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All hands, assemble for ()(点名) .









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更多 “单选题All hands, assemble for ()(点名) .A name-callB nameC namecallD roll-call” 相关考题
考题 单选题Keep away from the ropes.()A 离绳远一点儿。B 挽牢缆绳。C 离缆绳近一点儿。D 单绑缆绳。

考题 单选题primer()A 底漆B 稀释剂C 涂料D 面漆

考题 单选题manila rope ()A 纤维绳B 白棕绳C 草绳D 钢丝绳

考题 单选题Before ()the harbour, all derricks must be secured properly.A leaveB leavedC to leaveD leaving

考题 单选题湿货要远离干货。()A Wet cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.B Heavy cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.C Light cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.D Wet cargo must be kept away from light cargo.

考题 单选题head line()A 头缆B 引缆C 后缆D 横缆

考题 单选题Look here, the paint is ()(脱落).A running downB sitting downC looking downD putting down

考题 单选题热传导的含义是()A 以射线的方式来传播热量B 依靠热微粒的流动或流体对流的形式来传播热能C 热量从物体端传到另一端的现象D 以电磁波的形式向周围传播热能,而不受介质的影响

考题 单选题In() ships, the cargo space is divided into tanks.A containerB dry cargoC bulkD liquid cargo

考题 单选题驾驶员()A captainB chief officerC chief engineerD deck officer

考题 单选题bulkhead()A 舱壁B 舷墙C 吃水D 舷梯

考题 单选题---Slow ahead! ---Slow ahead! ()!A Engine ahead slow!B Engine slow ahead!C Ahead engine slow!D Yes, sir

考题 单选题---Slow ahead both engines! ---Slow ahead both engines! ()!A Both engines slow aheadB Engine slow ahead portC Engine slow ahead starboardD Engine both ahead

考题 单选题waterline()A 甲板线B 水线C 吃水D 干线

考题 单选题Please swing the derricks to ().A bridgeB shore sideC deckD engine room

考题 单选题Water can put out common fires, such as ().A wood,paperB textileC A+BD oil

考题 单选题When facing the bow on a ship, the left side is called the().A left sideB starboard sideC port sideD port bow

考题 单选题你想把引航员梯装在哪一舷?()A On which side must I rig the pilot ladder?B On which side do you want the ladder rigged?C On what side must I rig the pilot ladder?D On which side do you want the gangway rigged?

考题 单选题Oil is carried in ().A tanksB tankersC chemical carriersD holds

考题 单选题货舱()A hullB hallC hatchwayD hold

考题 单选题Sailors must keep lookout in poor visibility.()A 水手必须在能见度很好时,进行了望。B 驾驶员必须在能见度不良时,进行了望。C 水手必须在能见度不良时,进行了望。D 驾驶员必须在能见度很好时,进行了望。

考题 单选题Adjusting the mooring lines in time.()A 迅速地调整缆绳。B 慢慢地调整缆绳。C 按时调整缆绳。D 及时调整缆绳。

考题 单选题Can you tell me ()the galley is?A whatB howC where

考题 单选题Containers are loaded and discharged by ()(龙门吊).A ship’s derricksB fork trucksC gantry cranesD shore cranes

考题 单选题As a duty sailor, you ()maintain a safety patrol.A mustB shouldC canD need

考题 单选题Steer()(北)!A southB northC eastD west

考题 单选题The hull and the superstructure are two main parts of the ship. They are a ship’s coat. ()A 船体在上层建筑里,他们是船舶的外衣。B 船体和上层建筑是船舶的两个主要部分。它们是船舶的外衣。C 船体和上层建筑都很重要,它们是船舶的主体。D 船体和上层建筑是船舶的两个主要部分。它们是船舶的主体。

考题 单选题pump()A 泵B 舱C 压缩机D 轴