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The brain’s neurological specialization for language is called linguistic I (), which is specific to human beings.


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更多 “填空题The brain’s neurological specialization for language is called linguistic I (), which is specific to human beings.” 相关考题
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考题 单选题Your computer runs Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic edition.  When you attempt to upgrade your computer to Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate edition by booting from the DVD-ROM, you receive the following warning message: "The partition you selected might contain files from a previous Microsoft Windows installation. If it does, these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Microsoft Windows.old. You will be able to access the information in Microsoft Windows.old, but you will not be able to use your previous version of Microsoft Windows." You need to complete the upgrade.  What should you do? ()A Boot into safe mode. Launch the setup.exe application from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM.B Boot from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM and click the command prompt option. Use the diskpart utility to create a new primary partition for the Windows Vista Ultimate edition installation.C Log on to the Windows Vista Home Basic edition installation. Launch the setup.exe application from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM, and then click the Custom (Advanced) option.D Log on to the Windows Vista Home Basic edition installation. Launch the setup.exe application from the Windows Vista Ultimate edition DVD-ROM, and then click the Upgrade option.

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考题 单选题小学语文形成性评价的操作要领中,评价标准要()。A 简明易行B 关注个体差异C 多元互动D 侧重改进与激励

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考题 单选题下列哪项对要约生效的表述正确()。A 自要约到达受要约人时生效B 自要约人发出要约时生效C 自承诺到达要约人时生效D 自受要约人发出承诺时生效

考题 多选题以下不属于人力资源规划工作主要内容的是().A基建规划B部门规划C晋升规划D调配规划E工资规划

考题 判断题通过观察单位按属性或类别分组,然后清点各自的观察单位个数所得的资料,称为等级资料。A 对B 错

考题 单选题关于井距的确定,下面错误的说法是()。A 井距主要取决于井的出水量B 井距过大时,单井负担的灌溉面积过大,作物得不到灌溉保证C 井距与所能灌溉的面积无关D 井距过小时,抽水时会产生机井间的强烈干扰

考题 单选题()是组成社会的基本单元,也是社会消防管理的基本单元。A 单位B 政府C 部门D 个人

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考题 单选题会计科目和账户之间的联系是()。A 互不相关B 内容相同C 结构相同D 格式相同

考题 单选题An online retailer is considering deploying a database application on xSeries and Windows to serve their Web-based transactions. The database will need about 4TB of usable storage.  Downtime costs the customer tens of thousands of dollars per minute, so system availability will be of highest priority.  The customer needs to acquire the system within a certain budget but will pay for things that provide higher system availability.   Which of the following will be the most appropriate solution?()A A dual pathed switched DS4000 Solution with Clustering, Remote replication, Redundant NICs, and Fibre attached backupB A single path Direct attach DS4000 solution implemented with Clustering and SAN Based Backup combined with IBM Director for PFA managementC A dual pathed Direct Attach fibre solution, along with dual NICs and memory mirroringD An iSCSI solution with dual NIC’s with the Flashcopy option enabled on the DS300

考题 单选题多尿伴多饮.多食.体重减轻,首先应考虑()。A 泌尿系结石B 原发性醛固酮增多症C 尿崩症D 糖尿病E 膀胱癌

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考题 单选题正式宣布将实行住宅商品化的政策是在()年。A 1978B 1979C 1980D 1982

考题 单选题工程基坑开挖采用井点回灌技术的主要目的是()。A 避免坑底土体回弹B 避免坑底出现管涌C 减少排水设施,降低施工成本D 防止降水井点对井点周围建(构)筑物、地下管线的影响