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更多 “单选题极限静倾角是()的指标。A 动稳性B 初稳性C 大倾角静稳性D 纵稳性” 相关考题
考题 单选题对电动起锚机变速操作时,每档的换档间隔时间应不少于()。A 5~10秒B 3~5秒C 15~20秒D 1~5秒

考题 单选题A fire is considered "under control" when ().A all hands are at their fire stationsB all fire-fighting equipment is at the sceneC the fixed systems are activatedD the fire is contained and no longer spreading

考题 单选题请问采用方位避险,如所选避险物标和危险物同在航线右侧,且避险物标位于危险物前方,避险方位为060°,陀罗差2°W,则在下列哪种情况下表明船舶不存在航行危险()A 实测陀罗方位060°B 实测陀罗方位058°C 实测真方位062°D 以上都不存在危险

考题 单选题In the design of hydraulic piping and equipment consideration is given to minimize turbulence in the hydraulic fluid, as this will cause()A molecular fluid vibrationB energy lossesC wide pressure variationsD mechanical damage to control valves

考题 单选题要求压载水系统在()小时内将最大的压载舱注满或排空A 2-2.5B 1-2C 3-3.5D 4-5

考题 单选题CCAI数值大,芳香烃增多,燃烧性能越差,下列()与其有关。 a.影响燃油燃烧的滞燃期和效率; b.影响最高压力升高比; c.加剧高温腐蚀的速度; d.影响燃烧部件温度; e.影响废气排放物、燃烧沉淀物。A a~eB a+b+dC a+c+eD 除c其他都是

考题 单选题辐射雾在一天中最浓的时间在()。A 日出前B 中午C 日落前后D 夜间

考题 单选题Tell the stevedores not to touch the goods()the upper tweendeck of hatch No.2.A onB inC atD into

考题 单选题进程比用J=vj/Dns表示,在给定的船舶中,进程比J仅随()变化。A vj/ns比值B 推力C 扭矩D 功率

考题 单选题发现锅炉“满水”时应()。A 立即停炉B 立即上排污C 停止送汽D B+C

考题 单选题The purpose of the purge valve at the top of the condenser in a refrigerating system is to()A remove any air that may accumulate in the systemB take out unpleasant fumes from the refrigerantC vent off excess refrigerant in an emergencyD permit opening the refrigerating system for cleaning and inspecting

考题 单选题当船舶发生搁浅时,应立即()。A 向深水一侧转向B 立即原路倒出C 顺倒车交叉扭动船体脱浅D 以上做法都不妥

考题 单选题If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?()A Pump only if the discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeB Pump only during the hours of darknessC Pump only on the outgoing tideD Pump only as much as is necessary

考题 单选题The pressure difference of the gauge on the oily water separator increases greatly, the reason is()A the filter is cloggedB bilge suction value is cloggedC suction value and discharge value of the pump do not open fullyD screw pump is worn seriously and volumetric efficiency is decreased

考题 单选题对船舶动力装置组成理解正确的是()。A 保证船舶航向、停泊及装卸的是辅助系统B 用以处理船上油污及垃圾的设备为辅助装置C 凡是能产生能量的装置称为船舶动力装置D 使船舶克服阻力以某一航速航行的是主动力装置

考题 单选题柴油机在标定工况下工作各缸的参数应符合下列规范要求()。A 爆炸压力±4%,排气温度±5%,指示功率±2.5%,压缩压力±2.5%B 压缩压力±2.5%,爆炸压力±2.5%,指示功率±4%,排气温度±5%C 压缩压力±2.5%,爆炸压力±2.5%,指示功率±5%,排气温度±4%D 爆炸压力±5%,排气温度±4%,指示功率±2.5%,压缩压力±2.5%

考题 单选题已知某轮的方形系数为0.57,中横剖面系数为0.95,则其棱形系数为()A 0.60B 0.78C 0.73D 1.67

考题 单选题我国近的海雾呈带状分布,其特点是()A 南早北晚,南多北少B 南晚北早,南多北少C 南晚北早,南少北多D 南早北晚,南少北多

考题 单选题尾柱的作用是:() ①、连接尾端底部结构;②、连接两舷侧外板和龙骨;③、增强船尾的结构强度A ②、③B ①、②C ①、②、③D ①、③

考题 单选题要在雷达荧光屏上显示全搜救雷达应答器的12个脉冲信号,量程至少应为()。A 6海里B 12海里C 24海里D 36海里

考题 单选题只能除去零件表面油污的清洗方法是()A 化学清洗B 机械清洗C 常规清洗D 冲洗

考题 单选题轮机值班人员发现机舱漏水,应以最迅速的方式报告()A 船长B 轮机长C 驾驶员D 政委

考题 填空题一般件杂货水路运输,按集装箱运输的地域分为()和集装箱内河运输。

考题 单选题新型二冲程低速柴油机的凸轮轴链条传动机构的张紧轮一般安装在()。A 正车松边一侧B 正车紧边一侧C 倒车松边一侧D 任意侧

考题 单选题The bearings used to support the crankshaft are generally called ()A line shaft bearingsB connecting rod beatingsC main bearingsD support bearings

考题 单选题A () pump is that where the volume of the pump chamber is alternately increased to draw the liquid in and then decreased to force the liquid out.A injectorB positive displacementC centrifugalD centripetal

考题 单选题锅炉的效率是指同一时间内()。A 工质得到的有效热量/消耗燃料的发热量B 蒸发锅水的汽化潜热/烟气传给受热面的热量C 工质得到的有效热量/烟气传给受热面热量D 蒸发锅水的汽化潜热/消耗燃料的发热量

考题 单选题如要定速航行,驾驶台应向机舱重复一次“()”车令。A 前进一B 前进二C 前进三D 停车位置