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What is the primary objective of the plan phase()

Assess the existing environments to determine if it can support the proposed system.


Identify the activities for installing and configuring the equipment at the customer sites.


Gather high-level solution requirements, and understand the customer business needs an the opportunity.


Prepare the activities for day-to-day support, management, and monitoring of the newly implemented system.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题What is the primary objective of the plan phase()A Assess the existing environments to determine if it can support the proposed system.B Identify the activities for installing and configuring the equipment at the customer sites.C Gather high-level solution requirements, and understand the customer business needs an the opportunity.D Prepare the activities for day-to-day support, management, and monitoring of the newly implemented system.” 相关考题
考题 单选题动脉导管未闭(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题患儿,男,7岁。8月份外出旅游时发病。表现高热、惊厥3次急诊入院。体温39.5℃,面色苍白,四肢厥冷,意识模糊。本病确诊的最直接证据是()A 黏液脓血便B 发病季节、不洁饮食及接触史C 血常规:白细胞升高D 大便培养出痢疾杆菌E 大便镜检:大量脓白细胞

考题 单选题患儿,3岁。因腹痛就诊。家长诉该患儿平时腹痛反复发作,痛后活动如常,夜间睡觉常易惊、磨牙。体检:体温正常,腹部无明显阳性体征,血常规除嗜酸性粒细胞增高,余正常。拟采取的护理措施是()A 腹部按揉或热敷B 多喝水C 禁食、胃肠减压D 补充含钙丰富食物E 按医嘱输注抗生素

考题 单选题高危新生儿不包括()A 母亲患有先兆子痫的新生儿B 分娩过程使用止痛药物的新生儿C 胎龄为42周的新生儿D 脐带绕颈的新生儿E 母亲吸烟的新生儿

考题 单选题1岁男婴,腹泻伴中度脱水、酸中毒,经补液及纠正酸中毒治疗后出现腹胀,心音低钝,四肢腱反射减弱,最大可能属于(  )。A 低钙血症B 高钠血症C 低钾血症D 低钠血症E 低血糖症

考题 单选题下列哪项不属于猩红热临床特点?(  )A 畏寒、高热B 咽峡炎C 口腔白色粘膜斑D 弥漫性鲜红色皮疹E 褪疹后片状脱皮

考题 单选题蛔虫最常见并发症是()A 贫血B 肠梗阻C 肠穿孔D 胆道蛔虫症E 蛔虫性阑尾炎

考题 单选题Which command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a router interface?()A ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C ipv6 autoconfigD ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64

考题 单选题The Training and Events section of Cisco.com contains information about additional Cisco educational resources that enable you to further your professional opportunities. Which program is found in Training and Events? ()A  Software Application Support plus UpgradesB  Cisco Partner Consultative SupportC  Partner E-Learning ConnectionD  Cisco Partner Specializations Program

考题 单选题患儿男,1岁半。发热,咳嗽4天,曾用青霉素肌注治疗无效。昨天起拒食,呕吐,尿量减少。入院查体:体温39.8℃,脉率180次/分,呼吸65次/分,精神萎靡,烦躁不安,口唇发绀,鼻翼扇动,三凹征(+),两肺散在中小水泡音,肝脏右肋下3cm。血白细胞2.5×109/L,中性粒细胞90%。 对该患儿的具体护理措施,不妥的是()A 密切观察患儿体温B 保持呼吸道通畅,给氧C 保持室内适当的温度和湿度D 半卧位保持安静,尽量减少刺激E 经常帮助患儿翻身,拍背,进行体位引流

考题 单选题患儿女,7岁。低热、轻咳3周。查体:体温38.5℃,营养差,左背下部听诊呼吸音减低,接种过卡介苗,PPD试验(+++)。其弟弟3岁,无症状,但PPD试验(+++),胸片正常,宜采取的措施是()A 口服异烟肼6个月B 注射丁胺卡那2周C 口服利福平6个月D 口服利福平+异烟肼6个月E 口服利福平+异烟肼4个月

考题 单选题结核性脑膜炎早期表现是(  )。A 感觉过敏B 性情改变,低热,消瘦,便秘C 剧烈头痛,脑膜刺激征阳性D 手足徐动,前囟膨隆E 喷射性呕吐,视盘水肿

考题 单选题对该患者处理中,不正确的是(  )。A 可用退热止痛剂B 卧床休息C 用大剂量肾上腺皮质激素D 瘫痪肢体置于功能位置E 注意水、电解质平衡

考题 单选题补液总量应于几小时补足?(  )A 6~8小时B 8~12小时C 10~14小时D 12~16小时E 14~18小时

考题 单选题1岁女婴,患肺炎伴腹泻2周,进食少,近3天嗜睡、乏力、头竖不直。查体:体重7kg,表情淡漠,唇裂,面色灰白,呼吸不规则,约30次/分,双肺呼吸音粗,可闻及干湿啰音。心率92次/分,律齐,心音低钝,腹胀,肠鸣音减弱,皮肤弹性减退,皮下脂肪厚0.4cm,膝反射未引出。出院时交代家长的最重要医嘱是()A 科学育儿,合理喂养B 口服多种维生素C 定期肌注苯丙酸诺龙D 预防各类传染病E 矫正唇裂畸形

考题 单选题What is the purpose of typing o/r 0x2142 during a password recover procedure on a 2500 series router?()A To restart the router.B To bypass the configuration in NVRAM.C To view the lost password.D To save the changes to the configuration.E To enter ROM Monitor mode.

考题 单选题A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS is that change stored? ()A NVRAMB RAMC FLASHD ROME PCMCIA

考题 单选题Which statement describes a spanning-tree network that has converged?()A All switch and bridge ports are in the forwarding state.B All switch and bridge ports are assigned as either root or designated ports.C All switch and bridge ports are in either the forwarding or blocking state.D All switch and bridge ports are either blocking or looping.

考题 多选题What are two characteristics of the OSPF process identifier?()AIt is needed to identify a unique instance of an OSPF database.BIt is an optional parameter only necessary if multiple OSPF processes are used.CIt is locally significant.DIt is globally insignificantEAll routers in the same OSPF area must have the same process ID to exchange routing information.

考题 多选题A network administrator issues the ping command and successfully tests connectivity to a host that has been newly connected to the network. Which protocols were used during the test?()AARPBCDPCDHCPDDNSEICMP

考题 多选题Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a WAN?()AA CSU/DSU terminates a digital local loopBA modem terminates a digital local loopCA CSU/DSU terminates an analog local loopDA modem terminates an analog local loopEA router is commonly considered a DTE deviceFA router is commonly considered a DCE device

考题 单选题在OSI模型的哪层运用RSTP用来防止循环?()A 数据链路B 网络C 物理D 传输

考题 单选题佝偻病后遗症期表现为(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题How does using the service password encryption command on a router provide additional security?()A by encrypting all passwords passing through the routerB by encrypting passwords in the plain text configuration fileC by requiring entry of encrypted passwords for access to the deviceD by configuring an MD5 encrypted key to be used by routing protocols to validate routing exchangesE by automatically suggesting encrypted passwords for use in configuring the router

考题 单选题关于水痘,下列说法正确的是()A 病原体为水痘-带状疱疹病毒B 病原体为RNA病毒C 儿童再次感染时引起水痘D 恢复后可获得短期免疫E 大部分水痘患者成年后,病毒被激活导致带状疱疹

考题 单选题If you have Cisco integrated services router and need to upgrade the Cisco IOS image,which kind of Cisco Support services do you need?()A Cisco SMARTNet onsiteB Cisco TACC Advanced Hardware ReplacementD Software Support

考题 单选题一周后在注射胰岛素后出现饥饿感、心悸、手抖、脉速、多汗,应首先考虑(  )。A 低血糖B 酮症酸中毒C 低血钙D 心律紊乱E 低血钾

考题 多选题Which two statements apply to dynamic access lists?()Athey offer simpler management in large internetworks.Byou can control logging messages.Cthey allow packets to be filtered based on upper-layer session information.Dyou can set a time-based security policy.Ethey provide a level of security against spoofing.Fthey are used to authenticate individual users.