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从文章的第五段“I have al-ready spent more than $ 300 on repairs”可知,答案为$300。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 问答题Practice 4  I am writing to confirm our telephone conversation of Thursday, the 7th, about our visit to your company. Next Monday, December 11, will be fine for us and we hope that it will suit you, too. My secretary, Miss Mary Brown, and Sales Manager, Mr. Zhang Ming, will be coming in the morning. It’s unfortunate that l will not be able to go with them.  Thanks again for giving us this opportunity to visit with you.

考题 单选题_____A It’s important.B Thank you.C Yes, I will.D No, it isn’t.

考题 单选题_____A They are free.B They are charged.C They are expensive:D They are cheap.

考题 单选题You can’t get a driver’s license _____ you are at least sixteen years old.A ifB unlessC whenD though

考题 单选题The best title for this passage is _____.A Traveling in SpaceB Sleeping in the Spacecraft.C Equipment Used by Astronauts.D The Earth Seen from Outer Space.

考题 填空题How much will you pay for your second child if you take two children along?____

考题 单选题Congratulations on purchasing from our company the C800 Coffee Maker, which is suitable for home use.A 我公司隆重推出公司C800型咖啡壶,此款咖啡壶适合居家使用。B 您从我公司购买了最新款的C800型家用咖啡壶,值得祝贺。C 恭喜您购买了我公司最新产品C800家用型咖啡壶,特此致谢。

考题 填空题(____)房屋出租;(____)单行道

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题(____)网络;(____)信息储存

考题 问答题Practice 2  We are writing this letter to tell you that up to now no news has come from you about the goods we ordered on May 25th. As you have been informed in our letters, our customers are in urgent need of those machine. They are asking repeatedly for an early delivery(交货). We hope that you will try your best to arrange all this without further delay.

考题 单选题After your tour request has been confirmed, _____.A it is still possible that your tour may be cancelledB you are still allowed to change your visiting dateC you can surely visit the White House that dayD it is necessary for you to start your tour immediately

考题 问答题Practice 4  The regulations make it safer for you to use your credit card for shopping on the Internet or over the phone. If someone else makes dishonest use of your credit card, you can cancel the payment and the card issuer(发卡机构) must refund the money to your account. The card issuer will want you to tell them as soon as possible if your card has been lost or stolen or if you find out that someone has used your card details dishonestly.

考题 单选题The customers will be informed if _____.A the product can’t be delivered on timeB the product is out-of-date and unsatisfactoryC the company doesn’t accept the returned productD the company can’t send a new catalogue on time

考题 单选题_____ some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.A SinceB WhileC BecauseD If

考题 单选题While new technologies are changing certain aspects of the secretary’s work all over the world, it is not altering it fundamentally.A 当新的科技使得世界各地的秘书工作发生某些变化的时候,该项工作的基本内容并没有改变。B 虽然新的科技改变了世界各地的秘书工作的某些方面,但其基本的工作并没有因此而改变。C 在世界各地,尽管新科技正在改变秘书工作的某些方面,它却未能在根本上使其改变。

考题 单选题As your complaint does not agree with the result of our test, please conduct another examination to show if there is any ground for your claim.A 因你方投诉与我方检验结果不符,请再次检验,以证实你方索赔是否有根据。B 因你方的试验结果与我方的结果不同,请重新核查你方索赔的理由是否能成立。C 由于你方不同意我方的检验结果,如果能出示任何结果,请你们重新提出要求。

考题 单选题We are confident that we will get rid of those difficulties since the government has agreed to give us some help.A 由于政府已经同意给予我们一些帮助,我们有信心克服那些困难。B 政府同意给我们一些帮助,因此我们要下定决心直面困境。C 我们有信心克服困难,争取政府同意给我们一些资助。

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题Karl probably (see) ____ “Star Wars” several times for he knows every detail of the film.

考题 单选题The responsibility of the police force of Public Transit is to _____.A enhance public securityB build a free transit systemC control the number of ridersD ensure a convenient transit system

考题 单选题From this passage, we can learn that _____.A you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travelB you can order an ebook using the Ebook ReaderC the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to youD it takes a lot of trouble reading an ebook

考题 单选题Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, _____ you want to call me and discuss things.A in caseB unlessC untilD so that

考题 填空题When will the installation be completed according to the letter?By ____.

考题 单选题Most of the issues concerning personnel management have been solved satisfactorily; only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.A 多数有关人员管理的问题顺利地解决了, 仅剩下几个问题还需要进行第二次讨论。B 大多数有关人事管理问题已经得到圆满解决,只剩下几个次要的问题还有待于讨论。C 很多有关人员配备问题基本上都得到了答复,只有第二个重要问题还未经过讨论。

考题 填空题(____)电话簿;(____)话机设置

考题 单选题_____A Booking a theatre ticket.B Reserving a room.C Booking an air ticket.D Reserving a seat.

考题 单选题You can’t drink alcohol _____ you are at least eighteen years old in some states of the US.A ifB unlessC thoughD when