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The crankcase of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum by the ().

scavenging action of the piston


piston type vacuum pump taking suction off a differential manometer


gland exhausting manometer


crankcase exhaust fan


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更多 “单选题The crankcase of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum by the ().A scavenging action of the pistonB piston type vacuum pump taking suction off a differential manometerC gland exhausting manometerD crankcase exhaust fan” 相关考题
考题 An efficient seal between the cylinder block and cylinder heads on many diesel engines is obtained with________.A.graphite packingB.sealing compoundC.lubricating oilD.gaskets

考题 Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel engines result from ____.A.the splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftB.the dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionC.broken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseD.the ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

考题 All diesel engines are classified as ______.A.Four cycleB.Compression ignitionC.Vacuum ignitionD.External combustion

考题 单选题Water accumulating in the crankcase of a diesel engine could indicate()A a cracked cylinder linerB excessive water in the fuelC a leaking intercoolerD excessive moisture in the scavenge air

考题 单选题Generally,you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has().A HeadwayB SternwayC No way on,with engines stoppedD No way on,with engines full ahead

考题 单选题Gear-type flexible couplings are often used in diesel engine drive trains because they()A require no lubrication under normal operating conditionsB compensate for gross misalignment in the drive trainC are able to transmit high torque ,even where slight misalignment existsD will rapidly disconnect the engine from the line shaft

考题 单选题If a crankcase explosion has occurred in a diesel engine, and the crankcase remains intact, which of following precautions should be observed?()A The cylinder indicator cocks should be openedB The sump lube oil scavenge pump should be secured immediatelyC The explosion relief valves should be manually openedD The crankcase should remain unopened until the engine has cooled

考题 单选题Scuffed cylinder liner wearing surfaces in a diesel engines can result from ()A chromium plating piston ringsB knurling the piston skirtC extended maximum power operationD applying load to a cold diesel engine

考题 单选题Regarding a Diesel engine crankcase, the general arrangement and installation should preclude the possibility of ()A free entry of air to the crankcaseB water entering the crankcase while engine wash-downs are being performedC excessive oil leakage during periods of increased blow-byD sub-cooling internal components

考题 单选题What function is provided by the crankcase ventilation system on some diesel engines?()A Increases the sludge forming tendency of lube oilB Prevents the accumulation of combustible gasesC Improves lube oil coolingD Improves cold weather starting

考题 单选题Diesel engines are considered safer than gasoline engines because().A they are more heavily builtB the fuel used is less volatileC they can be easily reversedD they operate at a lower speed

考题 单选题(), so they are widely used on board ship nowadays.A Diesel engines have more advantages in comparison with gasoline enginesB Diesel engines have more advantages in comparison to gasoline enginesC Gasoline engines have more advantages in comparison with diesel enginesD Gasoline engines have more advantages in comparison to diesel engines

考题 单选题Diesel engine ‘blow-by’ into the crankcase is caused by excessive ring()A back clearanceB side clearanceC gap clearanceD taper clearance

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, blow-by()A increase exhaust back pressureB causes excessive crankcase pressureC can only be detected by a compression checkD decreases fuel consumption

考题 单选题The cetane number rates fuels for diesel engines according to its ()A antiknock characteristicsB ignition qualitiesC rates of vaporizationD viscosity

考题 单选题The crankcase of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum by the ().A scavenging action of the pistonB piston type vacuum pump taking suction off a differential manometerC gland exhausting manometerD crankcase exhaust fan

考题 单选题The crankcases of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum to ()A improve fuel economyB increase the air charge velocityC reduce the risk of explosionD all of the above

考题 单选题Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel result from()A the splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftB the dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionC broken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseD the ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

考题 单选题If a crankcase explosion occurs in a diesel engine, you should stop the engine and()A immediately open all crankcase relief portsB increase crankcase exhauster speed to draw cool air into the engineC allow the engine to cool naturallyD increase crank case scavenge air to remove unburned gases

考题 单选题Some diesel engines are supercharged with a ()A slam chargerB turbochargerC fuel atomizerD fuel injector

考题 单选题A diesel engine crankcase ventilation system ()A prevents spark generationB removes combustible gasesC determines the level of combustible gasesD provides inert gas generation in crankcase

考题 单选题An efficient seal between the cylinder block and cylinder heads on many diesel engines is obtained with()A graphite packingB sealing compoundC lubricating oilD gaskets

考题 单选题A diesel engines crankcase oil level is found to be too high√ You should suspect that ().A the engine was over filledB there might be a fuel leakC there might be a water leakD all of the above

考题 单选题How dose water enter the crankcase of a diesel engine?()A Through the crankcase exhausterB As water vapor contained in blow-byC Demulsifying lube oil passing through the main bearingsD Condensation from vapor formed in the expansion tank

考题 单选题All diesel engines are classified as().A four cycleB compression ignitionC vacuum ignitionD external combustion

考题 单选题The main operating characteristic of diesel engines which distinguishes them from other internal combustion engines is the ()A method of supplying airB cooling systemC method of igniting fuelD valve operating mechanism

考题 单选题If a crankcase explosion occurs in a diesel engine, which of the listed actions should be taken?()A Open the crankcase immediately to check for damageB Apply fire fighting water through the crankcase breatherC Allow the engine to cool before opening the crankcaseD Assume that there is no damage to the crankshaft

考题 单选题The responsibilities of the engineer officer in charge of the watch do not include ()A to ensure the main propulsion plant are kept under constant surveillanceB to ensure the auxiliary systems are kept under constant surveillanceC to inspect the steering gear spaces at suitable intervalsD to inspect and overhaul the equipments in his charge