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更多 “单选题_____A forB offC toD in” 相关考题
考题 Neither their parents nor their friends have approved () their marriage yet. A.forB.ofC.toD.with

考题 I am thankful none of us children ever ________ our parents _______the poor livingconditions. A. blamed… forB. blamed…onC. blamed… toD. blamed…at .

考题 45_______A. left forB. went offC. came toD. drove toward

考题 7. The twin sisters usually leave __________home __________ school very early.A.to,forB.for,toC.from,toD./,for

考题 12.A.ofB.offC.awayD.far

考题 17.A.forB.onC.inD.at

考题 20.A. onB. offC. upD. around

考题 Pass the knife ___your father. A.forB.intoC.toD.from

考题 What _________ his serious illness? A.contributes forB.contributed atC.contributed toD.contribute to

考题 This photo reminds me _________ my best friend. A.forB.offC.ofD.to

考题 The children have _________ their teachers. A.a great respect forB.great respect forC.great respect toD.a great respect to

考题 The soldiers are ____. A、leaving awayB、left offC、on leaveD、leaving behind

考题 Much () our regret, we cannot ship the goods within the time limit of the L/C owing to the unforeseen difficulties on the part of mill.A、forB、onC、toD、at

考题 A few years ago all of them were classed ____ plants.A: forB: asC: toD: into

考题 We need more food to protect us ________ the famine.A. outB. offC. toD. against

考题 The goods are excellent()quality. A、forB、withC、toD、in

考题 He is internationally known _____ a score of books.A、forB、asC、toD、with

考题 A) forB) toC) according toD) with

考题 3. _______the Great Green Wall,the land produces more crops.A.Thanks forB.Thanks toC. Thank toD. Thank for

考题 14.A.forB.inC.at "D.with

考题 Please collect all the shore-passes and hand them back ______ me.A.forB.withC.toD.of

考题 The damage was caused ______ the stevedores.A.forB.byC.atD.in

考题 Because most,if not all,of the evidence ______ the carrier,the burden of proof soon shifts to the carrier,once the claimant has made initial proof of improper care.A.are available forB.is available toC.are available toD.is available for

考题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。A.for B.with C.to D.from

考题 Contrary ( ) the popular opinion, higher taxes end up benefiting the citizens more than lower ones.A.for B.in C.to D.with

考题 As there was a power failure in the hospital, the doctor had to ()operation.A、call forB、call offC、call onD、cal lout

考题 The bosun is satisfied ()your work.A、forB、withC、toD、at

考题 以下哪个不是增压控制电门的位置?A、TESTB、OFFC、ON