in every way fitted for ordinary cargo service.A right,correct and safeB sufficient,efficient and coefficientC nice,tidy and in good working conditionD tight,staunch and strong

考题 单选题To clean a dirty fiber towing hawser used in ocean towing,you should().A use lye or other mild detergentB wash it with fresh water,dry and store itC wash it with salt waterD use cleaning fluid on nylon,dacron and other synthetic lines

考题 单选题When the dew point of the outside air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the air in the cargo hold,you should().A secure all ventilationB shut down the exhaust blowersC shut down the intake blowersD ventilate the cargo holds

考题 单选题The work of Cleaning holds is finished.()A 清舱工作结束。B 清舱工作开始。C 装货工作开始。D 卸货工作结束。